The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 23 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 27 / Live: 23 / Archived: 4
Posts: Total: 2063 / Live: 1987 / Archived: 76
From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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13 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

Dunno Bobko, I followed his tip and it paid off

Even a broken clock is accurate, twice a day.

If you bought something he recommended, and simply sat on it - you're 95% likely to have done well. This is because we have just finished living through one of the strongest bull markets in the world's history. Due to nonstop quantitative easing by governments in North America and Europe, stocks have benefited disproportionately. Making rich people richer, and poor people just about as poor as they always were.

However, if you actually did what Johnny suggests with his daily advice of moving stuff around, you would have likely only hurt yourself. Being a day trader in general is a joke, for 99.999% of people. The information asymmetry between an average Joe day trading and a market maker who sees the entire picture is just too great. You're being fleeced by experts, every step of the way.

P.S. - for the paranoid goons around here, I do not work for a market maker firm, and the above is not financial advice. The Content is for informational purposes only, you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing contained in my post constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by Bobko or any third party service provider to buy or sell any securities or other financial instruments in this or in in any other jurisdiction in which such solicitation or offer would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction.
13 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Stock Market and Trading Talk [1011]

with the extra money we made with Johnny Rebs tips

I'm surprised you managed to make any money at all based on Johnny's tips, since in most instances they run counter to accepted logic within the financial sector. For example, his claim of selling out of everything and sitting on cash in CDs. In the real world, where I live, you have to pay taxes on things you sold at a profit. Either Johnny sells at a loss, or he routinely wipes out his gains through his frequent in and out maneuvers.
8 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Let's talk about shoes [308]


No the problem is deeper. This specific type of Indian shoe, is unlike most other Indian shoes. This is a rare and exotic "Catholic Indian" shoe, which to my knowledge was only ever produced by the Dalit, or Untouchable community. The generations of being unfairly contrasted with the wildly more successful "Hindu Indian" or so-called "Muslim Indian" shoe, has created for better or worse a perpetual feeling of having a "chip on the shoulder".

So while an outsider would expect to find few real differences between these varieties of shoes, there is in fact a world of difference.
8 Mar 2023
News / R. Trzaskowski, current mayor of Warsaw, future President of Poland [301]

Paranoia based on religious fanaticism. You should seek professional help.

Under that criteria, probably a good third of America should be under active supervision of a doctor. I can provide you with a few American websites, with readership in the hundreds of thousands, where "paranoia based on religious fanaticism" can encapsulate 50% of the articles.

Fighting demons, and saving souls is a pretty routine affair in the United States. You have it easy in Europe.

Also, please do not be frightened by people pronouncing a desire to go "underground". In America they have an entire industry dedicated to servicing the whims of these people, so again - they cannot be so unusual, or dangerous if profit-oriented businessmen are able to conduct dealings with them. So they like to live in old ICBM silos. So they dress up a few times a week and march around some forest clearing. So they buy a lot of gas masks and bulletproof vests. Yes, they're sitting on hundred of millions of rounds of ammunition. But is this really a reason to worry? Of course not.

These people are harmless. The real demons no one cares to slay.
6 Mar 2023
Travel / Private Jets in Poland [16]

It is going to cost me almost as much to fly

Spoken like an owner and a pilot. Paying only for gas in this equation, I assume?
6 Mar 2023
Travel / Private Jets in Poland [16]


One day I will charter a private jet for $13K from Warsaw to Paris (one way). Seeing as it fits 6-8 people, I will invite Cargo, Johnny, Joker, Jon, Miloslaw, Pawian and Paulina on this romantic sojourn (I'm leaving one seat vacant because you-know-who is said to be a rather large fellow).

I will request to have a dash cam installed facing the cabin, to record the hilarity that ensues.
6 Mar 2023
Travel / Private Jets in Poland [16]

Noticing that the topic of private jets is a popular one on PolishForums, I felt it was time for a dedicated thread.

