The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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30 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

On Pachamama? Oh, I would see.

I only hope you understand Vatican commited genocide on Serbs. Its on Poland to punish Vatican. It should be by the hand of Poland. I want tear in the eye of Pope brate, in the eye of every Vatican's adept. Don't reward them. Give them sh**.
30 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]


Where are you man? You disappeared just when we come to Pachamama. Yea, shocking isn`t it. So you better listen to what brat tell you and don`t expect anything nice from western Europe and Vatican. You aren`t moron.

Svetovid at least isn`t naked. On statues, He usually have more clothes even comparing to Jesus.
30 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Gloria Excelsior Sacrum Imperium!

You mean Gloria Excelsior Sacrum Pachamama?

The Pope, the Amazon, and Pachamama


Idolatry at the Vatican?!

Man, this is ridiculous. If Vatican tolerate Pachamama, why would you as Polish insist to be bigger Pope then Pope himself? ``of Latin culture``? So, that you expect from western Europe and Papacy? Pachamama?

Shame. Vatican = globalization. Give up from Vatican in time. Svetivid and Christ!

a lot of peoples - that's the mix that Serbia is today.

We Serbs don`t tend to assimilate but to coexist. Still, who thinks he can violate Serbian sovereignty won`t be welcome anymore.
29 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

We have become, ....................., the new Holy Roman Empire

Horror. So many would die when THAT Poland start to spread globalism in form of Catholicism and vice versa- Catholicism as globalism. All in tradition of the Holy Roman Empire.

But let me elaborate, how deeply you are wrong. Tragically wrong. /it happens when you talk and don`t understand politics in entirety/

If so as you say, then Gavrilo didn`t change course of Poland`s history on the long run. Poland din`t become independent after WWI but remained dependable on western Europe and Rome.

Even before WWI Rome/Vatican in consent with Germany had plan to reform Poland by the Konopischt project, what is essentially idea of Poland as clerical Catholic state where `Catholic` is raised to the level of nation, exactly same way as it is in Islam with Muslims. It is giving up of new Commonwealth around Poland and even Intermarium. Bottom line is that concept of nation is lost and Poles are only Catholic ie Global, not Slavic/Sarmatian.

Latin civilisation. We accept this with modesty, satisfaction and gratitude to Our Lord Jesus Christ.

All in all, after making full circle in attempt to escape failure of western Europe, Poland would embrace globalism and again join western Europe.

Special relations will have to be formed between the Empire and frontier states of Greece and Serbia

If Poland fails to save itself from Vatican and western Europe, then I see Serbia initiate project of last resort that would be, let`s say, truly Greater Serbia that would include all Serbs from Baltic to Balkan, unity of many new states that would emerge- Lusatia, Silesia, Kashubia, Polonia, etc many in what is now eastern Germany. Czechs and Slovaks would also join. Essentially, it would be New Commonwealth around Serbia instead around Poland that failed on the test of history (after all, Balkan Serbs were military elite of original Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth).

P.S. The seat of the Pope will, obviously, have to be moved to Poland (probably to Kraków or Częstochowa).

No. Forget Pope. Vatican is global thing, same as Patriarch of Constantinople. Same as Islam. Then also, Vatican is behind genocide on Serbs from Baltic to Balkan and Poland must give up from Pope and Vatican. Find way to organize yourself as Catholics who are autonomous from Pope same way as Orthodox Serbs are autonomous from Patriarch of Constantinople.

Otherwise, if somebody in Poland insist on papacy, we Serbs must work first with Serbs on Balkan-Baltic line and can`t count on Poland in today`s format. Poland then must change its format ie return to Sarmatism to be serious and suitable for new Slavic/Sarmatian conglomerates and that may include, as I said formation of Kashubia, etc states.

Poland is western Europe

All Slavs are West, only one and original true West, and all Slavs originate from the Serbs (all Serbs on Balkan-Baltic line and part of that line are Lusatians and Kashubs) and in Balkan Serbian part of Danube in Lepenski vir culture West was born during last Glaciation or even earlier.
29 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Thank you but, you failed to answer to the topic - What Poland expected from western Europe?

Do you expect anything more from the western Europe?
29 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Indeed, I am kind of celebrity here. But still, as I said I am happy. It for sure makes all Serbs of Poland and Polonia also happy. In that sense, this forum achieved a lot of to spread positive energy.

