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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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Posts: 7521

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28 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

That is one hell of a statement!


30 million undeportable illegals, 34 trillion of unpayable debt, 1.6 trillion annual deficit, constant wars, crime-ridden cities, San Francisco a ghost town, homeless drug addicts we trip over, kids who don't how to read and write,...33% identifying as LGBTs, girls having their breasts removed to look like boys,...

Want more?

Somebody once said that if another country forced the US to have the schools we have, it would be an act of war.
27 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

their political leaders who called them to war were also the enemy.

Not alone...I can't name another country that did more damage to the US than the US government.
In some sick sense, it's good to be as old as I am. That ride down to hell is very unpleasant...
27 Jan 2024
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [412]

Life in communist Poland...
The best part of my life in "communist" Poland was that Western warmongers were too tired after WW2 and didn't decide to liberate Poland.

If they did, today, Poland would be debating if to replace white and red with "pride" rainbow. See the US.

27 Jan 2024
USA, Canada / Staying in the USA - do I need work visa to apply? [95]

finding homeless people somewhere to live is not a "decent job"????

You can't win with this slime...If she makes a lot, she is immoral. If she makes too little, she is dumb.
Nothing personal...Just saying...
That's why I bailed.
26 Jan 2024
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [623]

then IL, IN, WI, MI, MO, OK, TN, ND, SD, ID splitting off as well

We should designate one state for blacks and one for LGBTs.
It would be interesting to watch both of these oppressed groups climb over the wall and ask for asylum in the racist and homophobic states.
26 Jan 2024
Law / Lost without my daughter - father rights in Poland [32]

Hey, Iron, did you ever notice a dog sh*it on the sidewalk? As you were approaching it, did you pay attention not to step into it?

Why are you so obsessed with dog sh*it? Do you lust for dog sh*it? LGBTs are human version of dog sh*it. It's there and you want to avoid it. The problem is when dog sh*it has pride parades for all to see and it costs a ton of money to deal with it.
26 Jan 2024
Law / Lost without my daughter - father rights in Poland [32]

There you go again

Look up "pis*ed off" and "obsessed". Better yet, learn English so we don't have to debate the difference again.
Also, vomit-inducing, disgusting, revolting, and biologically useless.
26 Jan 2024
Law / Lost without my daughter - father rights in Poland [32]

Everyone is normal, and you whine like a little pussy.


A tribe that has only hetero thrives. A tribe that has only LGBGT dies. Don't give me that worn-out crap about IVF.

Only a pussified faggot can't see the difference between whining and being pis*ed off. I am not whining. I am pis*ed that 3% can control 97% because 97% are boneless wimps who were intimidated into "she" when referring to a weirdo with balls and a wig.
26 Jan 2024
Law / Lost without my daughter - father rights in Poland [32]

You do seem to have a real obsession with homosexuality; you mention it alt least daily.

I would not be obsessed if I and other normal people didn't have to pay for the consequences of their mental disorders. Here is the list:

1. AIDS treatment on my dime
2. Gender-affirming surgery at 150,000 dollars on my dime
3. Fewer kids born and replaced by illegals
4. Pride colors everywhere - including toy stores
5. Men competing with women in sports for scholarships

If you, perverts, fvcked in private, died in private, didn't spread AIDS, and left girls alone in locker rooms, sports, and prisons, I wouldn't spend a minute on this subject.
26 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

If Russia invades Poland with say 800k soldiers, then the latter will have to equalize the difference in numbers.

What If Russia invaded Poland with 14 million soldiers - the maximum a country can deploy?
What if Russia invades Mongolia, Nepal, Canada, and Brazil?

I called Putin an hour ago and he said you are nuts but asked me not to quote him.
25 Jan 2024
Law / Lost without my daughter - father rights in Poland [32]

do all the sex outside marriage and nobody really cares; they just enjoy both.

...and be L, G, B, T, X, P, or + on the same day....

OK, the same week...One pervert a day is enough for those who still have to work. Another benefit: This way nobody really cares who is responsible for the kids and passing AIDS.

Did I mention that the world would be a much better place if all those I just listed dropped dead tomorrow?
25 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Introducing: The Hug-A-Pole-Day! [53]

Wallets should be carried in an inside pocket.

Polish pants have inside pockets? Do you need to unzip at the checkout counter?
25 Jan 2024
Law / Lost without my daughter - father rights in Poland [32]

but most of them are gold diggers hahaha"

...and for a very good reason: they know what predatory morons men are.

To so many, "fatherhood" starts at the moment of insertion and ends at ejaculation.
24 Jan 2024
Off-Topic / Will German Farmers change the EU policy? [45]

The EU should protect its internal market from outside agriculture production

...and its labor market as well as culture from the foreign invaders.

To prioritize climate ahead of agriculture it's like prioritizing funeral expenses over diapers.
24 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

Yes, if we define God properly. My God is my conscience.

Looking back, the only thing I regret is arguing with my wife. Other than that, I could apply for sainthood. That's how boring my life is.

To answer your question...My wife would tell me to get out of the kitchen and not bother her while she is cooking...
24 Jan 2024
News / How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started [559]

How will Poland be affected by WW3 which has now started
If WW3 includes Russia and the US as enemies, Poland will be like Bikini Atoll with cockroaches as the only survivors.
If WW3 will have Russia and the US as allies killing the invading migrant hordes, the sun will shine bright and the white race will be saved.
24 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

Even Putin and RT?

If you are referring to me, I never said I believe Putin or RT.
I can only compare them with Western garbage - both people and outlets. Hands down, Putin and RT win. Just as you win when compared to jon.
24 Jan 2024
Life / Satanic and Heretical Manifestations in Poland [123]

it were a mistake to have ever created such a thing.

A mistake that is 106 long?
The only thing better than this would be a thread with the title: All Religions Are BS
Or: Those Who Believe in God Will Believe Anything, Including Jim Jones and Hitler