In recent years travel by private jet has become greatly democratized. Early players, like the Buffet-backed NetJets, have opened the market for hundreds of other companies offering jet for hire services at a fraction of the cost of ownership. People for whom travel by private jet was not accessible, are finally able to cruise the skies in style. Poland is no exception.

Attaching an image below of sample pricing from a company called Evo Jets for flights from Warsaw to other cities. Incredibly, the price is lower than the cost of a first class ticket on dirty commercial, in some cases. The flight to New York works out at downright business class prices ($75K / 16 passengers = $4,600).

Notice also that the price for New York is for a "heavy jet", so no need to worry about stomach-turning turbulence during your climb, or having to move about like Gandalf in Frodo's cabin!


  • 4621B903C49846B1B.jpeg
5 Mar 2023
Off-Topic / Russian Views On Poland and Vice Versa [382]

More than 8 years ago this war started. Posting a video here of volunteers showing up for the war in 2014, for all the people that argue Russia engineered this thing. Accompanied by nice Don/Kuban Cossack music, and plenty of instances of actual Cossacks (hello Ukraine) visible on screen. The type of Cossacks I like, in uniform, and not some dress-up costume.
4 Mar 2023
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

until Belarus breaks its toxic ties with Russia, develops a new democratic gov and becomes a European country

Lol. Now Belarus is a real country too? I thought it was the 90th state of Russia?
4 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

hide my true status of the forum owner

How much would you be willing to sell the forum for?

Whatever the amount, I'm certain it will represent small change to our local Warren Buffet.
3 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

The rest of the dumb fvck ass holes here diminished me calling me a liar about my surgery

Very charitable characterization of your forum colleagues. In the next breath you will claim you have many friends, yes? Always spreading drama. Let me quote from Proverbs for you, then:

"Where no wood is, there the fire goeth out: so where there is no talebearer, the strife ceaseth."

Can you receive this Solomonic wisdom, man of God?
2 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

Not one by the hour

Jon, you know just how to ruin a romantic atmosphere with some unexpected vulgarity.
2 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

You yourself are a legitimate reason for suspension, Johnny.

Here I was, thinking that Bobko showing his ugly side in wars with the Pig might alienate the Gentleman Kania...

Turns out he is as brutal as I am. Recent conversion notwithstanding. It's true what they say.
1 Mar 2023
UK, Ireland / Moving to Poland from UK [39]

Geraniums, let alone pelargonias, don`t excite me at all

Oh, but Pawian... geraniums are amongst the most beautiful of all! Is this because your are lazy, or you are unwilling to advance in the horticultural skills through some other impediment?
1 Mar 2023
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

It is strange you are getting so emotional. You are not yourself

The man perpetuates some crude form of war communism over his people a-lá 1925, and you think I am being emotional? I have more respect for my Belarusian friends than this criminal does.
1 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

If you are a Woke and agree with the owner.

I am not woke. I think I am equally unpopular here with Poles, Americans, right-wingers, left-wingers, Crnogorac, Crow, and maybe even Velund. In other words, I am in the place where a Russian feels most comfortable - in a state of siege.

My only allies are oddballs like Kania, Kashub and Novichok. Vincent bans me whenever he wakes up on the wrong side of the bed. I take the punishment in stride, and am grateful at the same time - as it allows me to focus on my actual daily life. Also, I'm just grateful that they let me come here to this little playground, which you don't seem to appreciate.

I'm telling you man, you ought to chill out and wind down.
1 Mar 2023
Feedback / Feed Back on the Moderating [90]

your toxic moderating tactics

Your diminishing personal attacks to intimidate, shame and control

Here, let me threaten you back.....

You live in a scary world, Johnny...
1 Mar 2023
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

How many times have you read it

In my experience, the people that spend the most time discussing the Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital, are exactly the people that have no idea about what is contained in those texts.
28 Feb 2023
UK, Ireland / Moving to Poland from UK [39]

I`d better give up now to avoid a headache.

Don't give up. Have pride. You are a Slav - ingenious, imaginative, and passionate. If these people can understand Geraniums, so can you!