Now, why don't you yourself contribute more? Why only complain as some old woman?
29 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

This forum is NOT a representative sample of polish people, never was.

I disagree. This forum just isn`t totalitarian. To say, Catholic Poles who organize this forum aren`t bigger Catholics then Pope. As a Serbian, I feel quite free on this forum. And I am from Serbia. But when I as a Serbian from Serbia enjoy rights here, then for sure there is hope for rights of all Serbs of Poland. Kashubs, Lusatians, etc. After all Polani themselves knows of their Serbian origin.

Poland with Sarmatism is great idea. Far from it to be exhausted idea. Yes, I have hope.
29 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

You can`t agree on basic things. Reading comment here one may conclude that Poland needs western European support to deal with internal processes within Poland. Horrible.
28 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

It started much earlier then Teutonic yoke.


It continued and lasted for centuries. Then it culminated with betrayal of Poland in WWII


Then came the EU.


27 Dec 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

"I have just read an article about Polish far right nationalists` defence of Lukashenka - they even held a demo in Warsaw. "

Sure they demonstrate. Poland has its own specific interests and one of those interests is to have its place within the Slavic world. Now, with an increased level of global madness, the Slavic world is more and more popular. Far from it to be perfect but in the Slavic world, MAMA is still MAMA and TATA is still TATA, while speaking in general, Slavic culture does tend to provide enough tolerance for different.

Respect from Serbia brate
27 Dec 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus?

Nothing. Absolutely nothing. If it ain't broken, don't fix it.

Comparing to the USA, Belarus now looks like promised land, while in comparison to Biden, Lukashenko looks like serious statesman.
23 Dec 2020
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

Now when I think back on time, Tusk is wise. He knew what would happen to EU and Intermarium anyway wasn`t and isn`t realistic until there is no Polish Catholic Church, independent from Vatican. See, I now understand Tusk. Being Kashub, a Northern Serb, he is familiar with generally negative Vatican`s and western European stance on all Serbs. He knows that Vatican always played on Germany, on France, on Spain, on Latinos, not on Poland. Never on Poland. Only used Poland. Only gave carrot to Poland. He is also aware of tragic plot for destruction of Yugoslavia. It was enough Vatican to move its finger and Yugoslavia to collapse.

My dear people of this forum, let`s be realistic. Let`s face it. Intermarium is a delusion. Not by default but as things stand now. No freedom to Poland. no power in Poland, no interdependence of Poland, as long as Vatican have to be asked for things in Poland. What Poles think? To have Intermatium and to wait Vatican to move its finger and then Intermarium to fall in the hands of favorite Vatican`s champions- Germanics, ie Germany. In the process, Intermarium, in the first step, no doubt, would be turned into freak that is idea of Poland by the Kanopisht pact. With Vatican in the game Intermarium would be turned into bloodbath same as was Yugoslavia and we all would perish.

So, my dear Polani, listen brethren. You better as fast as possible form Polish Catholic Church. Give up from Rome and Vatican. What you have with Vatican`s crime on Balkan Serbs? With Vatican`s millennial worldwide crimes? Nothing. Nothing at all. Or, rather, in fact, speaking of crimes on Balkan Serbs, those crimes were directed, as side effect, to weaken Poland and to increase Vatican`s position in Poland, to isolate Poland from its natural southern historical ally. Very sinister game, indeed. Committing genocidal crimes on Orthodox and Catholic (!) Serbs in WWI, WWII and during Civil War in former Yugoslavia, Vatican in fact declared war to Poland. Only with Serbs, Poles have chance to escape fate of servitude to western Europe and not to be dependent from Russia at the same time. Only with Serbs Poland can dream to be part of conglomerate like New Commonwealth or Intermarium. With Vatican, only agony await Poland.
22 Dec 2020
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

Polish King, Leszek Biały, ....., there was no wine, mead, or even beer to be had".

Oh, blessed be wise Polish Pan Kralj.
21 Dec 2020
Classifieds / London Polish Reverts (Muslim) [10]

Christ and Svetovid are better solution for Poland. Better to endure on the path of ancestors.
20 Dec 2020
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

My experience is that cat people hate people and are crazy or borderline autistic.

Dobri Zanko, say us, you must be total Bulgarian or live as convinced to be a Croatian?

