The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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11 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Russia isn`t threat. That changes only if WWIII erupts in a hot way. But, in that case, nobody is safe.

So, just focus on development in Poland if pressures continue and escalate, start to affect economy what would antagonize internal elements. That in situation when pressures coming from western Europe, USA and Israel. That in situation when at the same time there is no pressure/threat from Russia. Let me tell you. Three options:

1) Poland starts to form Intermarium relaying on Eastern Europe, China and Japan.
2) Poland disintegrates due to internal turmoil where one side wants Poland by the dictate of western Europe and USA. The other side will insist on Intermarium.

3) Under the pressure of two previous prospects, in order to preserve internal unity, leadership of Poland chooses to form Poland by the Kanopisht, what is essentially clero-Catholic Theocracy. I predicts that such a Poland don`t have future and ways of its disaster may go from internal Civil War, to the foreign intervention (from western Europe and even other sides) or may come to combination of both- Civil War and foreign intervention. Country may finish eternally divided on two or even more states.
11 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Very interesting development, all these increasing pressure on Poland from many sides. I think we may soon found out who founds existence of Poland more useful, USA or Russia. If I follow this good, if correctly understand signs, if I thinking in right direction, then it is Russia who would like that Poland strengthen and establish Intermarium. Take the behave of Serbia and Hungary as key positive signs in this direction. Orban and Vucic did got some blessings from Putin. Sure, and from Xi of China. And yes, from Pope Francis, too.

Pray Poles that I`m right.
10 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

How I see things, preconditions are met for Poland to move closer to Serbia. But, you know that mean being able to spit in the face of France, Britain and Germany. I mean, we here clearing situation with USA, Russia, Israel, China, Vatican, Hungary and Turkey. Its not that Poland facing chaotic situation when finally founded itself on our side. But, we can`t avoid to put France, Britain and Germany to place that goes to them. We creating something here already. You know, Intermarium can`t wait for Poland to initiate it. Obviously, we moving things already. And when it happen, Kosovo and Lusatia goes with us. Kosovo and Lusatia we wont leave at the mercy to the vermin. So, it won`t be easy. Plus, we taking our ancient history with us. Greeks, Italians, anybody who wants to steal it, they all shall learn. Easy or hard way, its up to them.

See, Serbians won`t ask you are you Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox or atheists. Serbians would only ask you are you ready to pay price of freedom. Only that is the measure.


And if Poland wants to lead process instead to follow, well, you know, look at Serbians. Are you ready to be more crazy then Serbs are? Are you? yes? Then lead us!

I looking forward to your Polish awakening. Your flanks are already secured, what you wait. Southern gate doing its part. As you like it, even Hungarians are at ready. I would like to see that Sarmation dragon flying. Show me, show me! In the name of everything holly to you, show us!
10 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Pressure on Poland incresing

Seams that USA joining to Israel on case of Polish law to criminalize term 'Polish death camps'.

I read Serbian online news this morning. This caught my attention and I would like to share initial info on it with you...

Potvrđeno - napeto između Poljske i SAD
Confirmation - sparks between Poland and USA

Varšava -- Šef poljske diplomatije Jacek Čaputovič priznao je postojanje dokumenta koji potvrđuje postojanje napetosti između Varšave i Vašingtona.

Translation: Polish chief of diplomacy Jacek Chaputovich admitted that there are documents that confirmed sparks between Warsaw and Washington.

Also article bringing info of Polish portal that had access to internal document of Polish ministry of FA and founded out that Polish president and PM got message from US that they can`t expect meeting with USA president or highest ranking USA officials until problem is resolved.
9 Mar 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Here is my prediction of possible scenario

You know when would happen Intermarium? Intermarium begins to form within crumbling European Union at a moment when Poland stand up and openly support Serbia, while Visegrad countries join in and strengthen the argument. So, there won`t be Polexit. There would be rebellion. Poles and Serbs would initiate transformation of EU and separation of Slavic and Slavic friendly countries to come with us in Intermarium. Russia, US, China and Vatican would give us support so western Europe won`t be able to stop this process.
7 Mar 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Crow the last time poles tried negotiating with Jews on the future of Poland hundreds of thousands of poles ended up shot, deported to Siberia, put in prison, etc.

