The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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16 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

Well, for one Kashubs tend to side with Germany, not Poland.

Not truth. Its wrong to say that when they ``married`` the Baltic sea with Poland. Not to mention that Germans committed enormous genocide on them. Also, not to forget all their contribution to modern Poland and Serbia.

See, they called Serbian TV to visit them >>> They complaint but they are loyal to Poland. They speak loyally of Poland for TV, even when they speak of deep common Serbian past from Baltic top Balkan. They suffer under pressure of assimilation. Seams to me and to Serbian public that connecting them with Germans just represent tool for assimilation. People ask is that fate of all Serbs in Europe to extinct. We didn`t expect this in Poland to happen. Its unpleasant surprise. But now we know and we shall work on problem. Entire Europe would be reprimanded and Poland would then correct her path.

>>>> Kvadratura kruga: Kašubi - poljski hazari >>>>
16 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

most Poles don't want more diversity.

Whats wrong with Kashubs, Lusatians, Lemki, Kursenieki, Masurians, etc. What would some Belorussians think if see how you speak? You want to assimilate them, too.

I just ask. Don`t get me wrong. You know that I speak from superb position of being member of last Sarmatian paternal tribe that still have a state. To me, its all the same. Its all mine.
15 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

It is not uncommon for Orthodox believers in Slavic countries... show solidarity with other Orthodox believers in Turkey and Ethiopia rather than their Slavic brethren.

You are here influenced by Polish - Russian antagonism.

Many Slavic traditions were watered down and conflated with Christian holidays or completely forgotten.

But Serbs still celebrate Slava, custum dedicated to ancestors.
15 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

Poland has been a success but only during periods when it has been predominately homogenous

I disagree. It was Sarmatism that led to Golden Age of Poland. Sarmatism stimulated internal factor, sense of freedom in state, while also opened state to receive outside Balkan Serbian (Racow) influences. It all led to Golden age.

And what happened? Facing more barbarous western European societies and accepting more strict control and direct Vatican's influence, Poland was streched to its limits, moved to seek out fights for foreign intetests (crusade against Russians) , while at the same time tried to fight (against Turks) for its traditional wealth routes from Baltic to Balkan.

With time, Vatican prevailed and Poland started itd long era of servitude. Reward was internal homogenistion under Popes's cruciforma. In fact, that homogenisstion only served to strenghten presentse of Vatican and more control. Poland was turned global, while abandoned all those tiny internal differebces of past, diversity that made Poland truly great.

I'll tell you why, because diversity isn't a strength.

No, its not in Europe dominated by Vatican. Vatican had its own Interests and directed Poland that way. In that, there was no space for old inter - Slavic interests.

Not to say that Vatican always prefered Germanics.

See, silenced diversity hold Poland down and step by step moving it global.

But see, nany internal elements within Poland seek out more Serbian influence and Racowie are coming. We have our own business. Vatican, Germany and Russia have to accept that. With Russia we have a deal but other two are problem. Interestingly, even USA shows understanding. We Serbs needs free diversity from Baltic to Balkan so we can work. When free Slavs would choose new uniting factor and that is, of course awakening of Sarmatism. What else. Sarmatism is actually SUVERENISM suitable in our case.
15 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

What you said here is that AH, SU and Yugoslavia represent failed experiments, while Poland shows sucess because managed to impose its domonance on others.

Not to say that you absolutely failed to mention role of foreign elements in dissolution or rather destruction of AH, SU and Yugoslavia. Its not that just internal elements rebbeled. In all those cases existed outside final push, no matter of which kind and no matter morally right or wrong.
15 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

There's not that many though.

But where are they then? What Poland have access to Baltic its Kashubs contribution. Where they disappeared? Obviously, those 97% is not accurate. Let us see real structure of it. Let us have democratic process in Poland where diversity is encouraged.

It's mainly German professionals - engineers, factory managers, businessmen, etc.

Why consider them Germans? They says that calling and general connection to Germans in Poland insulting them and forcing them to assimilate. Man, Germans committed enormous genocide on them.

When we are at it, do anybody knows some real data on Russians. Structure of Russians? Czechs, too? Other Slavs?

When I say structure, I mean, what are people really ethnically (lets say by local original mother language, groups of Slavic dialects) and what would they say they are in some for them `ideal` conditions.

I find this question very interesting.
15 Nov 2020
Life / So if Poland is apparently "97% Polish" according to official statistics, what is the other 3%? [68]

But what Polish are those 97%? Polani, Kashubs, Lusatians, Lemki, etc?

Poland need to encourage diversity among Slavs of Poland. It would be better that way. When you force all Slavs of Poland to declare as Polish you only doing great service to Vatican. Because next step after you declare them as Polish is to insist majority of Polish is Catholic. That is how Vatican more easily control things and direct policy of Poland. Constantinople tried same to do to us Serbs but we gave it middle finger. Sure, Pope also tried same. We gave middle finger to him, too. See, no wonder they all hate us. But, price must be paid for every path one choose.

Force Sarmatisms in Poland, diversity among numerous Slavic kin tribes, as it was in time of Piasts and Jagilonians and after all since the beginning of time.
15 Nov 2020
Love / How Do You Feel About a Black man marrying Polish Women? [157]

I'm not a troll

Then you are naive.

Woman are different. They opening to you when they feel safe with you. When they think you have enough money and you speak a lot of niceties to them. Problem is that you have competition in other man (or in sick world, in other woman even) so you can be replaced easily.

Or, they use you just for fun. Or, you use them when you catch them between two steps, if you understand me, in a various ways. Or, you are just lucky to find some woman that find something especial in you when you yourself can`t see it. Those are rare. I suppose you wasn`t that lucky.
13 Nov 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

People, people, my tribesman.

