The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Seanus  

Joined: 25 Dec 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Dec 2011
Threads: Total: 15 / Live: 1 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 19666 / Live: 3050 / Archived: 16616
From: Poland, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: Tak, umiem
Interests: Cycling, chess and language

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4 Feb 2009
History / Polish mathematicians who solved the Enigma machine [86]

Yeah, ingenious the way they did it. Some say 'necessity is the mother of invention'. Poland needed this strategic advantage.

Was there a Jewish conspiracy here, Joe? Just kidding ;)
4 Feb 2009
News / Topless sunbathers acquitted in Szczecin, Poland [128]

This is an isolated case I think. The Poles are much more conservative than the Germans when it comes to this sort of thing.

I don't think those women were making tits of themselves, or, maybe....
1 Feb 2009

True, Pat19. I tend to side with Justy as she reflects the real world position more. It's very important to see that and not give a book approach.
1 Feb 2009

I agree. I saw this back in Scotland many years ago. Even as a kid I knew it was wrong just to affix labels like 'slut, slag or tart'. It was done too cheaply.

Since when has sex been a bad thing if done properly? Also, what makes it other people's business to pry into the private and intimate behaviour of consenting adults?

We all received sexual education, some just interpreted the advocation of sex more liberally than others. Sheesh!
1 Feb 2009

Some are, some aren't.

Even the same girl is both prudish and promiscuous at different times.

Oops, did I just say that? ;)
31 Jan 2009
Language / Nice Polish words to say to a girl [147]

Ko te check

Swan echko


Me she o

Mooy scarb

Skip :) Hmm.. moye shchen shche


Nigh tsoodov nyeesha

Nigh pyenk nyeesha
31 Jan 2009
Food / Buying alcohol, wine in Poland. It's very difficult. [85]

I encouraged the use of the edit button, Prince, though Admin will come down on you like a ton of bricks for abusing it.

You have a very limited understanding of the issuing process, I see.

I'll tell you in Polish. Mam swoją działalność gospodarczą, więc, mam prawo do tego.

I only occasionally drink wine and rarely go to Makro. What's your point?
31 Jan 2009
Food / Buying alcohol, wine in Poland. It's very difficult. [85]

Get a Makro card if you have your own business. Makro has a fantastic selection of wines from all over the world. Me? I'm not so picky. I can pick up a good drop without going all the way to Zabrze to get it. I do have a Makro card tho, so I will go to Makro when in Zabrze.

Yeah, it's nice having a Makro card :)))))))))
27 Jan 2009
Life / If I could introduce something from my country into Poland, I would.... [175]

You really think so, mafketis? Here in Gliwice, it's much better than in Aberdeen, Scotland. What would be better is more regular collections from public street bins. Thankfully, they have substituted those crappy, plastic green ones for classier looking ones (sounds like an oxymoron, a classy bin). Nobs used to burn them with cigarette butts :(

Maybe it's different in other cities, mafketis, but the Poles get my respect for being relatively clean on the streets.

Fliers, the cheapest way of marketing, LOL. I can walk down the main street and have at least 10 people handing out ones for different companies.
27 Jan 2009
Life / If I could introduce something from my country into Poland, I would.... [175]

introduce butteries, or rowies as they are known in the south of Scotland. They are buttered rolls with a specific taste and shape. Fattening but very tasty

So, as I was saying, butteries. I think that Poles would like them. They are great with melted butter on the top. Packed with calories tho :(
26 Jan 2009
Life / If I could introduce something from my country into Poland, I would.... [175]

True enough. An English guy here had to import it. He scouted all the local butchers for T-bone steaks and it was a big no-no. He ran his own business and ran up too many costs for importing. An American here did a viability study and correctly decided that the Poles are too traditional, esp here in Gliwice. He really wanted to run a steakhouse but breaking even would have been a challenge.

The Poles prefer their sausages. OK, I'll STFU now ;)
24 Jan 2009
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

It's a bit too idealistic. The balance of power is quite clearly laid down and a minor Slavic union of just 3 countries wouldn't have enough clout. It also creates the additional danger of forming pockets and breakaway factions.

Cooperation can be achieved in ways other than union.
16 Jan 2009
Genealogy / Want to find a person [766]

There are some of that name on
14 Jan 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I can't fault that. The Japanese were the same. Closed until the sake or shochuu came out.
14 Jan 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I was just thinking the same. Why, even a 5-year old boy could understand what he said. Run out and find me a 5-year old boy, I can't make head nor tail of what he said (Marx brothers).

Screwdriver, you are hardly doing yourself a good service.
14 Jan 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Boston is a nice place. My friend is from there.

How dare you criticise Polish farmers as scum. They work very hard here and produce great crops and dairy for peanuts. We can't all command huge salaries. Unlike Scottish farmers who work no harder and have a nice house and 2 cars or more.

Get a grip lad. You seem to have no idea about the realities of Polish life for hard-working Poles. Farmers slave their guts out so people can have their daily staples. A bit of respect, please!!
14 Jan 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have found that they are not so open to foreigners. They seem to have too much respect for their own. I was chatting with a guy in the delicatessen on the market square tonight. He came back from Leeds and is already depressed. He was happy that I spoke Polish so eloquently and understood his predicament. Making the adjustment to Scottish life wasn't so easy when I returned from Asia.

Ignorance is everywhere.