The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 48 / Archived: 50
Posts: Total: 4,436 / Live: 2,758 / Archived: 1,678
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

Displayed posts: 2806 / page 90 of 94
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12 Dec 2008
Life / Do Polish People steal a lot? [330]

Sorry....i mistook it for a sundial in the dark......its too small to have a bath in...i will return it......
10 Dec 2008
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

The funny looking wheeled trailor is a launch errector for a sam missile...the guys in uniform...mmm tricky , the helmets are definatly german but the weapons in their hands are not , the uniforms not german i think...could be Warsaw rising fighters maybe...?
10 Dec 2008
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

MMMMM Polish women versus my local women....bit tricky that , as my local women ARE Polish women....i live in Poland....!!!!
9 Dec 2008
Life / Orphanages in Poland [82]

moere people like you

eek....could the world cope with more than one of me...?
9 Dec 2008
Life / Orphanages in Poland [82]

sold on the black market.

stuff being sold on the black market is less of a problem in Poland than in Belarus where i began my aid trips , but you do need to moniter where stuff is going and make sure it does get into the right hands....There are people who will try to make a profit from goods sent , or even score political points , but its easy enough to keep an eye on things.....One problem i had with a certain organisation involved a truckload of wheelchairs that were refurbished by inmates of a prison in the UK and given to us to take to Poland...We delivered them no problem , but later we found out they were being hired to people who needed them for a fee....We had a few stern words to say , and got the money returned to people , not so much dishonesty , but more of a misunderstanding....Belarus was a different story , even the government tried to cash in on the aid we took , but after a brief fight we won the right to take the aid direct to the kids , rather than to the state wharehouse where the aid would have vanished out of the back door to the local market , and the charity we were helping would have been charged storage for the aid....
2 Dec 2008
Life / Orphanages in Poland [82]

I used to come to Poland twice a year to bring truckloads of toys , books , computers , clothes , and money to a childrens home in Poland , wound up living here....if there is anything i can do to help you help the kids here just pm me.....i know lots of worthy causes here.....
27 Nov 2008
Life / Alcohol problems of Polish people [141]

It would be 7 or 8 in the morning

True , most days when i called at the local shop before work at 6am to get some breakfast there would be guys buying , and drinking beer before setting off to work....I am not sure Poles are worse than any other nation , but it seems more acceptable in Poland....
25 Nov 2008
Genealogy / Want to find a person [756]


Drawsko pomorskie...not far from me....remember the Vendetta pitza place....?
19 Nov 2008
UK, Ireland / Britain... What the Poles did for us. [444]

Well i havent forgiven the Poles for the Pole tax...! I mean , i didn,t have any Poles living at my house....Ha...little did i know that not so many years later i would have five of em living at my house....while i was living in...Poland...funny old world ain,t it....?
16 Nov 2008
Law / How to register a foreign Non-EU car in Poland? [25]

Would soemone having US number plates on a car really get stopped

If you are driving the car around at night the Policja may pull you over to check out that the car is not stolen , seems many stolen in Germany wind up in Poland...You will be asked for your passport , and your log book , and thats all...They seem to have no interest in seeing your insurance or m.o.t , sometimes they ask to see your licence , but out of the ten times i got stopped this happened only once...
15 Nov 2008
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Zurek soup in a loaf of bread,

I had this in a resteraunt in was instantly named titski even had a nipple on the bread lid...amazing...and very tasty....
12 Nov 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Probably because of some deeply-embedded stereotypes

I should not worry about it...the only people worthy of friendship are those who will judge you as a person , not by your country of origin...One of my best Polish friends is a guy who never liked English people very much , but we became friends despite me being English...if you are a nice person people will like you....I have been to Turkey incidentally...loved it...
12 Nov 2008
Love / Married polish women:Are they hot? [79]

There are some lovely Married Polish women , had a close encounter with a lady i was teaching English to , such a lovely lady , and unhappy in her marriage..but she was married , and as far as i was concerned out of bounds...if i met her again and she was single i would snap her up in an instant , but , i am not going to be the one to break up a marriage no matter how unhappy it is....
11 Nov 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

What do Poles think of people from other countries that post stupid messages like..What do Poles think about...........people that dance naked with a chicken on their head....?
10 Nov 2008
News / Poland's fight against paedophilia [277]

His jajka should be dipped into a bucket of hydrochloric acid

Whist i accept that these people do not choose to be this way , and are usually this way due to to being abused would not stop me wanting to shoot them if they touched my kids....
10 Nov 2008
Food / Polish food in Pictures. [277]

Have a go at making them wildrover! ;)

Ha...that would be a challenge...lets see , i have a few slices of bread , a bit of cheese...and some coffee and sugar...nope seems i am missing most of the ingrediants....its nice to look at food tho...maybe one day i will eat some too....
10 Nov 2008
Food / Polish food in Pictures. [277]

I have cut and pasted these pictures onto my do i paste them onto a plate...and what will they taste like...?
7 Nov 2008
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Well i have tons of stuff sent to Poland by mail from my sister in UK...the only time anything went missing it was an envelope with money in , and i suspect it went missing in UK after it was x rayed and seen to contain money...My camera.s and other valubles all made it to Polska i have no complaints there.....
7 Nov 2008
Language / Polish sayings [236]

One Polish saying i heard..........Life is like the toilet paper...very long ...and full of sh..
25 Oct 2008
Travel / Driving to Poland from England - any tips? [264]

Hoping to drive to poland at xmas would i need to invest in winter/snow tyres

I am a Brit who lives in Poland...i have never bothered changing my tyres to winter ones , the snow isn,t allowed to get too deep on the roads , and if you have experiance of driving in slippery conditions you should be ok... I am out in the sticks , and i have a 4 x 4 if it gets really bad , i haven,t really needed it up to now , apart from pulling stuck Polish drivers out of ditches....Some cars are better than others in snowy conditions , i have a Honda accord with front wheel drive , it copes ok with a bit of snow...
16 Oct 2008
Travel / Cheaper Flights to Poland [50]

My mate flew to Vietnam for free....and he got paid for being there....all he had to do was drop a few bombs from his skyraider aircraft now and then...can,t beat that for a great deal....
12 Aug 2008

Will this be the first time you have met her in Person ?

Yes our first meeting in the flesh....We chat by video link on skype almost non stop so we know each other pretty well , and we are rather keen on each other....Just had a bit of a disapointment , as she can,t get a place on the bus today , but tomorow she will be on her way....I can,t wait.....