The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2074 / Live: 1998 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

Displayed posts: 2021 / page 63 of 68
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19 May 2022
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]


If one practices a trading strategy of "buy high, sell low", the amount of time you can spend engaged in this activity is finite.
19 May 2022
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]


I remember there was an octopus, some years ago, that could predict the result of World Cup matches. Some bookmaker actually purchased him afterwards.

Perhaps Johnny is a sort of anti-octopus. If you short every stock he picks, you come out winning.
19 May 2022
Love / Do you think these renowned Poles are hot? [150]

Who can recognize this famous Polish hipster?

Born in same area, and nearly same time as Pilsudski. But unlike Pilsudski, who called himself a Litvin in his youth, this man was Polish to the core growing up. Apparently, his dream as a child was to "own an invisibility cap, and kill all Moskals".

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15 May 2022
Language / Polish from Russian [14]

decent grasp of the language after a year maybe?

Sounds about right. Given that our young friend already has six languages under his belt - six months!

Orcs are very smart creatures.
7 May 2022
Love / Do you think these renowned Poles are hot? [150]

Pity he left Poland to ... his own Nigeria

Don't worry, one day Poland will become an attractive destination, and not just initial transit point for refugees.
7 May 2022
Love / Do you think these renowned Poles are hot? [150]


In attempt to correct the apparent racist discrimination in this thread I too will make a submission. I do this, even though I am not a homosexual, do not find men attractive, and have never even heard of Grindr.

Behold, former Sejm Member and more recently candidate for President of Nigeria John "The Don" Godson.

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7 May 2022
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [315]


The Roman Empire was built on sandals. I thought the Romans were the ones that kicked the gay guys' butts?
5 May 2022
Genealogy / Need some feedback direction on names/locations! Makaruk, Savchuk, Lenz, Fenske / Cherdia, Drazna [13]


When going from Russian or Ukrainian to English the only way you get a Charles is if you work with a Karl to begin with. Maybe some friendly person, perhaps a German, heard your Grandpa say in a heavily accented way that he is Kiril, and was asked to spell it, and that person decided - "oh this is like German Karl, so then you are a Charles".

The reason I spelled Makaryuk as I did was just through muscle memory, because I was trying to spell the letter Ю using Latin letters, which is"yu". That is, in Russian it would be spelled Макарюк.

Finally, don't be misled by Russian Orthodox vs Ukrainian Orthodox, etc. There was no Ukrainian Orthodox Church until 2018. It was quite a big deal actually, covered all over the news. The Greek Catholics existed, and in large numbers, but mostly in a part which did not yet belong to Russia then. So any Orthodox person from the former Soviet Union with the exception of Georgia (which has its own ancient church) and Armenia (different type of Orthodox) would be Russian Orthodox.
5 May 2022
Genealogy / Need some feedback direction on names/locations! Makaruk, Savchuk, Lenz, Fenske / Cherdia, Drazna [13]

Makaryuks and Savchuks are 100% Ukrainian. How Kiril can become Charles? Strange indeed. Kirill is the Russian version of the name Cyril. To become a Charles, you would first need to be a Karl. The distance between Kirill and Karl is just a few letters. So maybe in the pre-Google days your grandpa just figured that anglicized Kirill is Charles, because someone who advised him thought his name was Karl?

Finally, if his name was in fact Karl, and not Kiril, then it is a very rare name for a Russian or a Ukrainian. Kirill, on the other hand, is very common.
4 May 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [180]

Why should two countries dominate the EU?

Indeed. How silly. Germany merely has the largest population in the EU, produces 25% of its economic output, and is the real lender of last resort for parasites like Greece and Spain. Russia - is just the largest supplier of energy, metals, chemicals, and fertilizers to the Continent. Makes much more sense to be friends with retard Brits who don't even want to be part of your union, and are themselves about to lose Scotland.
4 May 2022
News / Should Poland pay for gas in rubles? [180]

and the emergence of Poland as a highly respected major power in partnership with the Anglosphere

Oh boy. Not a drop of irony either. Perhaps you could benefit from consulting some of ex-FM Sikorski's quotes on the subject?