Never mind. Start new negotiation. Back in past Serbians were excluded from the mathematical formula. Now, we are back as crazy unpredictable element and that makes everything possible. Together, we may shaken Anglo-Jewish symbiosis. We have more to offer.
7 Mar 2018
Off-Topic / Which western European country would assimilate more Poles and other Slavs in next 50 years? [12]

Look when I initiated this thread. 22 Oct 2014. Less then four years later its clear that western Europe won`t be able to assimilate Poland and Poles. No, not thanks to doing of government of Poland. Among else, thanks to Serbian resistance. On the first place thanks to Serbian resistance. Did some of Poland`s mass media told that truth to the Poles? No, it didn`t. Think about it.
2 Mar 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

You want cheap steel amd aluminum flooding in from ukraine where they can afford to pay people $300 bucks a month?

That`s in what THEY invested. That was the plan. Payday has come for slaves to pay
24 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Exactly. But not only them. Germanics, Rome, Arabs... there was open season for hunt on Slavs (ie Sarmatians).

Effectively, Battle at Grunwald ended era of Slavic slavery. But, essentially, era of Slavic slavery never ended, all to the our time. In my opinion, only consolidation of Intermarium and Eurasian Union, as two great Slavic founded conglomerates, can result in end of era of Slavic slavery.

Sure, global slavery won`t end till the end of time.
24 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

me? to give you? Well yes, Jews took part in era of slavery. Together with Arabs and western Europeans. Nobody ever, from within Slavic world, ever asked for compensations for era of slavery. Neither moral, neither material compensation. Lives of our Slavic ancestors were very cheap. On the other side, on the base of past patterns, lives of today`s Slavs are same way cheap. We should learn from Jews and arise our voice on this. But, no, we Slavs are silent and, history repeats to us.

So, I f*** you all!
24 Feb 2018
USA, Canada / What Airline do you take to Poland from Chicago? [91]


Its not joke. Its about airline from the other side of the mind.

I've heard of Serbia Air, but never Chetnik Airlines

no, no. Air Serbia is from reality. Chetnik Airlines is metaphysical thing. For sure fly to Warsaw, too. I am sure.
24 Feb 2018
USA, Canada / What Airline do you take to Poland from Chicago? [91]

Chetnik airlines is better then LOT, SAS, Lufthansa or KLM. With Chetnik airlines, you don`t just fly, you during flight also have opportunity to visit the other side of the mind. Total virtual experience
24 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Serbian printing, online and TV media says a lot of these days about Polish brat PM Morawiecki. Brat Morawiecki is very popular here and media often gave his citations.

Title in Serbian newspaper Kurir >

POLJSKI PREMIJER: Samo Srbi, Grci, Jevreji i Poljaci nisu kao narod sarađivali s fašistima!
translation: Only Serbs, Greeks, Jews and Poles, as people, didn`t cooperate with fascists!


Poljski narod i poljska država nisu sarađivali s nacistima, već je bilo upravo suprotno: zajedno s jevrejskim narodom, Srbima i Grcima, jedini nisu bili kolaboranti Nemačke.

translation: Polish people and Polish state didn`t cooperate with Nazis, but exactly the opposite: together with Jewish people, Serbs and Greeks, only one that didn`t collaborated with Germany

The Statement by the Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki

Let us kindly ask Jews to understand. Poland is right. There was no 'Polish death camps'. There were only 'German death camps' in Poland. Polish people resisted to Nazism and suffered greatly in holocaust.
23 Feb 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Brave Poland would found the way!

In the meanwhile, Racowie, Southern Sarmatians hold the Gate. And in the midst of battle our eyes looks to the North. Brothers, we would die sooner then our hope!

We shall know no fear.
21 Feb 2018
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]


If Poland fails to offer Intermarium, countries may turn to Eurasian Union in attempt to save itself from EU

We talk about Intermarium for some time already and, official Poland fails to offer materialization of this alternative to EU. True, Poland rising, we see resistance to EU but, we don`t see clear signs of Poland`s readiness to initiate project of Intermarium.


In the meanwhile, European Union (ie western Europe) continuing to pressure member countries, especially eastern European block, while Eurasian Union becoming increasingly attractive. So, one starting to ask himself- are official Poland aware of these processes?

