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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Aug 2017
Threads: 18
Posts: 1453
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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16 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

No BUT she can't resist a sale!
16 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

Your aquarian metaphors are cute. wifey works very hard. Cutting her credit cards would be provoking an unnecessary fight. I won't treat her like a child. She truly beleives these things can help her people so, I will enlist the help of her cousin to help us pack and ship these things to the Phillipines.
16 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

Thanks. Yes I am avoiding it because I'm not at my wits-end yet but I do worry. Thanks for the good wishes. I'm gonna need them :)
16 Apr 2011
Life / Sexual culture in Poland [66]

But not a lot of people are open about sex in Poland, they'd rather talk about their bowel movements than their loin movements

Still to this day?! lol

I mean, how many nutrients would be left after the fourth or fifth regurgitation?

you'd be surprised.
16 Apr 2011
Love / Do Polish Women age well? [153]

The following will keep anyone looking young far beyond their years:
1) plenty of rest-the body needs to regenerate
2) low stress- stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol hasten aging
3) excercise- for endorphin and growth hormone release(among many other benefits)
4)no smoking- constricts small blood vessels hampering skin nutrition
5)protect from ultra-violet radiation(that's why pigmented skin "ages" better than Caucasian skin.
17 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

The homeland needs them - but also fears and loathes them.

fears and loathes them? very strong language. why are they feared and loathed and by whom?

The young generation is puzzling.

They really aren't that puzzling at all. They're young and ambitious; they're goals are that of any well-educated, well-informed group of young people. They know what they want. Unfortunately, their homeland can't give it to them at the moment. So, they go where they perceive are greener pastures( similar to the Indian exodus)....They expect a lot out of life! They expect the things that their parents could only dream of. I think the older generation should be careful in its accusations of the younger. Most of this generation's wanderlust is a direct result of tata's and babcia's PRL memories...Remember, the ones that do come back will be the ones that'll take Poland into the future :)
17 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

It's way too soon! You need to give it at Least a generation. I bet the vast majority or returnees were unsuccessful in their adopted countries.
17 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

This is where entrepreneurship comes into play. That "small %" you're referring to can have great impact.
Only 2 people started Google.

Exactly my point! Their will be a percentage, albeit small, of returning expats brimming with confidence AND experience. They will be the ones startin-up companies and employing the next generation(as in India for example). I'm very optimistic I'm afraid :)
17 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

The restless leg syndrome"'s not in DSM because it's not a psychiatric disorder.
17 Apr 2011
Love / Do Polish Women age well? [153]

since most have lighter features (skin, eyes and hair) people with dark features age fast.

It's the exact opposite :)
17 Apr 2011
News / Poland ready to receive Libyan refugees [159]

I guess, Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia, Chechnya... Should NATO bomb Belarus? Israel? Syria? Iran? It's an act of aggression against a sovereign nation. This is AU territory. NATO shouldn't have gotten involved. ZA and Morocco have enough resources to enforce a no-fly zone.

Wasn't all of this started by a UN resolution?
17 Apr 2011
Life / Polish Hoarders? [42]

I get this syndrome of hitting somebody with a frying pan, but then I just fry away

OH yea. The retless frying pan syndrome! LOL
17 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

Warszawski, I'm afraid you're not getting my point, which is: there will come a time when experienced, developed Polish minds come back to Poland with ideas. These ideas will be underwritten by venture capitalists. The resulting companies will employ Polish youth.....You don't see that as a distinct possibility?
17 Apr 2011
Love / Do Polish Women age well? [153]

the point is that pigment, melanin, protects the skin(and eyes) from the harmful, aging effects of the sun. That's why Africans, Asians and Inuits wrinkle much less than Caucasians. Hence they look younger. It's not an opinion but a scientific fact.
18 Apr 2011
Love / Do Polish Women age well? [153]

The amount of wrinkles present is highly dependent on the amount of sun exposure, besides genetic factors.

Monia, I said nothing about aging. I made a statement about skin wrinkling and its relationship to melanin(not melamine btw). Apparently, your research is in agreement with me [wrinkles = sun exposure. melanin decreases the amount of sun damage over time]. This results in less wrinkles.
18 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

especially without an accompanying policy of encouraging immigration, this is creating large social and cultural problems as the country's population ages and de-skills.

We call that a "brain drain".
19 Apr 2011
Love / Do Polish Women age well? [153]

But the attention of women is also a target, just in a different way.

Agreed! I submit that women dress-up as much for other women, maybe even more so, than they do for men. The competition amongst women is fierce.
19 Apr 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

Ultimately, the Soviet Bloc ran out of money; it ran out of will. On the other hand, there's China(plenty of money) and North Korea(plenty of will).
19 Apr 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

Don't kid yourself. The Chinese people have made a pact with the devil. They will put up with the Communist nonsense (censorship, one-party rule, etc) as long as the Party keeps all engines burning. When that stops, all bets are off!
19 Apr 2011
History / Why did communism in Poland fail? [180]

what's scary is to what lengths will China go to sustain its growth and what will they do if/when that growth is over? revert back to Mao days? Do a Myanmar?
22 Apr 2011
News / Poland's Lost Generation [172]

This has been a very interesting and informative thread. I see a lot has changed since my time.... I hope you guys keep it going :)
22 Apr 2011
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

It certainly was true when I lived there(PRL days). I would constantly be asked "what are you smiling for? are you stupid"?? Hahaha I quickly learned to do as the natives and just furrow my eyebrows and scowl lol