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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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12 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

China are already very, very deep into Serbia and to a lesser extent Montenegro.

Check your data. China own Crna Gora financially and Crna Gora call Serbia to bail them out of debt. With it, with support of Serbian populace of Crna Gora, Serbia just have to move finger and merge with Crna Gora, secure its return to the Adriatic, what would trigger even bigger merging of `Serbian world` how some call it.

The West could help a number of people in the East by dealing with Moscow.

Instead, West proved to be false West and East to be the true West. Thank you.
11 Jan 2021
News / Poland - A True Bastion and Defender of Free Speech [250]

Well, if we judge by the general standards of this forum, Poland IS a true bastion and defender of Free Speech. And what else could be possible. Spirit of Sarmatism still lives.
11 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]


Slaski brate, EU does not have the capacity to care for anybody. EU is in agony. Played a game with great powers and was literally torn apart. And that is good. For what is EU? Extended Germany and the Vatican, two that always go hand in hand. They agreed in WWI. They agreed in WWII even in relation to Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and the formation of Nazi Islamic units on Balkan. They agree on welcoming migrants to Europe. Man, they agreed even on elections in the USA and to put Trump down.
11 Jan 2021
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]


Or Piasts, or long line of Jagiellonian Kings of Poland, King John III Sobieski or Tadeusz Kościuszko, Eugen Paulus, and many other brothers. Or one Jadwiga.

Go, tell them that Poland stays in opposition to the Serbs. Go tell them.

Shame on you.
11 Jan 2021
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]

bombing **** out of Serbia by USA doesn't make that country or a NATO a terrorist organization.

Said you.

I wonder what could one Witold Gombrowicz, Adam Mickiewicz or Karol Czartoryski tell you about this quotation. You think they are mistaken because believed in Serbs and that NATO was right?
11 Jan 2021
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]

So Serbian backed militia was a terrorist organization

STOP with anti Serbian propaganda at a time when became obvious that those magnates and their mass media who ruined Trump represent that USA that attacked Serbs.

You easily fall in trechery of your ancestors, dobri brate. Serbs defended from genocidal Vatican and its global allied elite, Islamic league included, and also its local minions.

Still, you never criticized Vatican. Tell me, are you insane? I ask because word traitor cant entirely cover your behavior and talk here. You are more then braiwashed or naive, so I ask.

Are you that fanatic that you think Vatican hunt Serbs because consider us Pagan and Orthodox?

You REALY believe Vatican love Poland?
11 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

No, this is a Russian slogan

Don't underestimate Poles. EU acted against Serbia and majority of Poles didn't like it. Then EU act against Poland and Poles don't like it even more.

Now we all see that EU represent solely Germany, France and Vatican that cooperate with Islamic league and even using EU against Britain, US, Russia, China and rest of Europe - Central, Eastern, Balkan.

Only moron dont see EU involvement in ellection fraud in the USA what is in fact act of war on States.

Face it. EU is evil and Poles never liked evil and wont start to like it.
9 Jan 2021
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]

Why Poland has no problem with terrorism

As part of NATO Poland is member of terrorist organization. Add to it membership in EU and you have idea. Trump tried to cut off ties with Islamists but it didn`t work and Poland will some time more stay safe thanks to Biden.

But, if you ask citizens of Poland about all that, having good souls and naivety, with their failed journalism, they even aren`t aware what keeps them safe from terrorists.
8 Jan 2021
Genealogy / I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY? [78]

I'm polish and have a darker complexion - WHY?

This question reminds me of one joke.

Son: `Mother, how come you are white and I am black?`
Mother: `Don`t ask son. How I was drunk that night, good that you aren`t a dog.`
6 Jan 2021
News / Der Spiegel: "Poles are now the masters of Europe" [49]

Masters of Europe? my ass! Poland is and remains a FAILED STATE

Not necessarily. In truth, Poland is conceptionally similar to Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia but, much older conglomerate. The problem of Poland is that country now deviating from its original concept and that is Sarmatism.

With Sarmatism Poland have a chance. It's the only cohesive force that may keep united Polani, Kashubs, Silesians, and other kin within Poland.

Then we make the Central European Union.
6 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

You suggest it is an empire like Russia?? hahaha

One may like Russia or not but one must be aware of one thing. And the same goes for any other Slavic country.

