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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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19 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

you are not particularly fond of the Roman Catholic Church.... RCC in Poland

Well, I`m doing fine actually, considering everything. I blame Vatican, that indeed is in the genesis after all.

I hope RCC become PCC, Polish Catholic Church and how things globally develop best would be that we Slavs have Slavic Christian Church.

can PM you with details if you want

I want.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Sins of the Rome and Vatican are famous... genocide, crucifixions of people, inquisition, the inspiration of Teutonic and Germanic genocide on Slavs, Nazi genocide on Slavs, heavy brain manipulation like inventions of wonders, pedophilia, collaboration with Turks, collaboration with communist international, etc.

Yes, Protestant elitism contributed to Nazism, too.

And I don't say Constantinople doesn't have its sins. It has. Ignorance and servitude to the Greeks, for example.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]


Thanks for your good contribution to this thread.

We do live in an informative era.

Иди у курац

to you >
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

@jon357 Your honesty is segmented.

And fortunately, such talk belongs to the past. People like me will write modern history books, not people like you.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

So, now we speak bluntly. Bottom line.

Do we now establish the same standards for everything that happened to Poland in history? What we put in books for little children in Poland?

We tell them Russians are evil. We don't explain to children what madness was communism and that western Europe penetrated communism to Russia and then Russians became Soviets convinced to speared world revolution? It mixed with traditional feelings of Polish-Russian antagonism that was fueled with hatred due to the interest of foreigners who with sword and fire introduced Christianity to all Slavs. Etc, etc, etc. Then happened Katyn. We don't say that to children?

Then, what we tell Polish children about Rome and Vatican? Do we have the same standards as we apply to Russia?

What do we tell them on Gavrilo Princip? Do we erect a monument to Gavrilo in Poland?
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]


You aren't helpful.

You don't speak the truth. You cant talk of Katyn without speaking of Stalin the madman in the background and he REALLY killed much more Russians than Poles.

If you are honest, you would have to admit that the enormous crime was committed in Katyn and that there was no genocidal ideology behind it but madman Stalin who was not Russian but, YES, ethnic Russians were involved on the terrain. Now, how would Russians correct it, the question is now? See, I ask a question but I try to tell truth, at least a segment of it. By that, I don't add more sh** in the Polish-Russian relationship but helping. I don't close my eyes on the truth but helping exactly with the truth.

And how I know you aren't honest? Because you NEVER mentioned that German genocide on Poels and all western Slavs was inspired by Rome and Vatican. And the same that Vatican manipulated Poles to hate Russians for Vatican's own purpose. Not for the interests of Poles but Vatican and Germany. For Vatican and France.

You NEVER said that in one single move Gavrilo Princip did more for Poland than the Vatican in its whole history.

That is how you need to talk. From genesis. Or if you cant speak from genesis, simply don't speak.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]


Truth is that I have no words. And your stance isn't helpful. Truth must be said. But complete truth. You aren't honest in these talks.

I am the only one on this forum who at least tries to speak of things in their entirety. All others simply took their sides or decided not to tackle things.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

So you are saying that the Russians were sympathetic when they shot 22000 polish officers in the back of the head in Katyn.

Katyn of course was a mistake. A tragedy.

But just have in mind that the Soviet regime was equally cruel to ethnic Russians as to ethnic Poles. Really was. Stalin even wasn't ethnic Russian, not even Slavic. People were brainwashed. Still, ethnic Russians indeed were involved in crime and Russia must find a way to redeem itself to Poland for this.

Then also, when communicating, people from Poland and from Russia you need to admit the good things each of you have done and also be able to face your own mistakes thru history. For example, the good from the Soviets was to expel Nazis from Poland and the error was to stay in Poland.

An experts concluded that Nazis simply buried them alive.

Horror. What Germany can do to correct this and many similar things?
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

And who were Racowie? Who initiated the Golden Age in Poland and the era of Sarmatism, the Winged cavalry, and husaria?

Even in its weakest stage Serbia was a player, even during Ottoman occupation. Even then, Mitczkiewich`s dream to see Poland free went via Serbs. He knew Serbs are free, Poland is free. Britain feared Serbs to violate the established status quo in Europe if become independent and Germanics feared Serbs would cut their idea to share a border with Turks on Balkan. Russians knew independent Serbs would prevent their isolation. The Vatican knew no way they dominate Europe with independent Serbs in Europe.

