The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 5 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
Posts: Total: 9272 / Live: 4024 / Archived: 5248
From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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29 Sep 2020
Food / Halal Meat in Bydgoszcz [16]

And water plant in city is maybe sanctified by local priest to pump the Holly water in the pipe network.
26 Sep 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Turmoils among Catholics in Istria spread now, in what is now Croatia. Catholics there crave to separate from Croatia and join to Serbia. Dubrovnik on the verge of similar situation. Dalmatia is Serbia. Not Croatia, not Italy, not Hungary. People seek to say.

Nazi ustashe ideology founded on Vatican`s and Germanic lies is crumbling.

United Serbian States, a Serbian federation, about to emerge. What was once Serbian Empire to be restored.
22 Sep 2020
News / E.U. Denounces Poland's Authority on LBGTQ Free Zones [150]

It was great failure of us Slavs (ie Sarmats!) that we accepted in our vocabulary word `pagan`. Its our our own word that designate `bad` and in lesser extent even `evil`. And those were those strangers who subjugated our ancestors that used our own word `pagan` or `poganin/paganin` to designate our own people who still worshiped gods and spirits of old ways.

Broke the chains my people. Those who worship old spiritual ways aren`t `pogani`. They just worship RODOVERIE as our ancients named it originally. `Rodoverie` = Roda vera == Faith of our kindred/cousins

BDW, more Christians among `rodoverists` then in Rome or Constantinople or London or etc.
21 Sep 2020
Language / Slavic languages words similarities with Polish [238]

Let us prepare ourselves to inevitable Union in Central-European Union

Zestawienie językowe: j.polski, słowacki, czeski, serbski

19 Sep 2020
News / The Fur is Flying! Animal Rights in Poland [87]

What? No pistol charge in the head before knife? Its backward to let animal suffer. They know they would die, you know. Why let them suffer more then they need to suffer?
19 Sep 2020
News / The Fur is Flying! Animal Rights in Poland [87]

honorary Yorkshireman

And what about Yorkshir pigs? What about their rights? Are they slaughtered gently or savagely?


Then, what about rights of all animals that finish in slaughterhouses and, to be blunt, ultimately finish as fecal matter or fart?


Let us look on animal rights from every angle. EVERY
18 Sep 2020
News / E.U. Denounces Poland's Authority on LBGTQ Free Zones [150]

The future Great Sarmatia - do you envisage it an LGBT free zone or not, Crow?

Homosexuals existed since the beginning of time and were tolerated. We should tolerate them. But, we should deal with foreign meddling via any kind of societal organizations, LGBT`s included. We need our own control.
17 Sep 2020
News / The Fur is Flying! Animal Rights in Poland [87]

I don't think this fact is widely known in the so-called "rotten West" or even in Austria itself.

Of course it isn`t known there. If people know this many would give blessings to Gavrilo just for avenging animals (actually, some story about `curse of white deer` existed in connection to Ferdinand prior to his death). Politics would be even absolutely ignored if people know more of this Ferdinand`s side. Who could have any empathy for madman Ferdinand that truly enjoyed killing. They used to gather animals for him (in some fence or tied to a trees) and to prepare hundreds of rifles and ammunition to him, so he can enjoy. Its all described in Ferdinand`s own diaries. One just needs to google on that. No sport there. Just killing of totally restless madman. Deer, dogs, wolves, cats of all kinds, elephants, birds, etc.

BDW, during his trip to Australia, Ferdinand, among other species, killed some of last platypus. Today extinct species on Earth.

Gavrilo Princip was the sole factor behind the outbreak of the WW I. Hahahaha.

True. I can`t even imagine that anyone sane can believe this.

Stick to the topic please
17 Sep 2020
News / The Fur is Flying! Animal Rights in Poland [87]

Artificial fur does look nice, so no need to satisfy the vanity of morons and certain celebrities.

I concur.

Let us here remind ourselves of madman archduke Ferdinand who, as he himself wrote in his own diary and many others confirmed, killed almost 300.000 animals just for sport, fur, bone and corpses. Can you even imagine. He loved to kill and kill and kill. Fortunately for the world he was stooped back in 1914.
16 Sep 2020
News / E.U. Denounces Poland's Authority on LBGTQ Free Zones [150]

Let us hope world change for the better thanks to Multi-Polar world and good people like USA President Trump. Let us hope world change and we Slavs (ie Sarmatians) stop to be considered as eternal slaves for Germany, Austria and after all, for entire western Europe. Let us hope world change and Sarmatians finally escape Roman lies and prevail.
15 Sep 2020
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Poland is a Slavic country. First that. Then, a Central European Slavic country. This sums it all and determines future of Poland. Great future of Poland.
15 Sep 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Just goes to show how invaluable the EU has been for Poland.

The historical thief returned something to his historical victim. Just to prepare victim for new stage of looting that coming and yet to come.

Similar to way how butcher, with deep care, preparing the meat.
10 Sep 2020
Off-Topic / Random Sports News [742]

Even Svenvoid cant help him out of this mess!

And he shouldn`t. Even the great one needs to learn to control their temper. But, why they also didn`t punished Federer back in 2006?

>>> US Open: Roger Federer wasn't disqualified like Novak Djokovic when he hit a ball boy

>>> Different rules apply to Federer and Djokovic: Here is what happens when Roger hits ball boy!

With the Djokovic you see example of lack of control and then he apologized. But how Federer behaves and jokes after he hit the ball boy, you have hint of evil and absolute no sense of what he doing. These days that same ball boy asked publicly why Federer never apologized to him as Novak apologized for what he done. Still, no punishment for Federer. He is Federer. Djokovic have different type of surname, more suitable for punishment.
9 Sep 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

What an arogance and naivety of you people.

This is about temporary alliance under pressure of circumstances. I certainly don't speak about Warsaw pact 2.

Tell me people, do YOU say that would Poland betray Hungary and Serbia just because Russia finded its own interest to support us??? That what you say?

The cold winter is coming. We are in the pandemic era. A great turmoil and War is about to happen in Europe.

And Germany would move as moved before. And German satelites here in the region, on Balkans. If Serbs fall there wont be Slavic South anymore. When we are subjugated, Hungary would be ruled by Germans. Then the next would be Poland to fall.
8 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

We are about to witness major geo-strategic shift in Europe. Belarus would most probably trigger chain reaction of events. Then comes Greek-Turkish War and Serbian question and Europe face continental wide changes.
8 Sep 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

By well informed sources and by myself, Serbian question undoubtedly pushing Poland and Russia into mutual alliance. Complete Visegrad would move closer to Russia. Where are EU and NATO in it? I don't see them in it. I don't see them at all actually.
8 Sep 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Very good to read this in order to understand European continental politics > From the official web site of Hungarian government >

Press statement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán After the Bled Strategic Forum

we must unhesitatingly admit Serbia to the European Union as soon as possible, because without Serbia Europe's security structure is not complete.

Meaning, no EU without Serbia. Now, didn`t I told it here already.
8 Sep 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Lukashenko said to Russian mass media /translated citation from yesterday/: ``I maybe rule for too long.``

Info by Serbian agency B92, via Reuters >

"Da, možda sam malo duže ostao", rekao je Lukašenko za ruske medije, prenosi Rojters.


8 Sep 2020
Off-Topic / DALMATIA - How much Poles love Dalmatia ? [123]

Today is retired Cardinal Vinko Puljic that called for separation of Bosnia and Herzegovina from Yugoslavia without finished political dialogue. Many died in Civil War that occurred after separation. Cardinal was never accused for war crimes. He was allowed to escape with the kill.
