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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Aug 2017
Threads: 18
Posts: 1453
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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28 Sep 2013
Law / we are thinking to open asian bistro/ take away in wroclaw [13]

they really don't
I was just over there last month.
my cousins took me to an Italian restaurant where we ordered pizza.
Along with the pie came two red sauces: one zwykły (regular), the other pikantny(spicy)
I tasted very little difference in the sauces. For me they were both tame.
My cousins, on the other hand, used the "spicy" sauce judiciously, for it was hot for them.
6 Oct 2013
Love / Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this? [262]

the secret is to date the youngest sibling and not the oldest. Oldest siblings tend to be Type A because they were bossing their brothers and

my Polish ex-wife was the baby of the family.
She also was a monster.
8 Oct 2013
USA, Canada / Pulaski Day (celebrated in the US only) [54]

I was at the one in New York.
It was a lot of fun seeing all the Poles out there in their red and white
one gripe: where was the Polish food???
9 Oct 2013
Love / English Men vs Polish Men [207]

I mean REAL hard. Wet-panties-humping-my-leg hard. Not bad for a 53-year-old. I could chalk it up to my God-given good looks, my efferverscent, charming personality, or to my long, flowing white beard. But the cynical side of me has to concede it has more to do with cash.

are you certain they weren't simply hookers (no offence)?
17 Oct 2013
Life / Poland: The land of -isms [63]

I personally am saddened to hear this ETinP. I would love for you to elaborate (it's obvi ok if you don't want to). Far be it from me to serve as Poland's apologist but.........
17 Oct 2013
Life / Poland: The land of -isms [63]

I'm sorry ET in P. I thought I might've divined an excuse for them but I'm at a loss. Someone really said "biała siła"?? Shameful really.
17 Oct 2013
Life / Poland: The land of -isms [63]

where my boyfriend and I have been told to leave an area or establishment because of the colour of my skin.

this could be understood to mean you were indeed denied service, in defence of Delphiandomine
2 Nov 2013
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

funny you say that Wulkan!
while at work I stream radio Trójka and my patients are consistently guessing that it's Portuguese coming out the speaker! lol
I never wold have made that connection even though i worked in a Portuguese section of New Jersey for several years :)
2 Nov 2013
Language / A little Polish grammar. Masculine, animate objects. [64]

and not biało spodnie.

wow you really have a block don't you?
białó[b][/b] is NOT AN OPTION!
Earth to Mocha! HALO!
an o is not an ending befitting an adjective!
let's try it in French un joint n'est pas une fin pour un adjectif
3 Nov 2013
Language / A little Polish grammar. Masculine, animate objects. [64]

basically he said that no colors can end with the o ending lol not much explanation so whatever I wont ever enda color with o

adjectives do not end in o
please commit that to memory
3 Nov 2013
Language / A little Polish grammar. Masculine, animate objects. [64]

Polish grammar is hardly intuitive, its idiocyncrasies not always transparent to natives much less foreigners:-)

Exactly my point!
Native speakers have memorized it cold. Most of them can't tell you why a certain grammatical rule applies they simply shrug their shoulders and say "bo tak jest".

such is the agony of grammar for the newbie
Slog on Mochadot18!
You have our undying support :)
29 May 2014
News / Jaruzelski dead / his legacy in Poland [116]

The decission has been made- Jaruzelski will be buried on Powązki
Good! That's exactly here he belongs.

I happened to be living in Poland at the time Jaruzelski declared a state of emergency. It as very scary. I don't remember a single person, not a one, cursing him or declaring him a traitor. I think history's going to be kind to him.
29 May 2014
News / Jaruzelski dead / his legacy in Poland [116]

Ukraine now is perfect example what might have happened, my family member saw army on Polish border...

one needn't go to the Polish border. The Red Army was stationed at all the major cities just ready to spring into action
2 Jun 2014
News / Jaruzelski dead / his legacy in Poland [116]

the New York Times summary of his life:

For decades before that, as a career officer and party official, he dutifully worked to entrench Soviet-directed Communism in Poland, an effort that even Stalin, its instigator, recognized as futile, likening it to "putting a saddle on a cow."