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Posts by Eurola  

Joined: 2 Dec 2006 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 Jun 2021
Threads: Total: 4 / Live: 0 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 1898 / Live: 270 / Archived: 1628
From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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17 Oct 2007
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

There's a saying, "If you have one foot in yesterday and one in tomorrow, you are P*ssing all over today."

it is to bad that people dwell and live in the past, but a nation without a history is like a tree without roots...
The history has to be there, can not be forgotten.
17 Oct 2007
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

Yeah, I try my best to ignore bad comments, but on the other hand I just can't stand by and watch trash or general statements being posted... You see, many people are reading this and if there is nobody to stand up, the "mean" post win. That's wrong.

It annoys me when it is all about the killing of jews. it was not. They just were first in line. They just do more "crying" to the world about it. It was not only their tragedy (which it was), but also a tragedy for the Poles. Sometimes, they had to make choices.
17 Oct 2007
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

you have no idea what they went through. so do not lecture me I am smarter than you think

I do. My parents helped many of them, so you may not lecture and call me names because I did not. They risked their lives and the lives of their two toddler kids (my oldest siblings). They hid two of them and helped to escape, so they could leave for America. As a gift of gratitude, when they came back to Poland in 70's, they invited my sister to the US and took care of her. I came later.

Your post simply shows your general attitude even tough you claim in so many posts how much you love Polish people. I'm disappointed. That's all.
16 Oct 2007
Life / Racism in Poland - the future [558]

increase? I hope this point there is so much more exposure to other cultures, other races, ethnicity, other foods... I think Poles will just get used to it and accept it.

Will rascism be totally eliminated in Poland or any other country, including the US? I don't think so.

BTW, I'd like to know what also is in the books Amirah read...jeeez
9 Oct 2007
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

there is always a table full of food and alcohol ready for the guests

Aw, I have to lose 10 pounds before my spring trip to Poland, so I can gain it back in 3 weeks while there... :)
1 Oct 2007
Genealogy / The typical Polish look, or all Eastern Europeans [656]

You have a point ishthatu, but no need to single out the US... The abundance of refined foods is taking the toll on people, mostly in industrialized countries so far...

There is too much food everywhere, tempting with commercials, samples in the stores, visible everywhere, fast foods, convenience stores.... And yes, it's a huge business for the food industry and then for the doctors.

It also makes me sick to hear when kids are put on drugs because of ADD, when they are just being themselves, high energy "pups", who need to run after a ball in the afternoon instead of playing games on the computer. My friend's son, 10 years old, is slowly but surely catching the bug of computer fun. She threatens to set limits of computer time based on his grades to nip it in time...let's hope.
30 Sep 2007
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

"longinus" Podbipięta? Wasn't it a character in a book by Sienkiewicz?

Well, I don't see anything wrong with using or overusing of polite words. It's the luck of them that annoys me.
29 Sep 2007
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

Good for you Grzes. Most of the posts are really embarrassing. It is a shame, since Poles should know what it means to be discriminated against.
25 Aug 2007
Food / Bigos Recipe [183]

Thanks jgjs. The recipe is copied & saved in word for a further on a cold, rainy day in November... :)
It sounds so good!!!
17 Aug 2007
Food / Bigos Recipe [183]

Hi jgjs,
Sure, go ahead - post it. Curious to hear about baked cabbage.
3 Aug 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

"you bet your dupa I'm Polish"

..I'd say, just funny.

It depends in what context you use the word, it can be funny or insulting.

Is it 'macz' or 'mac'?

It is mać. It's a archaic word for a mother, so no - it's not a good word all together.
24 Jul 2007
Life / Gypsies or Roma: European and Polish attitudes towards [87]

It sounds like nothing changed in the last 3 or 4 decades. Locals were always on guard when a tabor of Gypsies were passing thru a town or a village. They were so very skillful in stealing...
10 Jul 2007
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

Or teafaggot's job is begging... ?

Definitely, his is begging for attention here and gets a lot of it... so for him - mission accomplished.
Polish people are too proud to be beggars.
8 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [231]

Wow, Puzzly. Your view of him really surprized me......

The same here. I did not hear this kind of take on Milosz.

Maybe it has something to do with him living in America, as well as what happened in Poland in th 80's. I see him in a positive light.
8 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [231]

I have asked before what the poles have ever contributed to european civilisation. And many times poles have posted the names of obscure famous polish people who are famous only to poles. Are there any famous poles the world has actully heard of apart from marie curie. ?

Dear Puzzy, this is not bragging, but a respond to the one who questioned. The thread was not started by a Pole. You can find many flaws in Poles (in anybody, if you want to), but bragging is not one of them. That's why the world knows so little about Poland... :(

Joseph Conrad (1857-1924) - Jósef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski. Polish-born English novelist and short-story writer, a dreamer, adventurer, and gentleman. He, He , He.

there will be more novels wrote by Sienkiewicz thanks to our 'dear' Minister for Education (Poles know what I'm talking about ;) ).

What do you mean? Why - "dear"?
7 Jul 2007
Life / Famous Polish people (that we have actually heard of) [231]

"Que Vadis" - Henryk Sinkiewicz - novelist

"Towards the end of the novel, Sienkiewicz creates a dramatic scene, the symbolism of which would not have been lost on his countrymen: the German beast (a black Germanic bull) to whose horns Ligia (representing Poland) has been tied, is vanquished by Ursus (representing the Polish people), who thereby restores her freedom"
3 Jul 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I mean the word hit with an s at the start.

S**T = gówno
So, you can say "jesteś gównem".
Young kids are often called " gówniarze", because it was not too long since s$$ted in their diapers.
19 May 2007
UK, Ireland / Cheap calls to Poland from the UK [134]

I just spent 45 min on Skype talking to my cousin in Warsaw. Free. Can't beat it. We could also view each other using web com. I talk to most of my family this way.

WDT has also good rates (2.9 or 3.9) to talk with the family members who do not have a computer or are not willing to use one.

I used to buy cards, but it was too many numbers to dial and also the minutes seemed to mysteriously disappear.
22 Apr 2007
Travel / Photos from Poland [258]

Horse rides somewhere in SW Poland. My beautiful niece's face is blocked.

  • Horse_rides.jpg
22 Apr 2007
Travel / Photos from Poland [258]

Warsaw at night

22 Apr 2007
Travel / Photos from Poland [258]

My friend in Warsaw likes to bike allover.

  • Warsaw2.jpg
19 Apr 2007
Life / 80s Polish TV Shows [26]

More words from Mis Uszatek for all who remember:

Na dobranoc - dobry wieczór
miś pluszowy śpiewa Wam.
Mówią o mnie Miś Uszatek, bo klapnięte uszko mam.

Jestem sobie mały miś, gruby miś,
znam się z dziećmi nie od dziś.
Jestem sobie mały miś, śmieszny miś,
znam się z dziećmi nie od dziś!

Pora na dobranoc,
bo już księżyc świeci.
Dzieci lubią misie,
misie lubią dzieci.
18 Mar 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

sounded like cup o cheno eria - wanker?

I'm trying hard to get this what situation would he say that?

cukoo mille - head case?

This one reminds me a little "kuku na muniu", which would mean a "head case".

Muniu comes from mózg - brain.