The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by smurf  

Joined: 8 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 5 Jan 2017
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From: Your Ma's room
Speaks Polish?: kurwa

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13 May 2013
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]

I've a mate that works for one of the main banks here. He works in the corporate lending/business dept.
He told me that when a loan in agreed for his clients he gets a golden handshake that's can be between 5-10% of the total loan.

Not bad when you're organizing a short term loan of a few million zl for some large corporate account.

As Barney says though, I agree, I wouldn't put much faith in what Ernst & Young say.

Oh, personally I've 'bribed' tons of train ticket inspectors. Sometimes when travelling from a small station like Gliwice/Ruda and the ticket kiosk isn't open you can buy the ticket on the train. Most of the time, the inspector will split the price of the ticket with you, so a fare that's usually 12zl becomes 6 and goes into his pocket.

Used to 'negotiate' prices for sleeping places on longer trips too.
2 Apr 2013
News / Homosexual lobby steps up infiltration in Poland [110]

Heterosexuals do not meet up on the basis of their orientation

Never been to a nightclub?

homosexuality is "correct" as well

documented proof of gay tendencies among animals, man being an animal it would mean that gay behaviour is, in fact, correct....along with hetrosexual behaviour.

they cannot see God

What doesn't exist cannot be seen.

real Christian means rejecting every modern paradigm with all your being and all your soul

Good luck with that, do you like your mobile phone, the Internet, your car, electricity?
8 Mar 2013
Life / Don't Forget: Tomorrow, March 8 is Women's Day in Poland! [115]

Mate it would be OK for a few weeks, but then y'know....when women live together their periods sync up together so imagine if all the women in the world had the painters in at the same time. We wouldn't stand a chance, we'd be wiped off the planet faster than a Mississippian eats a burger.
21 Feb 2013
Life / The Best Things About Poland [24]

Those things are pretty lame to be honest.

The best things about Poland are the beer, the food and the beautiful is good too, but not this time of year..and the President's moustache, I hope he grows it back.

Also, bison, and storks.,.,,,,oh and travelling by car on long journeys is an adrenaline rush like no other.
12 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

who these people seem to worship.

What are you talking about?
Not one single poster has defended Stalin.

authorities wer had already

For the love of God learn to speak your own language!! (^_^)
12 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

I'm not 'Merikan, young lady.

Yea, that's right. *rolls eyes

Showing again that you cannot read.
12 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

Stalin was one of the most evil men in History, he was Poland's torturer!

Who was gifted Poland on a plate thanks to Mrrs. Churchill & Roosevelt.

'Merika might be a 'great' country, but you are not a great 'merikan. You're quite the mean young man. Anger issues it looks like, maybe daddy didn'y hug you enough as a child. A lot of 'merikan anger steams from males being unable to express themselves, except in war that is of course. That and the love of their women for hamburgers.
11 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

America is a fantastic country and has done far more for the World than Russia ever.

Cool story bro.
11 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

Ridicolous, European propaganda

Err, read it again and look up the 'Operations'

European propaganda that says "we" when talking about 'Merika
How's your English reading lessons coming on APF? Not great by the looks of things :P
11 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

You sound like a stroppy teenage girl.

You can hear the Internet?
Wow, you could be like an X-Men with power like that :P

Great counter point.

Wikipedia is Great!

No university in the world worth it's salt will allow you to reference WIki, it is too unreliable.

Eh? most of those countries hav had Wars.

Oh really? Both Switzerland & Sweden has been neutral for 100s of years. Ireland has never been in a war, other than it's own Civil War. It's long struggle against Britain was never classed as a war, since they were mostly rebellions and such. Ukraine, being such a young country has never been to war, same with Laos.

Keep reading Wiki there chap, it's obviously doing a great job of educating you :P
11 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

Are you a man or woman?

I fail to see what my gender has got to do with anything.

a 2 second search disproves that

Ah yes, Wikipedia, that bastion of truth.
And even with your BS wikipedia link...would you dare hand up an assignment to a history professor by link to a Wikipedia article?
Here's a quote from it.
This sequence of events has led some scholars to argue that the war was started by an Southern attack in this area. One such scholar included the respected American historian Bruce Cumings who wrote about this in his book, Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History.

Most countries hav been at War for most of their History.

Excellent point. Fantastic argument.
For example, Switzerland, Ireland, Panama, Mexico, Japan, Malta, Ukraine, Laos, Sweden.
Yes, these countries have been at constant war (with anyone unlucky enough to píss them off) since they became countries and have not ever been neutral at any time. Ever.
11 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

See, that's communist non-sense trying to deflect hate/attention from themselves!

Yea, yea, blah, blah. I'm not from Poland, duh, so how exactly would I have learned the Polish angle when I was in school?


