The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Cargo pants  

Joined: 31 Mar 2019 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 16 Dec 2023
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From: poland
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Cargo pants   
29 Jan 2020
Work / Gross Salary 20000 PLN in Poland [9]

Please advise me

Dont come or you will really feel a third worlder here.No cleaning ladies,no dish washing servants etc at that salary.Wait till you get twice that offer,and forget getting a chauffeur,until you get a cab.
Cargo pants   
29 Jan 2020
Work / A predictable "Is my salary high enough post" - Krakow 13,500PLN GROSS Month [30]

I also see them more and more in Warsaw.

Infact they have decreased as there was a influx.You see them more cuz now they are becoming prominent in main stream.Before Uber eats was the main work now they are spreading in Micky Dees,burger King, and carrfourr etc & restaurant kitchens.I met couple of Indian girls driving cabs like Free now & I taxi.MPT and other cabs cost 45 Pln to airprot whereas those cabs cost 20 Pln from centrum(lol without tip as I dont tip but give good reviews,even if the car smells of incense/curry paying by card).I know a Indian and Polish guy who made millions importing them in thousands as workers esp from Bangladesh.

I also found out that Polish employers are done with Ukranians as they change so often,whereas Southeast asians pay to come and stick to there work.
Cargo pants   
16 Jan 2020
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Yeah,I bought Model x in 2015 but missed lexus lx 570 and went back to it in 2018.I booked Cyber truck which will come out in 2022 maybe earlier in NJ with SUMMON feature,AWD and 500 mile range on full charge.LOL paid over 2000$ to install super charger at home also which will finally be handy again.Even though it comes with free life time charging at Tesla charge points.Plus Tesla cars a basically maintenance free,no oil changes etc main expenses are tires & brakes. and 8 year warranty on battery.

I see maybe 15/20 electric chargers under Plac Kultury in Warsaw and all are always busy and people waiting in line to charge there cars.There are more electric cars in Poland then anyone here thinks of.There are all kind of models.Almost every manufacturer has a electric vehicle or coming out with one.

Your Tesla stocks will hit 600$ for sure as Musk will get 12 bil shares(or $ in shares as bonus i forgot).Maybe after it reaches that mark shares might fall or maybe keep shooting up.

Good luck pal.
Cargo pants   
31 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

So true.Inside is elegant but too pricey for the money they ask.I think also 75% is still not sold in last 6/8 years or so.

Do you also see the huge Coca Cola sign on top of the building?lol I will wave at you from there jutro.Like every year all restaurants are booked for tonight? 400Pln and above everywhere too?
Cargo pants   
31 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

Guess what?You are assuming wrong.Zlota 44 decreased there prices in 2019 to 22k a sq m furnished and my offer just to see there counter offer was 15k furnished,I would never buy anyway with such a high cynsz.They still invited me for further negotiations but I was just killing time.The prestige thingy is new yet in Poland and fading away rapidly,people are finally facing the reality.Then again there are the elites and the rich.

Managements in Poland are worse then municipalities of townships in USA.I usually dont pay more then MAXIMUM of 8/9 pln a sq m until its top class location and very high potential.
Cargo pants   
31 Dec 2019
USA, Canada / The proper behavior an American should show when visiting Poland [115]

Just take the ever present smile in American faces. Do that in Poland, Germany,

What does that mean?????I wonder which Americans smile travelling in subway at other passengers or while shopping in a store.A wrong smile to someones g/f or wife or daughter might get you some lead in your head.Tell me that you are always smiling walking on the street?? murmuring to yourself lol.When was the last time you went to Poland??I can offer you my miles....but wait my miles cant be used for animal transportation:)
Cargo pants   
30 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

Even if we assume you are not just pulling our leg

There are almost 220 flats in each of the 3 buildings,always someone is selling.660 flats right in those 3 buildings OP can always look for one.New buildings are costing 8 to 20 pln a sq m in spodzelnia fee alone.LOL on Zlota 44 last time i heard spodzelnia fee was 65pln a sq ft per month,but again that is where Robert Lewandowski lives on the top floor.I want to buy there but the fee a month scares me.
Cargo pants   
30 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

Nope,its called planning before buying.Last year spodzelnia of one of my rental places increased 600pln a month on Ul KEN.I(my rep) went around to other retail owners(some declined) and we filed a suit and the result was reduction of our raise and attorney fee reimbursed.I also appeal my property taxes on every property,even though they are so low and usually they dont increase it even its 50 pln a year.
Cargo pants   
30 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

My building and 2 similar ones are run by same spodzelnia on Chemilna.Zgoda & Swietokrzyska and look alike same building structure.First 2 floors are commercially rented and advertisments and telephone/internet antenna revenue on the roof keeps the costs low.I am sure plenty of those building around in centrum.
Cargo pants   
30 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

By Polish standards, making 100K USD per year makes you a very wealthy person

Yes,100k usd a year now is becoming popular in Warsaw at least and 100k in USA depends where.In big cities that will be lower middle class like NYC etc.Some small business people are making 500k(usd) and plenty of them there(in Poland)

And Yes again Poland has more opportunities and less people competing to make it up there.I feel good that the govt is giving away money so opportunity to rise gets easier:) for the smart ones.
Cargo pants   
30 Dec 2019
USA, Canada / The proper behavior an American should show when visiting Poland [115]

How many times have you been to Europe?I have been going there almost 20 years every other month and never had any WEIRD reaction.FYI I have smiled and said dziendobre to unknown people in my elevator,gym,public/pvt offices and always got proper response.You fugging intellectual feeling guys have no clue what reality is.All you want to show here on net and claim to be educated,intellectual,smart.LOL above all INGLIS ispiking is an achievement.SERIOUSLY,think about it again.Poland and European people are as normal as any where else,until people like yourself have smart ass comments.