Edit: Here, I found it for you:

Radosław Sikorski, Poland's Oxford-educated foreign minister, was caught dismissing Poland's relationship with the United States as "worthless."

"Complete bullshit. We'll get in conflict with the Germans, Russians, and we'll think that everything is super because we gave the Americans a blow job," he allegedly says in the recording from January 2014, published vin Wprost on June 23. "Losers. Complete losers."
5 Apr 2022
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

If it tastes delicious, don't eat it.

What on Earth does this mean? Are you trying to say that only acid, salt, and fat can make something delicious? Then what is "good"?
5 Apr 2022
Life / Stereotypes about Polish people being stupid? [281]

Poland has the best food of all Europe and surely better than... France.

What are you smoking, and where can I get some of the same? Ever heard of coq au vin or beef bourguignon? Can gołąbki or kotlet schabowy compare?

If Poland had the best food in Europe I would expect to see quite a few more Polish restaurants in New York.
9 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Pop A Cork - Wine [340]

You sound like you are a much healthier individual than myself. Also, I envy that you live by the distillery. I came down for a tour once, and thought the area was absolutely beautiful.

Edit: Realized I didn't reply re: Bardstown. I've been, because I was visiting the Willet Distillery. Another gem of a bourbon, but unfortunately everyone else seems to have caught on.
9 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Pop A Cork - Wine [340]


You write well. Even though I'm not an oenophile I'm left wanting to buy this bottle.

I'm a very boring person when it comes to drinking. The last ten years or so I've been drinking Eagle Rare bourbon (10 year, not 17), but am now being increasingly forced to drink something else as it is being put on allocation by all distributors, and is being priced out of reach. In ten years the price has tripled. It's made by the Buffalo Trace Distillery, which used to be called the George T Stagg distillery. Same mash, same juice as Stagg, but younger and for that a little more aggressive. Of course, Stagg is preferred but it's now sold for $800-2000 a bottle like Pappy von Winkle.

As a result, some other brands have entered my repertoire. Makers Mark (reliable as an AK 47 in terms of availability at bars), and Bulleit Bourbon. It's not Eagle Rare, but it will do.

No rye for me, bourbon only. Can't stomach that sour taste.

Haven't had a bottle of scotch in years. Even though I'm still paying small dues to the Single Malt Whiskey Society here in America, and they keep sending me little drams of different curiosities. I just put these in my cabinet for when friends come over.

PS - do you smoke cigars?
8 Mar 2022
Off-Topic / Best ways to survive a nuclear blast and later radioactive fallout [24]

Hi boys and girls! Given current events in the near abroad, I thought it would be practic to discuss what simple tips and tricks people may have to share re: dealing with the aftermath of a nuclear explosion. GefreiterKania says it may happen - PolAmKrakow says she's a stupid cow. Who to believe? Who will be ultimately right?

Personally - I think it is always best to be prepared!
18 Feb 2022
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

Stop it coz it is infantile and useless

Dear Pawian, just because something seems preposterous to you, does not immediately mean that the messenger is a troll. You have accused me in the past of being some Russian or Ukrainian apologist, but really the reason I write mostly on topics concerning those countries is because I am submerged in their media, and have extensive work experience there. With few exceptions, those voices are missing here. In the past there were some Russians, but now it looks like Vlad may be the only person from the East.
16 Feb 2022
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

i would be to embarrassed to admit to being a Pole, as I find Russia embarrassing and semi-civillised.

Sorry for responding to a ten year old post! Just slowly working my way through another Pawian thread that's been reignited. I just thought this a curious sentiment - since if you conducted a global poll, most responses to the question of "who I would rather be" would probably be "A Russian" rather than "A Pole". Maybe this can inform how Lithuanians feel when Poles call them a "peasant republic"?
17 Dec 2021
Off-Topic / Using Super Glue on a open wound/cut on the head [49]


Most unfortunate, but all the same very surprising. The good news for Sralecz is that Poland has the answer to his problems - apple juice! This is an upside he probably did not consider when being shipped out from California.