Or, maybe Poland isn`t capable to have leading role in formation of Intermarium?
8 Feb 2018
History / What is Poles opinion on Intermarium (Międzymorze)? [188]

Good news for those who have sincere hope that all this chaos in Europe, for us who live from Baltic to Balkan, may finish in formation of Intermarium, our world, free from humiliation, proud with our subtle differences and even learning and enjoying in them, proud with our common interests and, whats most important celebrating our progress in freedom >>>

In Budapest, Hungarian and Serbian governments have evening party today and joint session of two governments tomorrow! Today party and tomorrow work, said Orban





joint session of Hungarian and Serbian governments

Historic high, crucial state: PMs praise Serbia-Hungary ties


Prime Minister Ana Brnabic says relations between Serbia and Hungary are at their "historically highest level."

There are talks on TV in connection to EU (Germany) blackmail of Serbia, conditioning our EU membership with our Kosovo recognition. Serbian president Vucic confirmed that Serbia must hold referendum on EU membership, that people must decide. So, Serbia would continue to meet conditions, opening chapters on membership and when all conditions are met, we would have plebiscite.

By preliminary examination, as expected, at this moment already 80% (and rising) of Serbian public stands firmly against EU membership if conditioned by recognition of Kosovo.

Moreover, as first out of Serbia consequence of this development and continual German pressure on Serbia, Slavic patriots in Czech Republic organized pro-Serbian protest and initiated petition with intent to annul Czech Kosovo recognition. Czech president Zeman supported petition. Klaus, former president of Czech Republic said how Kosovo recognition, under pressure of NATO and EU, stands as biggest shame ever on the face of Czech people.

Be aware of development. Masks rapidly falling down

Hungary blocks OECD membership for Romania, Croatia

Hungary has joined Slovenia in objecting to Croatia's bid for membership of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Hungary also questioning Croatian joying to Intermarium, giving priority to Serbia >

Orban: Da rešimo sa Hrvatima... Srbi žele da uđu u "priču"
Orban: To solve with Croats... Serbs wants to enter the ``story``



Poljaci, Česi, Mađari i Slovaci sigurno će postići ozbiljan uspeh zajedno, a mogao bih da dodam i Slovence. Moramo prvo da rešimo određena pitanja sa Hrvatima. Jasno je da Srbi žele da se pridruže uspešnoj priči centralne Evrope.

translation: Poles, Czehs, Hungarians and Slovaks would accomplish serious success together, and I can add Slovenians. We have first to solve some open questions with Croats. Its clear that Serbs wants with us, with successful story of central Europe.

Hungarian video on Croatia`s ustashe collaboration with Ukrainian UPA and joint massacres on Poles in Wolhynia >

Croatia is not Hungary's brother! Reveal the truth of Croatia!
8 Feb 2018
News / Germany After the EU and the Russian Scenario - future of the European Union and Poland [310]

Speculation or reality, what you think. An article deal with possibility that Russia and western Europe clash in war.

"Europe and Russia could go to war - inadvertently"

The report, cited by Reuters, says that the risk is now higher due to "the erosion of arms control agreements, deployment of additional weapons and tensions over military exercises."

6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]


I know that and much more. I am CROW here, you know. But, fact is, Jews extending their hand, when it comes to Slavic (ie Sarmatian) antiquity. Our honesty require us to accept that hand, in mutual interest.

Of course, Poles do have every right to have that law on 'Polish death camps'. I only say that we talk nicely to Jews because Jews recognize vital Slavic interest by speaking truth about our past, while, as we all know, western Europe still hiding and stealing from Slavs.
6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

No I got it... I was just laughing when I heard the phrase 'Jewish Warlord'

Well, in that time, 2.500 years ago, warlords and kings, tribes and clans, were something normal.

Topic is very interesting and I will dedicate one especial thread to this when discussion in Serbian public is over about that sentence of Netanyahu. We have now TV parade of all sorts of scientific and political experts from numerous fields that explaining exactly to what Jewish-Sarmatian (ie Slavic) contacts refers Netanyahu and why he chooses to go public on it exactly at this time. Why not earlier, why not later. Very interesting.
6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

I will now, again, say those two words. That is - Pax Vobiscum.

