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Donald Tusk's Government of Poland Continues to Oppress Poles [161]
That is what i have heard. It is now far more easier to set on up.
Sheesh, democracy in Poland is 20 years old. You can't expect miracles from a country where the people are fundamentally socialist in nature.
You don't try to introduce a bill that will charge people to jump the Queue for treatment in a socialist country. If you would that to people they would scream blue murder and call you a fascist, in addition to a snob and then attack your manner of speaking, like in my favorite socialist example: Britain
In Poland by contrast you can get away with that because it is not a "fundamentally socialist" country, and that is what Kopacz and the rest of PO is doing.
if you look at the electoral math, there's absolutely no way that PO could reform labour law.
Well with fat Fedak in charge of labour, it is going to be a bit hard, but after the election when the arithmetic changes a bit who knows.
BTW: I would like to know what is your view on the recent changes regarding the banning of political TV ads and billboarding by PO.
This is my view: PIS base will be unable to get inspiration from hate ads on TV and will be less motivated.
PIS people are older so they will be unable to distribute hate filled election literature as easily.
With a 2 day election cycle, a higher turnout will be more beneficial to PO.
With the PO having cut government subsides to political parties by a half, means that PO will have a bigger election war chest.
I thought it had recently changed from being some "special health care facility" to being a normal creche?
this is what they have actually done:
Aby umożliwić młodym matkom szybszy powrót do pracy, rząd ułatwił zakładanie żłobków, tworzenie punktów i zespołów przedszkolnych (liczba miejsc dla przedszkolaków zwiększyła się o 190 tys.), wydłużył urlopy macierzyńskie do co najmniej 20 tygodni i wprowadził urlop ojcowski.
rough translation: enabling a quick return to work for young mothers, the gov made it easier to establish nurseries, the creation of extra preschool places( the number will increase by 190 thousand). They prolonged maternity leave to at least 20 weeks and they introduced paternity leave.
So i think it is fair to say that this pretty much punctures the OP's hysteria bubble, as well as the nonsensical rubbish put out by the pretentiously named Hitman.
I would strongly encourage anyone interested in open debate, to read this article in wyborca. To asses to premier's assessment of his governed. I find it very fair.
That is the actual article:,75478,9242023,Tuska_metoda_malych_krokow.html