The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by plk123  

Joined: 29 Aug 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Feb 2012
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From: if you want to talk, email me as my visits here will be spotty until things improve here.
Speaks Polish?: let's dance
Interests: please use google says the admin

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3 Dec 2008
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

He is a mulat.

that's mulatto or mestiço

Paulo Ferreira

isn't black nor polish nor brasilian.. you must be confused

if i want to buy 'black coffee' in the coffee shop in the us, should i rather ask for 'afroamerican coffee'?


i used to know a family with the last name Murzyn... nobody was making any jokes about them...

i work with an afrikan america who is 100% white. not sh.tting you either. :D

Those times (1894-1915) ppl, wasnt think in this way, for most poles someone black was almost same amazing as UFO

or they were their slaves anyway.

For a person from the US it’s just a short form of the word Pakistani. Nothing insulting about that.

nope, definitely derogatory in most instances.

The situation is totally different in the UK where the word Paki is commonly known as a very racist term. It’s all about intentions.

nope again. do you just call everybody a nigger then? i am sure that's not racist either as you have no intention of hurting them with that word, right?

And “Murzynek Bambo” is definitely not racist.

the title may not be but in many ways the poem definitely pushes bigoted stereotypes or total myths as a fun way to educate.. that is definitely racist even if the intent wasn't there.

What should a man called 'Dick' think?..


I don't find Murzyn racist.

i don't find nigger offensive either b.tch but "they" surely do.. get it?

Afrikanczycy? lol...

there are a lot of white afrikanz.. google it, eh? about half the continent of africa is arabs too.. they are not negros either.


there you go. lol madagascar anyone?

MURZYN wasn't racist until the fashion for political correctness was imported to Poland from the US :P Without PC nobody would even think there can be something offensive about. Any word can be offensive if used with such intention.

bingo and until the czarnoskorzy showed up.
10 Oct 2008
Food / Your all time favourite Polish Dishes! [108]

all of the above but i'll ad another. zsiadle mleko.

polska kielbasa is the best. i can't stand the ones that are choked in plastic though. it has to be polska made by polaks. yum.
29 Sep 2008
Food / Polish Sour Milk / Maślanka [44]


that's what i was thinking too.

and yeah, the homo milk likes to spoil instead of sour. :(
9 Sep 2008
Food / Bigos Recipe [183]

dump liquids and rinse the kraut and add fresh cabbage eventually.
8 Jul 2008
Food / What exactly is Polish Bread? [91]

From what I've read, the seeds are called "charnushka," which is really nigella sativa, not caraway. The reason for the confusion (I think) is that nigella is sometimes referred to as "black caraway" or "black cumin," but I don't think it is related to either one.

i've only had ones with real caraway and i can't stand it. never seen bread with anything else besides the plain variety.

here is some info on dark bread:

You may be able to get a small quantity of rye flour because the bread recipes don't call for much and the rye flour usually comes in a smaller package anyway.

american style yes but not the polish ones.. way more rye then wheat or any other flour.

Chicago has a huge Polish population, but until recently (when they lost their distributor) the best Polish bread that I know of came from the Toronto area. If you ever have a chance, check it out:

you're not from chicago then because there are plenty of polish bakeries there that make the stuff there on site and you can't beat the freshness and quality of that.

Actually Polish rye isn't very difficult to make, there are great recipes in both "Secrets of a Jewish Baker" by George Greenstein and "Local Breads" by Daniel Leader.

those are not polish type breads which is the title of this thread.

Yes, rye bread is very popular in Poland and for rye to raise, it needs to have yeast as it doesn't form gluten (the stuff that raises bread) very easily. You might try some kind of sourdough bread but many sourdoughs are "kick started" with a small amount of yeast.

check out the pumpernickel linky above
8 Jun 2008
News / Original cars manufactured in Poland [64]


and what you said about wars and cars is right. i've seen some v. old/early jags and ferraris in PL too as well as other makes but they only show up at parades and there are v. few of them around.
28 May 2008
Genealogy / Does anyone have any relatives who served with 1st Polish Armoured Division (Gen. Maczek) [311]

oh i understand but no one is asking you to give up your memorabilia but just to display some of it. i know i am not the only one that is interested in the period of PL history and the more i (we) can see and 'experience' the better otherwise it will fall forgotten or at least will be incomplete. after so much suppression of our history i am thinking it would be good too have as much of it as possible available to the ones who would like to find out more.

please don't keep it inside a circle that is already pretty well aware. be proud.
i hope you guys share but if not, oh well, we all lose. imho.
19 May 2008
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

Nobody in Poland is strict catholic because everybody in Poland steals so that is one of the Ten Commandmants out of the window for a start!

to some extent that's very true. "borrowing" isn't seen in other parts fo the world as cool.

here is my favourite quote that is related to religion

"Jesus, save me from your followers."

13 May 2008
Love / Polish men are complete doormats (especially after they get married) [125]

lol that is so not true. it's quite the opposite of that actually. to most Polish men that I know their beer (more like vodka) buddies and footy match come first no matter what. thats why you hear them saying

please don't paint all of us with such a wide brush. it sure isn't my fault you dated losers.
6 May 2008
Life / Any good Polish films to watch? [112]

i suggest you search the forums forst as there are several topics bout filsm etc already here.
4 Apr 2008
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

it can be 'a kurwa' at times. it depends what's going on. maybe that more of a slang though.
10 Mar 2008
Love / Do Polish date Spanish people [50]

no? so where the hell do you get your attitude from then? it can't be polish so it must be greek. hehe