The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 10 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
Posts: Total: 9303 / Live: 4055 / Archived: 5248
From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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19 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]


Its hard to argue with you on this one. But still, what you say is, among else, exact thinking of Anglo about Poland and Poles. When you give, you give for your own calculations. What you don`t say openly is that you assimilate Poles, step by step. See, you using your opportunity because Poles are, as I said, as most Slavs, in agony. Now. So you invest to secure that development in future, too.
18 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

After all, why Poles wouldn`t say big YES to European Union. Most Poles don`t feel Polish state, don`t feel strength of it, don`t have confidence in it. But, its not only Polish problem. Most Slavs live like this. Practically, in agony.
12 Aug 2017
News / Mister President Andrzej Duda - Best Poland could get. [70]

No, Duda isn`t best what Poland could get. Far from it. Duda`s foreign policy is catastrophic for Poland.

My Polish sisters and brothers. I believed in Duda. I see I was naive. We Serbians are generally suicidally naive. Duda is moron.

Just for the record. I apologize to Polish president Duda. Please go on, Ser, you shows significant progress.
10 Aug 2017
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

But why not send troops after all? Poland as battlefield could be perfect. Look what business opportunity presented was little Syria. Poland could be even batter chance. Bigger territory, bigger conventional battles, more diverse equipment, transportation, tanks, magnificent air battles, about 40 million peoples for experiments- civilians for collateral damage, millions of Polish refugees and soldiers for cannon fodders. Then, in case that things goes out of control, many big mushrooms. And all that out there, happening to somebody else.

Truly, why not send troops

Oh, how could Britain, France and Germany cry for Poles. Big tears like crocodiles`s tears.
9 Aug 2017
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

You, as a murderous nationalist, know

You talking to me?

Ukrainians are killing Russian invading scum, legally and justifiably and are no threat to Poland.

First of all, I mentioned banderists, not Ukrainians. And just give them chance, let them close to unprotected Polish civilians and even Pope himself won`t be able to prevent bloodbath. Its because banderists, same as Croatian ustashe, serve first to Germany and just then to Vatican and to USA. So yes, banderists are threat to Poland.

As for legality of that killing, as you said, I can tell you that you gravely mistaking. If there was no EU (ie western Europe) and USA meddling, ethnic Ukrainians and Russians of the region, would talk about new border between them. For, by historical and any moral right, Ukrainians and Russians there are owners of the land. Not to mention Ruthanians and, even Poles and even Serbs have their historical rights there.

What I want to tell you, say one great thanks to Germany and to entire western Europe and to USA because they wanted to f*** Russia over heads of both, ethnic Ukrainians and Russians of what is/was Ukraine.
5 Aug 2017
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

German , then Russian, Business before Pleasure

Forget that pleasure, dobri i plemeniti brate legione. Found love in your deep Polish heart. Germans we don`t need, Russians we need, believe me. So let us give them chance. After all, business moving eastward.
4 Aug 2017
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

banderists are foreign penetration onto Ukraine. Western European gift. Ukraine don`t belong to banderist nazi s***. Same as Poles and Russians, Ukrainians are decent people. My Slavic people. Long suffering. Bandersists are just one of their many sufferings. But it would end. After night comes the morning
3 Aug 2017
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

Its not too late for correction of mistake.

Only solution for official Poland is to annul its Kosovo recognition, what was shameful Tusk`s act of treachery of Polish and Serbian interests.

At the same time we Serbs knows feelings of Polish public. We love Polish brothers

How was Hungary towards Serbia during the Yugoslav Wars, Crowie?

Since Hungary escaping to negative German influences, Hungary is more and more reliable partner.

I only know that Hungary was known for turning a blind eye to the UN sanctions so Serbians could at least somehow live.

See, Hungary is relatively small political factor in comparison to Poland. It was expected that Hungary follow dictate of great powers. It was also expected that Poland show quality of great power and stand behind Serbia.
3 Aug 2017
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

A fantasy, to say the last.

You have wrong reasons here but, you are right.

there are differences,but as soon as geopolitical situation in west europe change all will understand that there is no other alternative but EE alliance and commonwealth.

No, not after official Poland stubbed Serbia in the back. Since Poland recognized Kosovo Visegrad Group is weaker and weakening day after day. Slovakia never recognized Kosovo, while Czech Rep. recognized but since then `Serbian question` represent electoral question on Czech elections considering that ruling establishment suffer great public pressure to annul Kosovo recognition. Hungary itself is closer and closer with Serbia. What unites Hungary and Serbia, isn`t Russia, but our mutual resistance to dictate of western Europe. See, it is policy of Hungary and Serbia what attract Slovakia and Czech republic and not policy of Poland. Poland isolated itself and, tragically, by all signals in Serbian media and in public, Serbians still wait for Poland. We owe this to Poland. We survived Ottomans because Poland wanted that we survive.

russia is not a problem..its potential partner and friend,its slavic blood after all

ultimately, you are right.
3 Aug 2017
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

it is only matter of time untill Poles realise that the western civilisation is collapsing

I know that. I only hope they won`t realize too late

its time to look elsewhere

See, because official Poland failed to coordinate with Serbia, or at least refrain itself from openly betraying Serbia, whenever Poland arise her head, somebody would tell something like delph just said >>> ``Yep, definitely a Russian sympathiser here.``

What I want to tell you, best card Poland have is Serbia. It securing eastern borders of Poland without necessity for any Poland`s deals with Russia. It stabilizing Czechs, Slovaks and Hungarians. It stabilizing Poland from within.
3 Aug 2017
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]


What a pity that Polish leadership betrayed old alliance with Serbians, at this critical historical moment

At a time when western Europe (ie EU) pressuring both- Poland and Serbia, when non can trust to NATO and USA, when Serbians realizing that Germany and western Europe side by side with Islamic league and USA destroyed Yugoslavia and plotted partition of Serbia, while Russia gave green light to it. At a time when Islamists and shadow of neo-Nazism threaten equally Poles and Serbians.

What a pity that Polish leadership failed, even stubbed Serbians in the back. Betrayed us Racowie, Sarmatian finest, pride and military elite of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. It can cost us all dearly. Together, we could form New Commonwealth, Intermarium. Only together. This way, we can face only certain death and/or assimilation, humiliation. What a pity, what a pity.

Is there nobody among you my sisters and brothers who understand, who can spread the word and do something. Help us and help yourself, while there is still time left for us
31 Jul 2017
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]


Piersi - Bałkanica / Przystanek Woodstock

Slavic children, Slavic beauty

Miss Canada and often winner in Canada`s beauty contests of Serbian origin



Tamara Jemuović


What is good for Serbians, its good for Poles, too. Why? Because we are one people, separated with false borders.

Serbia's royals welcome baby boy into family


little Prince Stefan Karadjordjevic
29 Jul 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

But what does it matter. As people say, ``Spit w***e between the eyes and she would think that its rain starting``.
28 Jul 2017
Genealogy / Are Silesians people German/Germanic? [178]

And Grandmother Baba Jaga also love Silesians. She would spit her old saliva between the eyes of mute invaders.