In our time, well, just eat popcorn and watch us. We are climbing on the top.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Not if it leads to balance and peace in Europe. Strings of influence must be well organized so all players have perspective.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Ill? I would say it's about a little bit of push, a pressure that Germany well deserved. On the other hand, every pressure on Germany from here will always be good for Poland what would in turn also be good for us here.

Germany is finally where needs to be. In the sphere of influence of Central European Slavs.

Even Russia admits it by enabling Balkan Stream that via Poland reaches Germany. See?

What fascinates me is German stupidy.

Yes, time is that we help them. They need guidance.


You still ask yourself how this functions? Let me help you more. One example. You pray Nord Stream never become reality and Germany continues to rely on Balkan Stream (Ukraine Stream anyway won't be functional soon due to age). In other words, you pray Serbs to have a bigger influence on Russia than Germany has.

There Poland becoming a significan partner for Germany and business blossom. At the same time, Poland becoming more important to the Vatican than Germany is and that is in turn good for Serbs. Balance.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

I doubt that very much

Brate, when Germany arabize just a little bit more even Germans won't like Germany.

what will happen is that trade and relations between Poland and Germany will continue to grow.

But of course. Duda is wise. When Germany crumbles Duda expects a chunk of it to fall within the borders of Poland. So Poland shows its smiling face.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Failing. As an anti-German alliance it's a spectacularly useless one.

Why anti-German? Visegrad has a larger purpose.

Germany is economically (and numerically) the dominant state in Central Europe. One with far more friends than enemies.

Yes. Germany is so big and artificial it will implode in itself and then collapse.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Thats always where you leave the world of possibilities and enter the realm of dreams.

Germany lives that reality. Rather nightmare. Not you of course. You are lucky because you live in Berlin and I am sure you don't look positively on those who are unlucky and live more western. Your paths already differ.


Some examples?

Let's not go into that. Poland has to be even more independent to benefit from all possibilities.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Actual evidence doesn't back this up. What 'money flow'?

Visegrad and plus... Circle of interests is clearly viable. Economic, militarily, scientific, cultural, etc. That for starter.

What doe the Vatican have to do with anything?

Its not question for me. Write letter to the Pope.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Germany isn't allowed to have its own.

Even if it has.

Not any more.

That`s what I said. Poland already turning to its ancient money flow from Baltic to Balkan, without waiting Vatican to approve it. Even less waiting for Germany to approve it. Vatican`s strategic aims already clash with vital Poland`s interests. Actually, soon to be asked - what is Vatican?

And spot how Poland spread influence and naturally, that spread of influence even suits Russia. Those are forces that returning balance within Slavic world that Turks and Romans an even Greeks before them violated.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

It's not 'morbid friendship', it's realpolitik..

Not anymore and not necessarily. Not in time of weapons of mass destruction. Geo-strategic penalties that Russia pays within Slavic world and globally are already much higher then any gain Russia could get from Germany on the other side. That same Germany makes Russia looks like a fool from Baltic to Balkan.

So, why is that realpolitik? And plus in era when Russia have strategic partnership with China? In a blink of an eye Russia can isolate Germany in any sense and then overrun it. You think Britain and the USA would enter global war because of Germany, you are wrong.

Whether it was all those pre-1871 individual German states as part of the Empire..... time for wars and conflict are past

In past was different. Religion had enormous impact on people. Vatican played on Germany while Poland was entirely Catholic. Russia couldn`t trust to Poland and at the same time had to counter-balance general Vatican`s influence that inspired Drang Nach Osten. There was France, too, that had to be contained.

Same reasons why Russia entered alliance with Austria. Plus, Turks were player in Europe/Balkan that had to be tackled in any possible way.

Now is different time. But far from it time of conflict is past. Its naive to tell it.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]


Or you maybe think how you have morbid friendship with Russia? Some sick influence on Russia? You think that, isn`t it? Well Russia will have to choose. Germany or Serbia. Can`t be both.

