The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 18 hrs ago
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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30 Jun 2020
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]

To define civilization?

Slavic and in particular Polish language is older then any western European. Culture is older in any sense. Older and in continuity in at least 12.000 years, since last Ice age. As Jacob Grimm said, 'one cant comprehend Gernanic mythology without knowing Slavic mythology'. Than sense of democracy is older in Poland then on the west of Europe. With Sarmatism, Poland actually invented democracy.

That for one.

Poles have the unfortunate luck to be at the same time between Germany and Russia

Unfortunate? If Russia collapse, Poland collapse. If Germany collapse Poland expand. Figure that
29 Jun 2020
History / What should Russia and Poland do to become if not friends, then at least not enemies? [943]

Everything changed. In the past would western Europe initiate Drang Nach Osten and then would Russia respond by taking its share in Poland, to contain the invasion and hold it as far as possible from Moscow. Than game would be played to ``protect`` Poland from Russia.

Now, if western Europe tries something with Poland, the nukes from Russia fly and, as Putin said speaking of new Russia`s doctrine, first hits centers where live those individuals who inspired and started a war.

So, can anyone imagine western Europe invade Poland, in the era of Russia`s supersonic nuclear-propelled nuclear missiles? No, it's not realistic. That is why Poland becoming more independent. The complete strategy around Poland changed. Actually, around the complete Slavic world. Drang Nach Osten is past. That is why also EU crumbles. Western Europe lost the war with Slavs. With all Slavs.

Look, money flow already redirects as it suits to winners.
28 Jun 2020
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]

As a Bulgarian, I know how bad it is to be next door to Turkey and to Greeks

Oh, don`t tell me. Turks are open foe and Greeks stabbing in the back. And same way Vatican always favor Germany, Greeks with their impact on Orthodox Church always escape with everything. Plus, Vatican always sides with Greeks and Patriarch of Constantinople when it come the time to deal with Slavs. Same was as Vatican turns Catholic Serbs into Croats and then covering Croat genocide on 1 mil. Orthodox Serbs, during WWII, Patriarch of Constantinople covering genocide on 1 mil. Orthodox Serbs committed by Orthodox Greeks, after WWI.

They are all pervs and hate Slavs. And Serbs are first on the list to both.
28 Jun 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

WTF are you about? Why political issues should need Vatican approval.

We all know the rules of engagement.

Popes hold Poland while supporting Germany. Or, if not hold then giving crazy missions to Poland, missions that just tire Poland. Then comes Germany and takes the praise or just damage the thing for Poland.

what to negotiate......."Dont molest Czechs" and you stop molesting yourself

Borders, of course. Lwow belongs to Poland. And much more.

As for Czechs, you know what is the problem. Why invade them a few days ago?
28 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]


Any idea, feeling, a hint, Lenka sestro?

The turnout is amazing! Almost 63%!!!

See, that`s info, too. By other posts I guess its Duda then. So, we continuing business, where we started, then. Good. Not that I was in fear but, well, times are little bit crazy, so who knows.
28 Jun 2020
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]

I think Poles always ***** about Poland and really have no national pride.

They have pride. But they were heavily beaten by Popes and Germans. Especially in the head. Sure, then Russians reacted and didn`t quite help with their policy, `save what can be saved for Third Rome`- madness on its own.

In my opinion, Poles should receive more of Serbian and Svetovid`s influence. If we just removed that maniacal Archduke Pferdinand earlier, Poles would today have quicker reactions. Still, better ever than never.

Wait, it's on this day, day of Svetovid when Pferdinand provoked and was assassinated in Sarajevo, back in 1914 year. And today are elections in Poland. See, symbolism is obvious. Svetovid bringing good things to Poels. Positive changes.
27 Jun 2020
History / Polish civilization is older than English or French. Why do Poland follow them? [64]


Slavic civilization is the strongest and most vital civilization on Earth

There are strong countries on this world, I won`t deny but, as a civilization, as a whole, no matter all attempts of hostiles to put us Slavs down, we Slavs, when combine all our attributes of power and geo-strategic positions are strongest and most vital human civilization. This may end one day, some say all have its end, but that day still didn`t come.

Heads up Slavs!