Panovie, brothers, sisters, please. Please, wait. Let`s go slowly:

1- Poland is right to forbid term 'Polish death camps'. Absolutely.

2- But, my most venerable brothers, you must stop to be anger at Jews when they complaint. You must found way to talk to them. Isn`t that so logical. No, not just because mutual Polish and Jewish suffering from the hands of German Nazis. Also because, Jews, before western Europeans, accepted contribution of Slavic (ie Sarmatian) antiquity to global human civilization. By that, Jews directly, in attempt to be honest to Slavs, confronting entire western Europe that still deny Slavic (Polish) past and tend to falsify our history. For that, we Slavs and Poles too, have to show some respect to Jews. On that, at least, they extended their hand. So, let`s talk to them patiently.

In Serbia, we now have public discussion that have to completely reveal to what Jewish-Sarmatian (ie Slavic) contacts Israeli PM Netanyahu exactly referred when welcomed Serbian president in Israel >>> >>> Netanyahu said (spot video from 0:13): ``The friendship between the Jewish and Serbian peoples goes back to thousands of years, to the time of the Roman Republic``

How I heard on TV, before meeting with Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic, Netanyahu consulted Jewish rabbis and they spoke to him about old data in vaults of Jewish archives that speak about, in this particular case, about diplomatic marriages between Jewish warlords that used to marry for the Sarmatian (ie Slavic) Princesses, from one particular Sarmatian noble line. When learn more on this, you know my Polish brothers, I will promptly inform you.

In the meanwhile, I call you to show patience. You are right, you are deeply right but, please, show patience with Jews. For they making important steps to recognize our Sarmatian (ie Slavic) vital interests.

3- Germans don`t have reasons to complaint. It is them who, developed genocidal ideology for extermination of Poles (Slavs) and Jews. It is them who used to apply that ideology during WWII while exterminating Poles and Jews in Poland. So, it must nicely be said to Germany to not that nicely f*** off. Simple.

4- If there were Nazi collaborates among Poles (in every occupied country they existed collaborators), there must be open public discussion on it, exactly to show that those collaborators don`r represent Poland and Poles. Actually, those collaborators were traitors to Poland and Poles. After all, in its final extent, they were recruited by Germany.
6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Well the Irish wouldn't! We're Gaels and we'll stay that way thank you but you're always welcome to visit :)

Well, its enough to side with us, no need to join. We maybe aren`t same but are definitely most similar.

See, in Bosnia, too, Scots refused to fight side by side with Arab mujaheedines against Serbians, while, see, English chooses to fight alongside mujaheedines.
6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

Oh and let's not forget the women of Scotland who were out in Serbia as nurses and doctors tending the wounded. They are still honoured in Serbia today.

yes, that, too is truth. Scots as Celts always sides with Slavs. Give them chance and they would join in Slavic civilization. But, nasty Anglos don`t give them that chance.
6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

It should be added that the Serbian side was the Allied side and Poles living in the Russian part of Poland automatically fought on the Serbian side.

Yes. But, I here spoke about Poles that were subjects to A-H. They too, were loyal to Slavic cause.

After first (go google that, its official) Entente victory in WWI in epic Cer battle, where Serbian army killed in battle more then 25.000 A-H soldiers in just one day, while Serbian losses were less then 4.800 soldiers, A-H started to dissolve from within and Slavs in A-H army started massively to refuse to fight against their Serbian brethren. That was the day when Poland, Czechia and Slovakia won their independence. Yes, back in that day. Anyway, in that fateful Cer battle Serbians were killing their foes until Serbs were so exhausted that they were not able to stand and walk and just then they stooped to pursue fleeing, panicked and routing enemy. It was massacre, literally. Commander of A-H army Oskar Potiorek got letter from Vienna with suggestion to commit suicide and at least save anything of his dignity but, Potiorek refused stating that no Germanic commander wouldn`t be able to perform batter in that battle, how Serbians had strong moral and genuine guidance.

6 Feb 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]


To add info here. Poles also fought on Serbian side during WWI. Poles, Czechs and Slovaks en masse (whole regiments and battalion strong formations) used to surrender to Serbian army and then asked to join in fight against common anti-Slavic German and A-H enemy.

Together, we killed many foe. But, obviously, nearly not enough.