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Poland's PiS party members and crime [346]
PiS appointed ambassador to Germany revealed to a Communist-era snitch
Andrzej Przyłębska, PiS-appointed Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, has been revealed as a Communist-era snitch. His wife - illegally appointed President of the Constitutional Tribunal.
Państwo Przyłębscy to rodzina...beneficjentów dobrej zmiany. Ona - prezes Trybunału Konstytucyjnego. On - ambasador Polski w Niemczech. Cały Twitter żyje tym, co udało się znaleźć na stronach IPN. W Inwentarzu archiwalnym Instytutu jest strona poświęcona dawnemu Tajnemu Współpracownikowi PRL-owskich służb. Imię i nazwisko - Andrzej Przyłębski. Pseudonim operacyjny - Wolfgang.,pis-chcial-wojny-na-teczki-no-to-ma-maz-prezes-trybunalu-ambasador-rp-w-berlinie-andrzej-przylebski-to-tw-wolfgang
The Przyłębski family are a family that are the beneficiaries of "good change". She - the president of the Constitutional Tribunal. He - Polish ambassador to Germany. Twitter comes alive on what has been found on the IPN website. The "inventory archive" of the Institute is a site dedicated to former communist collaborators to Communist-era secret services. Name - Andrzej Przyłębski. Nick operating - Wolfgang.PiS really have outdone themselves this time. Appointing the wife of an Communist snitch to the Presidency of the Constitutional Tribunal is unbelievable, as is appointing such a snitch as Ambassador to one of the most powerful countries in Europe. As we've said all along, PiS = PZPRbis, and this just proves how much they are in bed with the scum.
Polonius, your comments please? Would you please explain your position on TW Wolfgang, and if such a person is suitable to serve as Ambassador to Germany, and whether you think that his wife (who was trained in the PRL and can be considered a Communist-era judge) should serve as a judge?