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Posts by cms neuf  

Joined: 12 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 days ago
Threads: 2
Posts: 1825
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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cms neuf   
24 Feb 2019
Study / SGH Warsaw School of Economics vs Kozminski University vs Warsaw University [18]

Kozminski is a far more modern institution and more set up for international business. SGH has a long standing reputation dating back to before 89 and has lots of graduates in senior positions in politics but less so in business.

kozminski has good links with the business world and might have more possibilities in English. Really you should check out their facilities and teachers and then make a choice
cms neuf   
24 Feb 2019
Life / Would Poles prefer US or UK medical care? [112]

If you genuinely had grandchildren then you could answer the question yourself by thinking "what would be the limit if it were my grandson ?" Every family has someone with some kind of addiction - booze, drugs, gambling

But sitting in a basement being paid to abuse people gives you a very low level of empathy and little contact with your fellow man. Unless of course you count the tram conductor who has to shake you awake every morning.
cms neuf   
24 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

It was up to 40 billion by the evening news. I can live with the extension of 500 plus but the other elements especially no tax before age 26 are truly Venezuelan.

40 billion works out at 4000 zloty extra to be funded by the 9 million Poles who are actually working. Or VAT increases ?
cms neuf   
23 Feb 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

He wont be blinded by their lies Milo - RT are just a short walk down the corridor from his desk and it his dream to get promoted there ( admittedly RT have much nicer offices with a new coffee machine and a genuine Korean microwave)
cms neuf   
23 Feb 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

We are not talking about America - a place you never set foot in. We are talking about dictatorship Russia
cms neuf   
23 Feb 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

The second military power in te world yet unable to defeat medieval tribesmen in Afghanistan or drunk guerillas in Chechnya.

As for rape the Soviets did plenty in 1945
cms neuf   
22 Feb 2019
Law / Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?) [34]

I would say the opposite - few companies are going to go out on a limb to arrange a work permit for someone who does not speak Polish unless you have a serious specialism or are a lower cost alternative to locsl workers.

You can always try but your opening gambit at interviews about wanting to live in a white anti immigrant society is probably not going to help

So you have your advice and good luck. I am sure you will now hang around for a few weeks to provide your wisdom on muslims and other people who offend you
cms neuf   
22 Feb 2019
Law / Cajun from Louisiana state seeking refuge/new life in Poland? Wishing to become Polish (is it possible?) [34]

I think you are yet another troll following a pattern - that their home country is decadent and they want to move to a reactionary paradise called Poland.

If not then one piece of advice - If catholicism is your main reason to move i would suggest somewhere more devout like Philippines or Ivory Coast.

About 50 percent of people go regularly to church but at least half of them are like me - just to give some structure to the weekend and keep older family happy.

I would say 25 percent of Poles are serious believers but that is also the 25 percent who are least able to speak English.
cms neuf   
16 Feb 2019
Travel / Pot in Poland for tourists [285]

Not A big stretch of the imagination for you - you come from a country that contaminates tea and perfume to kill people you don't like
cms neuf   
15 Feb 2019
News / Poland and USA vs Iran and the EU [38]

But even America does not share its nuclear know how with Poland - probably wise move given the amount of Russian influence in the MON at the moment.
cms neuf   
14 Feb 2019
News / Poland and USA vs Iran and the EU [38]

But they signed up to this at the instigation if the US govt. now that some other moron is in office they have to unsigned ? And what happens if the next guy wants them to re-enter the agreement.

Trump is the self proclaimed best deal maker in the world but this is an other example of how rubbish he is.
cms neuf   
14 Feb 2019
News / Poland and USA vs Iran and the EU [38]

I meant why not have it in a forest or a mountain spa ? Or even how about Israel ? Or somewhere else in the Middle East. That would make more sense. Would also be cheaper for the Israeli taxpayer - there must have been a few hundred penpushers, soldiers and security men in my hotel.
cms neuf   
14 Feb 2019
News / Poland and USA vs Iran and the EU [38]

Why did they have this nonsense in Warsaw - shut down half the town for no reason. Couldnt they do it at some forest or mountain place ?
cms neuf   
12 Feb 2019
News / Poland's young voters turning to the right - DW news [105]

But Poland and the V4 just had the most successful 30 year growth period in their history. What do you want to build in this Intermarium ? Giant skoda cannons and miniature tanks ?
cms neuf   
10 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Totally incorrect - FDI stock includes amounts allocated to FDI assets including loans or investments from Polish investors (e.g.
Polish banks or EBRD or in some cases Polish pension funds, JVs, listed Polish assets etc).

I know very well what FDI outflows are. I worked in this field for many years.

Maybe you should not have turned down that place at Cornell eh ?
cms neuf   
10 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

I finished 101 many years ago Dirk :) though of course not Ivy League like yourself.

That is not what FDI stock means - you can see yourself that if you use your supposed definition then 186 + 6 = 192. So knowing that you are in the top one percent for math or whatever you said then a bit of simple algebra would mean outflows of er minus 32. I don't know what investor dictionary is but look at the definitions on the OECD or UNCTAD pages.

FDI stock includes loans made to those invested entities (of course it is going to increase as interest rates on zloty were low) and retained profits and currency effects.

The inflow number is the headline. When the first sentence reads "declined drastically" it's not normally a sunny report.

Here are some Polish reports - one concerned and one more neutral


There is one thing in Poland's favor - the govt might be erratic but it is still better than most of the other options in the region - Turkey is univnestable. Anything close to Putin likewise, Ukraine has war and currency issues and Orban is worse than PiS. The countries that are best run like Lithuania or Slovenia are pulling in smaller investments (software, outsourcing etc) but don't have the labor or the land to build factories.

Even so the biggest rivals to Poland - Czech and Romania - all had far more FDI per capita than Poland I. 2017 and I guess will be the same pattern in 2018.
cms neuf   
9 Feb 2019
Travel / Impressions from Szczecin [8]

He he yes well it is a port city so they are probably open minded
cms neuf   
9 Feb 2019
Travel / Impressions from Szczecin [8]

Ah - lovely freedom, paint what you want and wear your hair how you want, get a tattoo if you want, march in a tight t shirt if you want - that is Poland in the 21st century
cms neuf   
9 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

As usual you are incorrect. How many 10 billion dollar loans are there in a small market like Poland ? The biggest single transaction in the last few years probably Allegro at 3bn

Total inflow is the headline measure and greenfield starts are nice but only represent an improvement if they cause total inflie to grow - put that Ivy League brain to use.

As for FDI stock well that is more a reflection of how Polish investors are allocating cash and given terrible stock market performance it is no wonder they are investing in foreign owned projects
cms neuf   
9 Feb 2019
Travel / Impressions from Szczecin [8]

Maybe you can go there and load all the modern art into a dumpster then have an exhibition of degenerate art ?
cms neuf   
9 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Why are the other examples not valid

Here are some more - the banking tax, Sunday trading, the interference in Universities, the extra solidarity tax for disability, the nationalization of banks and insurance companies.
cms neuf   
9 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

I gave you two examples already but to that we can add destroying the independence of the courts, running down the biggest companies by having morons as managers, a disastrous foreign policy of upset everyone and shirk responsibility and hundreds of other partisan moves.

Dirk - FDI is falling off a cliff at the moment - lots of reasons for that but the govt interference in industry and the extra taxes and lack of investor protection are making people nervous. It's much easier and cheaper to get a room at the Marriott these days.
cms neuf   
9 Feb 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

It is far worse -

The beef is being done by private people in an industry that is already known to be dodgy. It is not the fault of politicians.

The KNF and NBP scandals are in a 50 billion euro business and are carried out by the ruling party.