You know what I can tell you so I wont tell you. I want you to think.

Just ask yourself who was against independant Poland and why.
13 Nov 2020
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Orbán threatens to veto EU budget, recovery fund over rule of law


I have to inform you that the situation leaves no other option for Hungary but to not agree .... on the next MFF

BDW, this thread was started back in 2017. Today it goes among threads with most stupid titles on this forum ever.

Poles say a big YES to our European Union

12 Nov 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

The way they celebrate in Poland compared to the USA

Look. Man raised his hand. He is volunteer.

They all for sure preparing to go to Kosovo against sufi Muslim fanatics.
11 Nov 2020
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

Gavrilo Princip, Serbian student behind independence of Poland



To create conditions for freedom of his own people and all Slavs, Gavrilo sacrificed himself

And now, you don`t have a monument to Gavrilo in Poland. Somebody preventing erection of that monument. Somebody powerful, who wants to direct how Polish and all Slavic children of Poland grow up.
10 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

Its full of idiotic foreigners claiming to be Polish

You said great truth, dobri possible brate. I maybe think how I here talk to Poles or Lemkos or Kashubs, while maybe in fact some Anglos or former Pope Benedict himself mocking me.
10 Nov 2020
News / Thousands of Polish women attend Czarny Piątek rally in Warsaw [780]

You all know who cut off discussions in Poland. Signal to back down came from Vatican. Covid 19 is perfect excuse and a way. In a country full of internal conflicts, abortion being just top of the ice berg. No, Vatican wont give up its mediative role. And aim. Keep Poland weak and soft, in limbo.
10 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

Biden...... other world leaders will respect, and Poland leaders fear.

Fear yes. But as we all know, no positive choices when people fear. Ask King Mieszko.

What co-operation are you talking about?

I will tell only one word. Czehoslovakia.
10 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

role model is that psychopath with a dog

We all had and have our trraitors. Bdw, it was truly mistake by Poland to colaborate with Nazi Germany while Nazis were in rise. Then again, who didn't had some deals with them. War was obvious incoming thing and countries tried to manuver.
9 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

go to church on Sunday and fire all the Marxist teachers

Erm, dobri brate, but how would you agree with your priest in Church what should be done, if we speak of Catholic Church, when Pope himself belong to leftists and globalists. And, after all, when Vatican by the default support option that is for Magma Germania, meaning Biden, in this case.

See, I tries to explain here how are you Poles quite cornered. See?
9 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

This chaos in US producing France and Germany. Biden is their man. Meaning, not Polish man.
9 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

China is not in question now. Its the higher league.

Before that, Europe have two major questions that involve entire continental politics. Countries can appear and disappear from the map of Europe and non would care less. But globalization and development opened questions of destines of three states around which rotate continental politics.

These states are:

1. Germany
2. France
3. Serbia

The continental pandora questions are:

1. On the throne of western Europe can be only one. That is the game here. What would EU become, extended France or extended Germany.

2. On the other side there is Serbia. Without Serbia you don`t have Slavic South, you don`t have Slavic West and Russia changing its format. With Serbia, there is gravitic force for creation of new continental conglomerate and that is Central European Union.
9 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

-NATO expansion - Belarus and Serbia?

I sincerely hope Serbia stay out of that mess. Once you are in NATO you don`t have your sovereignty and you share responsibilities. So, when war (that is inevitable) in Europe is over I would like Serbia isn`t in position to pays with territories the games NATO started. I in fact desire the opposite, Serbia to expand.

Biden will only be alot nicer about that, which will make it much harder for Merkel to ignore him, as she just congratulated him ...

Merkel and Co. only seeks to legalize worldwide opinion how is EU in fact Magna Germania. Biden will only help them accelerate their plans just to secure, as he idiotically see it, counterbalance to Russia in Europe.

And Russia obviously wants rather to have Visegrad (and Central European Union) on its western borders then Magna Germania. That is the game.

And what Poland doing? Its not easy. On one side Poland helping in arming Serbia, counting as always on crazy Serbs that they turn the situation in favor for Poland so Poland can survive and even expand. On the other side, official Poland seek closer ties with Vatican, no matter that it looks like same as if mouse ask protection from the cat. Anyway, at one moment Poland would have to choose. Its Biden knocking on the door and accelerating things.
9 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

I actually took my morning rakija to eliminate the germs from the throat. That`s enough for now. Did you killed your germs?

And what you want now? I didn`t say that I can imagine Biden as a new Pope but not as a new USA President. I could tell it but, see, I didn`t.
9 Nov 2020
News / How do Poles feel about Biden? [59]

What should Poles think of Biden, the man who would open path to Germany to try to create some new reich. Sure, if Trump fails to prevent it.
8 Nov 2020
News / PiS candidates are losing positions in EU Parliament. Will they keep power in Poland? [358]

PiS will keep power in Poland because demonstrate wise policy on Serbia and Serbian question. That we read from PiS`s actions. That is how we understand stance of magnates of Poland and Polonia, whom PiS shows obvious respect. Stance of people in Poland, after all. That is crucial. All the rest is daily politics of Poland and PiS tries to maneuver best as possible. And as we know its not easy. Look what happening to venerable and legal USA President Trump. There are blind fanatics everywhere.
6 Nov 2020
Life / Thread dedicated to Polish and other Slavic children [53]

Polish children sing in Serbian children summer camp Letenka

Welcome Holy Spirit - Sisters from Poland - Letenka Camp Serbia >>>

Serbia's royals welcome baby boy into family

little Prince Stefan Karadjordjevic

BDW, forgot to mention. In case with above image. Serbian Prince Filip married Danica, a girl from the ordinary Serbian peoples background and for that he is very loved by Serbs.