So tell me how did you have to change when you came to USA from that suburb REDFERN????

Just take the ever present smile in American face

Tell me how many times you smile at others in a subway in NYC or in a mall or in a grocery store????before you get the:

and they will think you're a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Freaking social experts!
Cargo pants   
30 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

Guys, where do you get such cheap flats?

My monthly spodzelnia fee is 147pln pm for 40 sq m flat & my orange contract for cell,wifi & cable is 127 pln a month=274pln a month + 40/60 pln a month for electric and yearly property taxes around 360 pln,so almost 100$ a month for flat to live.Ye, its in hardcore centre in a old 25 floor skyscraper in Warsaw with a Porter.I bought it in 2000 for 137k pln and paid 20k pln for remont.I remember those days it costed me less then 50 pln a month to have the flat so I use to boast about having a flat in centre of Warsaw for around 10$ a month.Not bad as I come to Poland 5 to 7 times a year to crash and wife does too for cpl weeks in Warsaw.

You mean the American dream is a thing of the past?

I always said it never was,Poles lived in really bad conditions,worked 12 hr/7 days came to Poland and multiplied there dollar and bragged.There was more money in Poland to be made then what is there now.I know so many business people(Including Vietnamese,Turkish,Indians,Armenians) who made millions($) those days.I still see so many opportunities in Poland but I am too old and lazy to work hard:)

@OP:I always had a gut feeling that you must have done some math,I think you are in your 20s or in your 40s???
Cargo pants   
29 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

Those kind of yields are very much the exception

Not if the properties were bought in between 2000&2005 at 3800 to 5000 pln sq m.There yields are fantastic.Your 5% yielding property must have A grade tenant with prominent location.Yes in US there are some that yield even 4.25%.Normally now you can find properties that will yield 7 to 9%,this Jan I got one on Belvederska in Warsaw yielding 8.5%.If you look around plenty come by even lately these buggers are asking till 21k a sq m foolishly.Check your PM pls.

I have a friend in Katowice who just paid 150K PLN for a very nice flat

A friend of mine bought a flat too in Bytom his home town in Silesia region for 1500Pln a sq m,while he works in IT and makes over 30k a month in Warsaw.
Cargo pants   
28 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

He dont have to declare his foreign(US)income in Poland esp if he is not a citizen and can establish limited tax liability which is fairly simple,till he pays his taxes in the USA.Also I wonder Medicaid dont mean welfare just low income.

@OP,depending where you want to live you can live fairly good with 2000USD in Poland.I do have a retired friend living in Mokotov in a rented flat on 1700$ a month social security.

What exactly do you invest in Poland to get that kind of yield?

In commercial real estate.Some of them which I bought 10 yrs or before are also yielding till 17%.Plus the taxes are low even they increased almost 50% on income earned from it and real estate taxes are like 0.01% whereas in USA are almost 2 % every year and growing.
Cargo pants   
28 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

Medicover is a pvt polish insurance company collaberating with Damian who have there own medical centres and hospitals.They do have issues with pre existing medical conditions for 6 mths or so.Dental I dont know my wife says she gets some discounts.

@OP if you want to move for a cheap high life,it is possible and good still.I have a 40 sq m 1 bedroom flat in hardcore centre of Warsaw with a porter and 2 elevators that costs me less then 100$ a month to live ,which includes cell,wifi cable,electric co-op monthly fee.If you know how to twist around you can lead another 10 years in Poland quite comfortably.In US it costs me 2500$ a month for 80 times that size in a house in the state of NJ.Food,cars and insurance are not included.If you have investments its freaking easy or if you need loans take fixed loans in US at 3,5% and get yields of 7 to 8 % in Poland.LOL also you can hire English economic migrants at cheap moola to do your daily chores like baby sitting,cleaning etc.
Cargo pants   
26 Dec 2019
Work / Self-employed American living in Poland? Is it possible? [46]

Yes,Medicare is one of them.There best plan is almost 5000pln a year and also covers when you are travelling overseas(USA)

, I would plan on applying for a visa and if all is well, moving in Sept of next year.

If you get it fine or you could do visa runs after 90 days of stay in Poland by entering Ukraine and coming back in cpl of hours.That visa run thingy is only for US citizens.And while there you can sort out issues.
Cargo pants   
29 Aug 2019
Off-Topic / The "Anglicization" of Europe [132]

I LOVE the English language which is why I hate to hear or see it mutilated

If you did really care then you would be doing something about it, not coming to a random forum and bragging about it.Fugging weasle.
Cargo pants   
19 Aug 2019
USA, Canada / Poles Living in the Chicago Area [300]

If I had a firearm on me I wouldve shot at him or took off if unarmed.He looks pretty agressive from the hood in mood to asault.
Cargo pants   
6 Aug 2019
Life / Owning a house in true countryside of Poland - stories [597]

Couldn't hurt a fly. Maybe a small one.

LQQKS like a service dog, is it?

You should keep a pet. possessing a pet, especially a furry one, delays multiple diseases in humans because pets help us get rid of stress.

I spend 3/4 hrs in my country club gym every day,which helps me on those above mentioned benefits without any responsibilities.