That is, Russia stays in direct continuity with native European culture and language. EU, as it is formed and as it is, only can claim to originate from same native Europe but, the EU lost the direct cultural and linguistic link and actually embraces non-European tradition and even force non-European genetics of its subjects. Actually, when we look at the genesis of EU trends we notice a very early clear Semitic line along with the complete tradition of western Europe. Sure, one may say that Semitic and Asian influences were and are present in Central and Eastern Europe, in Eurasian parts of Russia. But still, those were forced incursions to which people/culture stood and resisted, while in the case of western Europe, via Romans and their cultural descendants, Semitic influences are welcome and embraced willingly. As I say that trend can be followed for already 2500 years.
6 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Polish jobs/factories all move abroad

It won't come to that. Rules of engagement in the global economy changes. Factories would remain there where there is energy and the Baltic-Balkan line is one of very few best energy points in the world, with a rich natural local resources base. That is why the EU struggles to keep it and exploit, while the USA and Russia obviously have other plans, to say, won't be against the formation of the Central European Union.
6 Jan 2021
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

But they also need gas.


For the industry in the first place. You can use other energy for transportation and heating houses but in next 100 to 200 years science don`t have a solution to completely abandon oil and gas in industry. Now, resources are limited and THAT is primary reason why humanity must reduce use of gas and oil on industry as soon as possible. Sure, climatic changes may be primary reason for you and me but for the truly big magnates first come their personal interest. So, it is good for mankind when interests of magnates and ordinary people overlap and there comes clean technology, electric cars, etc.

Because solar itself is unstable and unsustainable

That, too. Also, gas has low emission of carbon and in itself represent green technology in comparison to previous solutions.
5 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Hope Poland is thrown out of the EU.

hey Me too! That would be a great day for Poland. Unfortunately the EU doesn't want to do it and never will

Yes, Poland is annexed by the EU.

The last trap Poland was into, the Warsaw Pact, and the Soviet Union was founded on communism.

The EU trap was and is founded on the Vatican. Ultimately, on the Vatican, where it is obvious now even Germany is used as a condom. Colored condom but still just a condom.
5 Jan 2021
Life / Covid vaccination for foreigners in Poland? [26]

Alarming news - Slavs may die after receive Pfizer vaccine !

Žena u Sloveniji preminula nakon vakcinisanja / Woman in Slovenia dies after received vaccine

Korisnica slovenskog doma za starije umrla je nakon vakcinisanja Fajzerovom vakcinom protiv kovida 19

5 Jan 2021
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]


Thanks for sharing info. That`s a one more proof that the USA and Russia agreed on Balkan Stream (considering Ukrainian pipeline soon ending its functional lifespan) and that Germany in the first place pushing for Nord Stream, what I understand from economical and Geo-strategic aspect.
4 Jan 2021
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

I mentioned earlier. Ukraine pipeline would be out of functions in a few years. Its lifespan is near to an end. Needs enormous investments to be in order. Russia isn`t interested to invest there because of whole situation and seek new, safer and strategic vital, transit lines. Then there is also higher Geo-strategy.

So, what would be Poland`s situation without pipeline in Ukraine? If not for Balkan Stream Poland would entirely depend on Nord Stream. Even very hint of this idea is abominable to Poland.

Do you now understand?

Germany desired this situation but, neither Poland, neither Serbia, neither Visegrad, neither Russia, neither USA desire that situation. With Serbia in the game for transit, Russia proves that have no desire to play with Germany against Poland. That time is past. I gave you link of video > // // and there Serbian political analyzer elaborates that Russia gave up from Germany because Germany became historically untrustworthy, while strong Serbia can be factor of global world stability. In that sense, if Germany complicates, by having Balkan Stream, Russia may cut off Germany at any time. It is also tool in hands of Serbia to prevent German meddling in affairs of Balkan states and endanger consolidation of Serbian realm (entire former Yugoslavia and even entire Balkan gravitate to Belgrade when no foreign meddling).

Also, for all who understand global politics obviously understand that Balkan Stream coming in existence as agreement between the USA and Russia, so their politics don`t depend on EU. Actually, keep open options for emergence of Central European Union.
4 Jan 2021
News / "Wikileaks" Vatican officials saw Poland as 'US Trojan horse in Europe' [13]

People. I contemplated. You know what is next after Covid?

3 options.

1 - Black Pope

2 - Open LGBT Pope so you even don`t know is it man or woman. Great thing would be Black LGBT Pope.

