The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Nov 2013
Threads: Total: 18 / Live: 4 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 1444 / Live: 297 / Archived: 1147
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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30 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

Just give Poland a little more time to truly swamp the UK - economically. It's only been a short 20 years and look how far they've come. Before we know it the UK and Poland will be trading places.
13 Jul 2011
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

I love Poland because it is the country of my ancestors. It is where my parents and grandparents were raised. It informed their existence therefore it informed mine.....I also love this country because it educated and trained me in the medical arts. My ability to diagnose most maladies by physical exam alone and not relying solely on tests is a direct result of my Polish medical school experience..I am indedted to the country and its people.
1 Jul 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

I think most 'white' Catholic countries do not practice it and since on paper Poland one of the most Catholic countries it fits?

I'll put it more brutally: if the Jews do it, we won't...There I said it.
1 Jul 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Boys who aren't snipped get viciously teased in the gym class showers.

This was true in my day(just before the Earth's crust cooled lol). But now with increased imigration from India, China and South America, things in the gym might not be as harsh.
30 Jun 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

Just got back from a short trip to Europe and I have to say the Czech and Hungarian roads we rode on were very good (Prague-Vienna-Budapeszt-Munich)

How's the A4 - the stretch from Wroclaw to Rybnik in particular?
30 Jun 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

It's less sensitive immediately when the circumcision procedure is done. This is because nerve endings are cut off.

Where are you getting your facts from? No nerve endings are cut.
30 Jun 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

2 Some older men develop cancer of the penis - about 1 in 1000

that's 1 in 100,000. It's very rare

1 Many older men, who have bladder or prostate gland problems, also develop difficulties with their foreskins due to their surgeon's handling, cleaning, and using instruments

few men and there is no correlation with bladder or prostate disease

Surely that alone makes it worth doing?

That study has been challenged as being flawed.

Protection against HIV and AIDS. Another British Medical Journal article in May 2000 suggested that circumcised men are 8 times less likely to contract the HIV virus.

I work with many HIV-infected circumcised men. I don't beleive there is any protection afforded a circumcised male.

Lots of men, and their partners, prefer the appearance of their penis after circumcision, It is odour-free, it feels cleaner, and they enjoy better sex.

WHERE did you get this from? You made this up didn't you?

Balanitis is an unpleasant, often recurring, inflammation of the glans. It is quite common and can be prevented by circumcision

Keep it clean and there will be no problems!

Urinary tract infections sometimes occur in babies and can be quite serious. Circumcision in infancy makes it 10 times less likely

2% of boys get it while 8% of baby girls will get a UTI.
30 Jun 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Circumcision was introduced into western hospitals so that if an another Hitler came around that would be a way to find hidden Jews

No. It was done because the medical community actually beleived there were health benefits.
30 Jun 2011
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

It's disgusting that most Polish men are uncircumcised. Medical science has proven the health benefits of circumcision yet Poles refuse to practice it?

It's not disgusting, rather it's natural. The "health benefits" have not been proven beyond a doubt. I personally wish that I hadn't been maimed.
12 Jun 2011
Food / Origin of the pierogi [126]

Sounds great! I'll be passing through in September on my way to family. I'll have to schedule a pit-stop in Gliwice :)
12 Jun 2011
Food / Origin of the pierogi [126]

They are stodgy and for winter.

Pierogi are Polish soul-food and are delicious and appropriate thoughout the year

i think Polish food is rather simple and bland. as well as that i find Polish sausage stomach churning.

nothing wrong with simple! The venerable cheeseburger is the epitome of simple but far from bland ;) for your sausage critique. find another butcher. Kiełbasa krajana is just perfect thank you very much :) Smacznego!
10 Jun 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

I saw on TV today a gang of Chinese workers working on the A4! It was a strange sight.

1533 highway fatalities thus far.
22 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

We support bad policy in many other countries. Pakistan and Egypt to name two. Pakistan and Egypt are just as influential as Israel in this case.

Please don't confuse giving money to governments(Pakistan, Egypt, Afghan., etc) and supporting bad policy (Israeli settlements; buldozing Palest. homes). What kind of influence does Pakistan wield?
21 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

demonstrations of this type were needed in Israel, because their government was so corrupt; run by a handful of control freaks who thrived on causing conflict.

definitely the right and hard right- not sure about the Israeli left.

If a non-Jew made this film, he would automatically be labeled a 'Jew hater', when, in fact all the film tried to do was be reasonable about the matter, and show the irony involved.

look what they did to one of their own the professor Dr Finklestein(sp)! He's out of a job!!

Yeah they have some influence, Seanus, but they certainly ARE NOT on the top ten list of most influential people in the world.

All I know is "he who pays the piper calls the tune". They control Finance. That's enough to control the world.
21 May 2011
Life / The Legacy of Polish Poster design [36]

The Dermatologist was saying to his patient, in front of me, "The polaks beat you, they beat you didn't they?" meaing Poles beat the Jews in the Ukraine. .....this occured in the States.
21 May 2011
Life / The Legacy of Polish Poster design [36]

Did you reveal that terrible fact to him?

No I didn't. I sure as hell wanted to. This guy was a rabid Pole-hater. He once "called me out" in front of his Ukrainian-Jew patient (and his son). He started shouting: "they beat you! they beat you" Man what a scene!
21 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

A thought-provoking film. I am sad to say, that any hope of a reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles will not happen in my lifetime. Also, it was like a cold slap in the face to see how certain groups are "milking" the tragedy of WW2 for all it's worth :( very sad
21 May 2011
Life / The Legacy of Polish Poster design [36]

This is a little off-topic but I have to share it with you all. During my last year of residency here in the States I was "shadowing" a successful Dermatologist for 2 months. This man, it turned out, hated Poles and when he found out I came from Polish stock, he hated me too. Anyway, I remember feeling very good about myself and my people when I saw a framed Polish poster occupying a prominent position in this guy's waiting room. The joke was on him! :)
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

my first impression was that it sounded like a room full of people arguing via "the shush", as if everyone simultaneously wanted the others to be quiet. very quiet.

Hahaha! Those are my wife's EXACT words. :)
7 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

I am just waiting for the canonisation to come along - no doubt a suitable miracle will be found.

What do you mean by suitable? If you mean contrived, I'm sure they're working on it. ;)

i find it ironic the a nun was cured of parkinsons by praying to a pope who died of it.

or maybe the diagnosis was wrong?
4 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]


In my opinion, the beatification of Jan Paweł is long overdue!

long overdue? it's the fastest beatification on record!