History /
Famous Polish Dwarves [5]
Hello, and welcome to the latest edition of
Exploring Poland with Bobko. In this installment, we look at Poland's curious history with dwarves, or little people.
Any list of famous Polish dwarves would be incomplete without mentioning Józef Boruwłaski - and so, that's how we will begin.
Józef Boruwłaski was born in 1739 near Halicz, which is now located in Banderstadt. It is notable, that followers of Bandera do not cherish the memory of this famous Polish dwarf.
When he was young, a certain Countess took an interest in young Józef, and shortly afterwards he was already being presented to the Empress Maria Theresa - who gifted him a diamond ring. Things were not so rosy, however, when Jozef and the Countess decided to visit the former dictator of Poland, Stanislaw Leszczynski. He also had his own dwarf, Nicolas Ferry - AKA Bébé - who tried to throw poor Josef into a burning fireplace. Thankfully, the dictator intervened in time, and then also had 75 footlashings assigned to Bébé as punishment.
As an adult, Josef became famous for never drinking alcohol (unique among Poles of the time), and for being quite talented as a musician. He almost started drinking alcohol, however, after the new Polish dictator - Stanislaw II - first gave him a state pension, and then revoked it after becoming jealous of how much money little Jozef was making from playing instruments.
Please share your stories of famous Polish dwarves.
With Sincere Respect to All the Lord's Creations,
Source: en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%B3zef_Boruw%C5%82aski