3 - Female Pope

See, bigger the chaos, better the rule over the subjects.
4 Jan 2021
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

If Hungary and Slovakia are happy why Poland wouldn`t be happy?

Hungary banks on Balkan Stream to triple capacity of gas supply to Slovakia

Hungary will triple the capacity of a natural gas pipeline border interconnector towards Slovakia by 2024

4 Jan 2021
News / Is NORD STREAM dangerous for Poland's natural enviroment? [516]

Nothing won`t be same anymore. Southern Dragon raised from his knees, still wounded but already perform miracles.

Very important for Poland. Serbia is now main energy hub and point of distribution of cheapest gas in Europe. The matter of life for Poland ..... Serbia - Poland via Hungary and Slovakia. Let it flow...


Serbian President Opens Key Section Of Russia-Led Balkan Pipeline

"A big day for Serbia!" Vucic posted on Instagram. During the event, he praised the project as "key for Serbia's future development."


Balkan Stream started to function. Ultimate solution for Poland. Its not just about secured (!) transit of gas for Poland. I spoke here earlier that Serbia have contract with Russia that allows Serbia to buys unlimited quantities of Russian cheap gas and sell it to ANY third side. No need to say that now Poland can make a deal directly with Serbia and then via Hungary and Slovakia have unlimited supply of Russian gas, without necessity to politically agree with Russia. It also means that Poland have open all options, any form of payment or even exchange agreed bilaterally with Serbia, in providing gas for its industry. And Poland was and is by Serbia always seen as strategic partner and much more then that. Not even the USA or EU can offer such a options to Poland.

See, this is what I told here many times. Serbia bringing balance, firstly into the Slavic civilization and then also to Europe and world. We can make it.

In a Geo-strategic sense, political commentators here says that Balkan Stream represent victory of pro-Serbian lobby in Russia over the pro-German lobby. Actually, commentators even says that Russia lost interest in strategic cooperation with Germany considering historical German backstabbing.

Sharing info with Poles and Poland so they know more <

No gold winters for children of Poland.

All historical investments of Poland into Serbia, all blood of our northern brethren for our freedom pays off.


! Close to the path of Balkan Stream ! - Table on the renovated monument to Zawisha Czarny at a site where he died fighting Turks, in back then Serbian Despotate
4 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]


You Poles have nothing more in common with the Vatican, considering Vaticans forced globalization and morbid violance on Serbs what in fact was and is attack on vital Polish inteterests.
4 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

You are all crazy if you think that Pope isnt happy with refugees in Europe. Its not just about washing of legs. Its about mixing and globalization. Oh Papacy rejoice with new souls on the market. One soul, few coins.
31 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Amazon forests.

See brate how locals ask for their rights and Pope give them. Why not give Svetovid to Slavs?

And again I was first to say of such a things and then happen Pachamama. See? First I say and the things happen. Its because we Serbs have very wise open discussions in public media. We are independant people.
31 Dec 2020
News / Tusk turning his back to idea about Intermarium (New Commonwealth), seeing only EU as future for Poland [119]

If you continue to speak like this, I would conclude that Poland becoming exhausted idea. Same as it was case with Yugoslavia. Then Tusk and Vucic needs to speak as two Serbs, in the spirit of Pan-Serbian alliance from Balkan to Baltic.

Now think what would mean for Poland if this become Geo-strategic reality. Try to think if have brain. What would Poland? To become more clerical? Stop to be Slavic and, like in case with Muslims who gave up their ethnicity, become just Catholic? As proposed by the Kanopischt what would lead in full Germanzation? To become police state? To squeeze Kashubs more? To assimilate all who don`t say they are Polish? To join with Germany and Islamic league against Serbia?

You wouldn`t need Russians to come. There would be Civil War in Poland before that. And there wouldn`t be any partition after that. Simple, Poland would died out as idea, like Yugoslavia. New states would emerge.

So, don`t become traitor. Have brain. Don`t say Serbian factor is meaningless. Serbian factor is one of rare things that hold Poland alive. Strengthen internal cohesive forces within Poland and keep Russia convinced how Poland still have its meaning.

This is why when Serbia ask, Duda allow to Serbia to use Poland`s air space for ANY import of weaponry from Russia, no matter any EU or NATO sanctions. Serbs are Poland and Poland is Serbs. Violate this and you have internal problems and don`t even need outside enemy.