25 Jun 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]

they want to take lands important from the point of view of geopolitics. They think Poles are clueless idiots.

Why is so hard to be honest to you?

Vatican in past and Germany recently experimented (and in past), as foreign factors in Ukraine. They did it in order to expand Germany and Germanics, not Poland. Used even Poland for that. And even us Serbs. But nothing to Poland. Vatican and Germany did it to harm Poland. Poland is itself on Germanic menu. Only opening to Poland creating Russia. Russia`s attempt to protect her own ethnic, historical and geo-strategic rights in Ukraine. Poland should do the same and start to negotiate with Russia on new border between Poland and Russia. Negotiate soon as possible, without waiting Vatican`s approval, or German. Have backbone, don`t humiliate yourself.

Let us say loudly - Vatican hate Poland! No need Poland to wait for Vatican`s approval! No need to wait Vatican to start more love Poland then it love Germany!

I have seen it. I'm talking about that 'offer' not Crow's crooning.

Crow is here to reprimand you.
Much better for Poland ti expand onto its historic lands in what is now Ukraine, then to molest Czechs. Dont molest Czechs, why would you.

Then, with new lands in Ukraine, Poland would have enough space to populate Germans when they start to flee from western Germany.
24 Jun 2020
History / Poland must get back Lwow, Wilno and Brest back [318]


Brate Irone, you do have backbone to say what is right, after all. I finally must say, I agree with you.

Spot now >


Complete West Ukraine should go to Poland and even Central Ukraine. Crime is Russia already and blue areas of the map should go to Russia, too. I don`t speak of partition of Ukraine. Ukrainian nation and language are artificial. If region is divided between Poland and Russia, long term peace is possible.

Poland and Russia should negotiate. As I like to say, what western Europe started, Poland and Russia needs to finish.
23 Jun 2020
USA, Canada / Nearly 39 million have lost jobs in US since virus took hold [9]

They lost job but they have good state support. On the other side, for example, 2/3 pf British work force have a fake jobs and still work only because state subventions of their jobs. USA is more honest in that regard. If your job have no economical logic you lose job but you get state support. In Britain you keep your job but state lie to you and world.
23 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

Polish consevative and Catholic values

Let me put it this way, dobri brate. Polish conservative Catholic values. That sounds better. You don`t need that `and`. When you say `and` it's like you beside Polish values have some globalistic Catholic values. Global you don`t need. But, I can understand that you respect Polish Catholic values.

Let us make this world better. Let us be suverenistic and get rid of foreigners.
23 Jun 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [124]

We Slavs need to have one Slavic Christian Church, with local autonomous Churches in every Slavic country and all Slavs need to celebrate SLAVA within their local Christianity. Christ and SLAVA should be our uniting factor and it really shouldn't be important are local Churches Catholic, Orthodox or Protestant or whatever oriented. It would still be much fewer differences in comparison to differences among Slavs in pre-Christian times. To centers like Rome, Constantinople, or London, we Slavs have to say one great THANKS BUT NO THANKS. Every Slavic Capital city should be the religious center of the Slavic Christian Church. Survivor and prosperity of Slavs is holly thing. Then comes the love for others and solidarity as much as we can, without feeling shame what we are and without reducing ourselves.

I repeat, survivor and prosperity of Slavs is holly thing.
23 Jun 2020
Life / Is Polish church involved in politics too much? [124]

He, he its famous how Catholic priests taking money. When I visit some Catholic Church on call by friends, for wedding or some other happy or sad event, I usualy see some man who colects money from person to person. And I always give. What else. They have no shame and my friends apologuze for that, but I of course don't blame them..

See, but Church took the money. Its wisdom maybe. Give money now, complain later.
23 Jun 2020
News / Presidential elections 2020 - your opinions about campaign, candidates [2222]

There is paradoxical situation in Serbia. Russia sending armament and people praise Poland and Duda, because transports goes via Poland. More Russians sending, more is Poland and Duda popular.

See, nothing happens without Poland.

People, Duda is not perfect but he made good decisions, too. Imagine his situation between US, Germany and Vatican. And he sided with Serbs. Of, course, USA turned the blind eye thanks to brat Corey Lewandowski and venerable Trump. But still, one can easily go mad when find himself in Duda's situation.