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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
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7 Feb 2024
Language / I love the word Kurwa [26]

It takes time to collect evidence from a distance...
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

Most likely, this is what happened...

Before his death, Dziadek wrote: I hereby make my beloved wnuczek the sole heir to my estate.
Wnuczek's parents get it, rejoice, and happily sign 10 pages of incomprehensible legalese on his behalf.

Next week, wnuczek gets his turtle and rowerek.

A week later, the bill dziadek forgot to pay. An oh fvck moment...
What the idiot parents didn't realize was that by accepting the turtle, they accepted everything else with the critter...including dziadek's debts.

Me, a legal genius...

I don't know if it's insane.

Just showing off my amazing knowledge of English...
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

Impoverished Polish child, 9, forced to take on his dead grandfather's £3,000 outstanding loan in bizarre court order

Bizarre = insane.

You are dishonest by claiming "Polish law". A moron judge is not "Polish law". Laws come from Sejm, not moron judges.
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

People pursue debts.

Against "their assets", not yours, moron.
Nobody can force you to claim or accept inheritance.
An insane court in Poland does not mean sh*it. We had a court that legalized abortion in 1973.
7 Feb 2024
Language / I love the word Kurwa [26]

Too close to home?

Your sister next door and all those "friends"...
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

Inheritance has to be claimed. Don't want it? Don't claim it.
Nobody will ship Mom's piano to you as a surprise.
7 Feb 2024
Law / Rejecting Inheritance [44]

what their parents owed, either the gov't. as well as private creditors.

BS. When the parents die, the estate has to pay what is owed. If what is left is negative, tough...unless the kids volunteered to co-sign.

What's left over is distributed according to the will or probate judge if there in no will.

It may come as a relief to find out that, in general, you are not personally liable for your parents' debt. If they pass away with debt, it is repaid out of their estate. However, this means that debt repayment could diminish or eliminate assets and property you could have inherited from your parents.
6 Feb 2024
Off-Topic / AfD Party is growing ever more powerful throughout country [46]

There are different kinds of foreigners....muslims and blacks are far down, I guess

...and then there are people like me...more pro-German than many Germans.
You should invent a virus that kills only foreign-born scum on welfare and Muslims.
4 Feb 2024
Food / Why Poles not like rice? [87]

He is merely a consumer devoid of any sense of responsibility, culture or tradition.

...and other words globalist leftist scumbag...
4 Feb 2024
Food / Why Poles not like rice? [87]

You mean your British homeland is outside of Europe.

Brits are very sorry for defeating Nazi Germany.

Eurovision doesn't make you or your country European either.

He doesn't know which is his country. International Jews are not alone...they now have international woke faggots and NGOs.

with the popularity of rice in Poland.

Rice in Poland can be covered in one post: Some Poles eat rice.
4 Feb 2024
Off-Topic / AfD Party is growing ever more powerful throughout country [46]

I forgot that there is an exception to the rule in the above post. A while back "I am a woman" was a statement of fact. Today, it's an opinion.

The same with "I am a German".Not long ago, we all knew what that meant.

Today, it means nothing. This is how Germany and other Euro countries got Americanized.
That was not a compliment.
4 Feb 2024
Language / Bilingual Polish-English books with audio for listening and reading learning method [75]

Obviously faking.

No, I am not. When I was in the Netherlands for 9 months I was offered a course to learn Dutch. I declined because English was all I needed.

In Poland, English gave me an advantage so I would default to it and switch to Polish only when absolutely necessary - like when I was desperately looking for a restroom to go number two.
4 Feb 2024
Off-Topic / AfD Party is growing ever more powerful throughout country [46]

Hey, Lyzko, an opinion cannot ever be ignorant. Ignorance deals with facts.
If this is too complicated for you...2+2=5 is ignorant because it's 6. "Hitler was a great German" is an opinion. Got it?
4 Feb 2024
News / What Polish diaspora need and expect from Poland, from Poles in Poland? [43]

Econ migrant math is simple: They are a net loss to the host because they receive more than they produce. That makes them parasites.
Another way of looking at this scourge: If 1 million migrants is good, is 10 million ten times better? How about 50?

Would you like 50 million migrants in Germany? They may help fund retirement programs but destroy your schools and healthcare.

BTW, when they retire, Germany will need more migrants... Brilliant...