Ah yea, sure it's obvious the Koreans started the war, they were the ones who invaded 'Merika and sure the Yanks were just out for revenge, Obvious.

Anyone who has ever read into the Korean war knows that

209 years

"Merika has been at war for 209 years of it's 235 years of it existence, that says quite a lot about them as a country.
11 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

How did Churchill and Roosevelt "Fúck over Poland"?

+ Stalin...... but not only Poland, half of Europe really. Churchill & FDR sold out Europe to the Communists to bring the way to an end.

I mean, that's primary school history, how did you not know that?

You may have heard of something call the Yalta Conference, I'd suggest you read up on it. :P
Churchill & FDR knew exactly what they were allowing when they agreed to let Stalin have half of Europe once the war was won.

It's also already been widely covered in this forum elsewhere.

11 Feb 2013
History / Churchill and Poland [120]

Don't you think that you been indoctrinated by the Communists?

No, I don't.

That they done a right number on you?

Again, no.

You are just repeating their propaganda and calling it history.

If propaganda was an integral part of history and I am repeating it to illustrate that point, then yes, squire, I'm repeating it. But only so I can show that it was, in fact, propaganda.

How was Churchill made into a Hate figure in Poland and Stalin not?

Stalin is widely hated here, maybe you don't live here, if you did you would know it.
Churchill isn't really hated, but most people know that the he, Uncle Joe and Roosevelt at Yalta fúcked over Poland.
But you know, most people also realise that it happened in 1945, so it's along time ago and for the most part, people are over it.

People like you need to get over the past. (^_^)
7 Feb 2013
Travel / What to do in Poland, upper Silesia area? [13]

Football, boxing and speedway racing

You must be aware tho, that you have to wear tracksuits and shave your head to watch boxing & speedway.
Speedway is possibly the worse motor sport in the world, other than least Nascar has crashes. ;P

Poland is not really good in football, but the fans are one of the best

They sure had a party in Dublin last night.

Football is handsdown the most pop. though, if there's some big champions league matches on the pubs showing them are usually full.
6 Feb 2013
Travel / What to do in Poland, upper Silesia area? [13]

Find City Pub tonight, Ireland playing Poland in football, should be of Polish peps and some ex-pat Irish and English there too.
I can't go tho, I'll be working a good bit out of the city and won't make it in.
4 Feb 2013
Genealogy / Want to find a person [762]

Would you tell him though?
500 quid is decent money in Poland. :P
29 Jan 2013
Language / POLISH 18 - 30 years old know MUCH BETTER ENGLISH language than their own native language! [102]

Nonsense post, feck all people can speak English to a high level here.
Just coz kids in school can repeat crap like a parrot means nothing........and god knows how many times I've had students in the past who complained that school in Poland do not teach English as it is spoken by native speakers. They're still teaching people to ask "How do you do?" That's how Charles Dickens used to speak for pete's sake, no native speakers actually speak like that anymore.
9 Jan 2013
Life / News on driving in Poland [57]

While tragedies are devastating, we live in groups, and the tragedy of one cannot be used to dictate how all the others will function and restrict all they do.

Ah right, sure we should left Nazi Germany alone so eh?

I remember driving drunk from TJ to L.A once. Sh!t was intense.

Yea, this really happened, I totally 100% believe you.

Has PF found a new troll?
9 Jan 2013
News / Predictions about Poland for 2013 [85]

Chairman Jarek and Anna Grodzka will announce their public engagement in May 2013.

This will lead to the Christian right imploding and Poland will become a haven for gay rights activists & gay tourists wishing to get married here, tourism will boom and while at first people will be against it, soon the in flood of.millions of zlotys will change attitudes.......indeed there are plans afoot that will see Zabrze become the gay capital of Central Europe, much like San Francisco is in Western USA but with more coalmines.
9 Jan 2013
Life / News on driving in Poland [57]

If one cause an accident while drunk sure. But what is wrong with drunk driving if you drive safe anyway? My friend sometimes goes out of his car on all fours, too drunk to stand on his feet, he is driving like that for over 30 years, and he never, ever, so much as scratched his car.

your pants are on fire
8 Jan 2013
Life / News on driving in Poland [57]

Good stuff, maybe people will finally slow the fuq down.
Hit them in the pockets and hit them hard.

2 major problems will remain though, the attitude of a vast portion of the population towards drink driving and the use of mobile phone while driving.

Every phone has a speaker, why don't people just buy one of these grippads (20zl)....or a bluetooth mic (from 50zl)?
As regard drink driving, mandatory jail time, huge fines & a few years ban off the roads......fines of like 10,000zl for people caught with alcohol in their blood, crucify people with debts, really make them hurt, taking a hardline is the only thing that'll work here, since nothing else has.