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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
Threads: Total: 3 / Live: 2 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 1443 / Live: 1366 / Archived: 77
From: poland
Speaks Polish?: no

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Cargo pants   
17 Sep 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

I suggest you follow current affairs in Warsaw

So I suggest stop spreading lies here.There is plan to verify your claims about:Another chunk of central Warsaw is due to be pedestrianised soon; this is seen here as a good thing

A total BS.
Cargo pants   
21 Sep 2020
Law / Relocation to Poland from UK & Relationship Breakdown (involving child) [7]

be on speaking terms and in regular contact as that will make things easier.

Very good advice.

Permanently, no way. You won't get custody.

WRONG,if he gets a good local lawyer and spends he can get custody.It will be a nasty battle for couple of years but he surely can get custody,it does require lots of patience though.I know 2 cases where the American fathers have full custody.
Cargo pants   
21 Sep 2020
Law / Relocation to Poland from UK & Relationship Breakdown (involving child) [7]

In one case he proved that she is a unfit mother as he hired a pvt detective and took videos of her partying out in clubs etc and some more and got full custody,the other one lasted for almost 3 years but he also did get full custody with visiting rights,which he also plays some game and dont let his kids see the mom(not good in my opinion but happens in strained relations).

I dont know the exact details as that is there personal business,and later one is a American attorney in Warsaw from New York partner in law firm for the last 20 years.

In the OP's case,looks he has substantial money and can hire a good attorney for full custody,until he dont want that serious responsibility.

I wonder if Poland has Palimony law,that she can ask him for alimony/palimony with child support.
Since you live in Warsaw,I wonder if you know what happened between the Polish actress Kasia Figura & kai,when they split?
Cargo pants   
21 Sep 2020
Food / What Polish foods and brands do you miss when you go to other countries? [216]

tatar raw beef steak, tripe and golonka

I will take golonka any day,but tatar raw beef with raw egg is another yuck for me and ofcourse flaki makes me puke.Lard I like on bread with ogorki.and szenka.LOL new people get fooled in a restaurant when they read golonka price on the menu for 100 grams in fine print and is 3/4 times more when the bill comes.I love to watch there faces when they realize they didnt read the fine print.
Cargo pants   
10 Oct 2020
Real Estate / Renting in Poland - tenants' rights? [51]

30 years ago you could threaten him with sending a gang of Russian tough guys to his place. Today it doesn` work anymore.

You still living in La La land.
Cargo pants   
10 Oct 2020
Life / Tell me about Northeastern Poland [29]

there's more opportunity.

Some idiot transport consultants didnt realise that almost 10 years back and some smart ones went to voivoda got future plans and invested there.Now with the new highway built Warsaw is only 30 mins drive(I remember I use to drive almost 90 mins) and Jeronimo Martins have signed contracts for logistics for 10 years with cold storages with over 20% ROI a year.
Cargo pants   
15 Oct 2020
Real Estate / Finding rent in Poland without speaking Polish? [12]

if i want to register my address at the town hall what document should i ask the landlord for?

If you are trying to fool the system by trying to get maldunek then you are out of luck.Your adress will only be registered/valid for the period you have the lease for.

All you need is a simple umowa/lease agreement with the landlord and some geminas also ask for notariusz deed of the property and the id of landlord.
Cargo pants   
15 Oct 2020
Travel / What is the weather like in Poland where you are now? [202]

good time to get some grzyby even thiugh its late in the season.

I am going this weekend to pick some to take back to the US ,no rain this weekend so I hope I am lucky in the forest.
Cargo pants   
17 Oct 2020
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

Arent you guys scared to be discussing this in a public forum to get caught and have a life long criminal drug record?
Cargo pants   
26 Oct 2020
Law / Which is the best city in Poland to open a kebab shop? [56]

There is a new place by me called "wloski strajk",thin crust small pizza(by my standards) with one topping for 33 pln(lil bit too much),try that pretty good for a small place like that.Its on kino relax on Henry sienkiewicza passage.
Cargo pants   
27 Oct 2020
Food / Is there a Indian store in Wroclaw? [20]

Nope none,I know Indians get crazy about 24 C gold in diwali season.Best is to fly to UK but be careful about import custom duty.
Cargo pants   
27 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

We were taking a walk to the park yesterday evening,there were thousands of people of all ages with funny(not so) signs.I saw a girl holding a sign saying"I dont need sex because my govt fuGs* me everyday" written in explicit words.
Cargo pants   
27 Oct 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

Suddenly,I am not getting any updates from the US embassy on these protests.Usually they always send a email for any protest going on and advice to avoid the area,but not a single email about these protests,I wonder if that has a meaning to it?