I have suspicion that many Germans are still looking at all the Slavs from top to bottom

I am curious what is that power that can manipulate brain of a Germans, former Slavs, to hate those who remained Slavs. What are those sickening schemes? Who are those people? Are they even humans? They have to be convinced they are Gods.
18 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

et us not make the Soviets better than they really were.

Strange that YOU said that. Don`t you know what bestial genocide German army committed from Poland, Belarus, Serbia, Czechoslovakia, Ukraine, Russia, etc and also tied hands to Serbs while Nazi-Croats formed even hybrid of death camps-lebensborn for Serbian children, in truth horror that even reich didn`t dare to try. What did you Germans think????? What you now think?

And Germany moved again and you dare to comment Soviets?

Seams you forgot yourself because you now have Poland in NATO, you think that ugly fact somehow protects you. Well, non in Poland is asked on many things and will be asked. Things change, you know.
17 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

The French are not the Franks, Crowie!

It all emerged from West Francia/Frankia that merged with the Roman province of Germania (East Frankia). It is all anyway Roman melting pot created as a result of the Roman conquests (multiple genocides) and then cultural and linguistic impact on native European Sarmatians ie Slavs.

But, it all will be corrected soon in a post-Covid world. Essentially results of early Greek, Roman, and Turkish conquests will be annulled because proved to be fatal for mankind.
17 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Why are Germany and Austria separate counties? That's really stupid.

Because Germanics anyway cease to exist in the post-Covid world.

Frankia would be restored. Western Germany merges with France and Frankish Empire is restored. Other Germanic regions in Europe go either to Frankia either to the newly formed Central-European Union.

And yes, the French from Canada would move to Frankia once it is formed.
17 Feb 2021
News / New "Polish memorial" in Berlin [316]

Some more regions of Ukraine will join Russia, then some to Poland, and then real Ukraine will be formed.
16 Feb 2021
News / Poland - Germany's 5th largest trade partner [27]

You know, in some Hindu texts, Shiva has an aspect (avatar) under the name of Indra that is the most significant enemy of Srbinda. But Duda, no, Duda isn't an enemy of the Sarmats (ie Scythians, ie Slavs), or to say Srbinda.

Just one digression. Rg-Vedic texts are nothing but insight into the history of the Sarmatian branch (known also as Hyperboreans) around the Ind River and surrounding regions, potentially very large areas from today's India to Siberia.
16 Feb 2021
News / Poland - Germany's 5th largest trade partner [27]

this will make it even more to the Germans' advantage to learn Polísh

Absolutely. Absolutely. I see wisdom of Poland investing in relations with Germany, especially in neighboring region. When Germany start to crumble new question would emerge, to create new Slavic state or to merge eastern Germany with Poland.

By the God, Duda is wise. He is like a polyp. His fingers are everywhere.
16 Feb 2021
News / Poland - Germany's 5th largest trade partner [27]

Actually, in not that deep past France and Germany were one and same state, Frakia or to say Frankish Empire that starched, via Western Slavic lands, as occupational force all the way to the back then Polish realm. So, Ziem is right if we were to be precise.


16 Feb 2021
Food / Bary mleczne/milk bars in Poland [30]


Info and idea for Poland`s milk producers and farmers > MILK VENDING MACHINES - this function!

Spread the word people, give link on this on some other Polish forums in Poland! Help the people and Poland`s economy. This puts every peasant into bigger business.


Peasants in Serbia, small and big cow farm owners and milk producers, started to distribute MILK VENDING MACHINES in cities with fresh milk. Win Win for all >



> b92/biz/vesti/srbija.php?yyyy=2021&mm=02&dd=16&nav_id=1812679

Who says that small people don`t have chance to fight for their place on market!
16 Feb 2021
News / Poland - Germany's 5th largest trade partner [27]

Alright, its logical. But one must be vigilant. Many nice and less nice things may come from German side. Especially now when they undergo mental and bodily uplifting.
16 Feb 2021
News / Poland - Germany's 5th largest trade partner [27]

But but by the God. Germany goes down. Let us only hope and arise our hands to the our beloved Svetovid, Poland not to share destine with Germany, in a post-Covid world. It would be too cruel a joke of a universe.