See, you didn`t understand my remark on cats and pets. I just looking on it from the apocalyptic angle. Its this grim era we live in. One may love them but, they are food basically. I just wanted to say that. They who have cats aren`t more crazy then I who have Guinea pig. Actually, they are in better position when come to eating their pats. One cat is much more meat then one Guinea pig, no matter its essentially a pork. Don`t be confused with that `pig`. Its kind of tiny pig. Very.
19 Dec 2020
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [385]

We live in desperate times. One should cut his emotional ties with his pets. Pets are food. Cats, too.

Take me. I love my Guinea pig. But, when look at him in the context of pandemic apocalypse, I see just a little pig. Small quantity of pork.
17 Dec 2020
Feedback / Is it finaly time to have Slavic section on this forum? [9]

Well, the first slaves on the European continent were Sarmatians (ie Slavs). Half Semitic Greeks and Romans and later also their romanized descendants turned us Whites into slaves and servants. So comes the words `serf`, `servant`, and `slave` from the name of our ancestors, native Europeans. Arabs and Jews joined also in that slave hunt.

While in the beginning, it was the word `Sir` that originated from our ancestors. Then did the mighty fallen and became slaves. Later, with time, Gavrilo and many like him happened and we are slaves no more.
17 Dec 2020
Feedback / Is it finaly time to have Slavic section on this forum? [9]

Old Serbs used to say... `There would be so terrible times that woman won`t be able to find a man but would run to sit on a wooden stump`.

But it's even worse. If we Slavs don`t consolidate and establish the clear border between us and the rest of the West that already isn`t West, a woman won`t run for a wooden stump but for an Arab to sit on.

Look what deviation from the ancestral path brought to us!
14 Dec 2020
Feedback / Is it finaly time to have Slavic section on this forum? [9]

Well, Slavic values, some general traits of Slavs, are values of true West. That's for sure.

Is it finaly time to have Slavic section on this forum

Name for Slavic section should be - Slavs
11 Dec 2020
Feedback / Is it finaly time to have Slavic section on this forum? [9]

We need section that will promote closer ties among Slavs. World changed dramaticaly day after day. In many ways. We Slavs do have specific civilization and we have to work togather to preserve it.

In Slavic section we should exchange opinions on specific Slavic matters, news from different Slavic countries, business in Slavic countries, food, music, etc.
6 Dec 2020
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

One thing forgot to mention here and good that Poles knows.

During WWI, Bulgaria was in alliance with AH. As such, Bulgaria got eastern Serbia for its occupational zone. During 3 years of Bulgarian occupation, Bulgarian soldiers collected 3000 Serbian young girls and sold them to Turks for Arab market. Not to speak of other bestiality and genocide they committed during occupation.
6 Dec 2020
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

And look what THEY done to our world. Look! And what we did to prevent it. Greeks, Romans, Franks, Sasanids, etc, etc. Why old Sarmatians didn`t stop them?! Aren`t we cowards. True died in battles, so only miserable remain. Gene pool is weakened. Generation of miserable after generation of miserable.

Man is not a man and woman is not a woman. That is our achievement. And we even forgot what it means to be a man or a woman. Free man and free woman. I know one thing. Its not control. It must be coexistence. Its not tolerance, its understanding. Its wisdom and not stupidity. It have to be nice word. It have to. Something gently.
6 Dec 2020
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

What is a false moral, Crow ?

Its when you want to go naked on the street and you decide not to because you obey to moral norm. Its when woman wants to give her tit to the baby in public and decide not to because of norm. Its when you want to have sex with two woman at the same time, and there are woman who are interested and still you don`t do it because something hold you. Its when priest take money to you to connect you to the God, like merchant connect producer with consumer. Its when man spread their sperm and at the same time wants to control what woman do with their eggs. Its when countries spread democracy, while we all know its just grabbing and control. Its when Churches sending missionaries to spread their influence and those missionaries using incentives to spread word of God. Etc, etc.

Ultimately, false moral is to die in silence. To live without living. To live some norm behind which is interest of some others and not to have your way.

Elvis Presley - My Way (Aloha From Hawaii, Live in Honolulu, 1973)
6 Dec 2020
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

Kama Sutra je mama. Who loves it. And who would't like it. Some others likes ascetic life. Some enjoy to delude themselves with false moral. Some are philosophers. Some have hormonal problems. And so on.