The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by pawian  

Joined: 30 May 2008 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - O
Last Post: 12 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 226 / Live: 154 / Archived: 72
Posts: Total: 27558 / Live: 21475 / Archived: 6083
From: Poe land
Speaks Polish?: Yes, but I prefer English
Interests: Everything funny

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20 Jan 2025
UK, Ireland / What English food would you serve a Pole? [172]

odd combination

Exactly!!! I am extremely broadminded, as you know, and it also applies to culinaria. I need several flavours at a time.

fermented beetroot juice?

For sour flavour. And health, too. Why not???? :):)

PS. I forgot I always mix it with coke for a bit sweeter flavour.
20 Jan 2025
UK, Ireland / What English food would you serve a Pole? [172]

Here is Polish breakfast I am having now

wholemeal/ brown bread with avocado and melted lard
pieces of luncheon meat/ liver sausage/ham/ country sausage/blue cheese
and black radish/pepper - sweet and spicy/ celery leaves
plus fermented beetroot juice

  • DSCN6937Kopiowanie.jpg
20 Jan 2025
News / Time to clean the swamp - dePiSification of Poland [323]

- the judiciary where PIS created illegal institutions infested with their supporters whose main aim was to remove independent judges who obeyed the rule of law.

Here is an example of cleaning the PiS swamp in the judiciary.

The Justice Ministry is gathering data about all prosecution cases tainted with political pressure in PIS times.

A few years ago, when Donald Tusk party was still in power, radical nationalists organised a rally in Wrocław, full of hate speech and calls for murder against immigrants and the gov.
Certain female prosecutor decided to file a prosecution against the haters and bring them to justice. However, the gov changed and rightists took over. The prosecutor withdrew the charges and the case was closed though no new evidence appeared. For being so lenient, she was properly rewarded and her career in the local attorney department sky rocketed.

Now, she is going to undergo investigation for allowing PIS to breach the independence of the judiciary .

- The department received a request to consider initiating an investigation against the prosecutor for committing a crime under Article 231 of the Penal Code - confirmed in an interview with Onet the spokesman for the National Prosecutor's Office, Prosecutor Przemysław Nowak.
The provision on exceeding one's powers by a public official states that if the court finds such an official guilty - in this case, prosecutor Justyna Pilaczyk - may face a penalty of up to three years in prison.
However, its length may be increased to up to ten years if "the perpetrator commits the act in order to gain material or personal benefit".
And this is how the prosecutor's actions are assessed in the report by her current superiors. "It is impossible not to notice that after the issuance of the decision in question, the professional career of the prosecutor-referee gained momentum," they wrote in the report, enumerating Justyna Pilarczyk's subsequent promotions.,79cfc278
20 Jan 2025
News / Presidential elections 2025 - the race has commenced!!! [250]

Now the candidates have to collect 100.000 signatures of support from citizens to become officially registered by the Main Ballot Office.

BTW, amasing news about the civil war in far right nationalist Konfederacja party. Its main leader is going to take part in the run but his buddy rival decided to as well.
20 Jan 2025
News / Mr President Joe Biden comes to Poland again [177]

Pity this thread is closed
coz it suits my post better

In his last interview as President, Biden reminisced and addressed Polish people in the US and Poland:

Emphasizing his close ties with Poland, Biden recalled in the interview that he is the only person to be named Person of the Year by both the Polish and Italian communities in the US.

At this point, he also mentioned growing up among people of Polish descent. My dad didn't have a job, we lived in an Irish Catholic neighborhood. I moved to Claymont, Delaware. I was made fun of because my last name didn't end with "ski". I'm serious. Claymont is a big Polish community - he said.

Then he was asked to address a few words directly to the Poles. - Stay strong - began the outgoing president. - I've done everything I can to give you everything you need to defend and stop Putin. And I'm very hopeful that we've given the new administration all the materials, information and resources that they need. I pray to God that they'll do what's needed , Biden said.

19 Jan 2025
History / Poland: Her heroes and her traitors [239]

We are in a situation where the soon-to-be-resigned "president" Duda and the current PiS rightist opposition are trying to harm the Polish government and, consequently, Poland by all means. These people call themselves patriots. According to them, Poland is to be PiS` or fallen.
This is pure treason.
Tfu, PiS traitors! And nationalists and homo sovieticuses! Tfu on you!
19 Jan 2025
Food / Panga Fish (available in Polish stores); I'll never eat it again. Alternative? [68]

Looks like a steamer with foil to keep the fish separate.

Kuźwa, Barney, you are a genius!!!
Yes, I steamed that flounder and used alu foil to prevent the fish from sticking to each other!!! :):):)

Wow! i am really impressed.
Why are the Irish and Brits the best guessers here???? Is it in the water they drink??? :):):)

Here is the resulting dish which doesn`t look too appealing but I can assure you it was delicious: steamed flounder, fried potato, black radish, chilli pepper.

  • DSCN6437Kopiowanie.jpg
19 Jan 2025
Life / Polish patriotic music! [43]

by Horytnica, a great group which deals with historical topics. They also committed a song about their love for Poland.

Here is another one: We don`t have to die anymore but......

Excellent heavy metal rock. Combined with the scenes from 1920 Battle of Warsaw film.
We don't have to die anymore
And yet there's a scar in my heart.
Instead of looking at my country,
You mock the slogan "motherland"

Although so much blood has flowed
And tears have flowed from the eyes
Today the enemy still mocks Polish pride
Will its end ever come
The past days in pools of blood
And the sight of tears from mothers' hearts
When the son died for his country
This sight is foreign to you today

And the enemy treacherously bares its fangs
And rivers of Polish blood flow
You lose honor, language, speech
Saying that it is progressive
Patriotism is at the bottom
But the army of faith still stands
Fighting proudly face to face
Believing in the white Eagle sign

19 Jan 2025
Language / Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation - part 2 [517]

trying to imply he's like Chopin

Of course not. I would never do such a disservice to Chopin. :):):)

Hint: Speaking French in old Poland can be compared to speaking French in England of 11, 12, 13th century. How and what namely?
The hintest of all hints: who spoke fekking French in non originally French countries at those times?????
19 Jan 2025
History / German Sprache aka speech in Polish films [19]

Polish war film made in communist times.
The siege of Berlin. A Polish soldier enters a basement and shouts in Polish to German civilians hiding there: Is there anybody here??? hahaha
Then he spots the hiding Germans and points to a pretty woman: Komm, komm! Everybody thinks he is going to rape her. However, he expects her to take care of the baby his mates found in a pram in the street.

Watch at 1:54:58
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

A więc wypierdalaj spać, Plastikowy Polaczku. :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

Mów w języku w jakim Cię matka urodziła, skurwysynu!

PS. Nie przejmuj się, to był tylko cytat z mojej ulubionej ksiażki. :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

a było za późno by poprawić

Myśl logicznie, chłoptasiu. Wstawienie cz w bold w dwóch wyrazach trwa o wiele dłużej niż poprawienie cz na trz.
Dodatkowo, udowadniasz nam że nie znasz polskiej kultury jajcarstwa. Pacz poniżej.
Ale nie poddawaj się chłopczyku!!!! Pacz i Walcz jak Polak/Polka!!! hahaha buhahaha

  • aa
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

Dlaczego ty mi zawsze dajesz zadanie do wykonania?

Bo Cię kurwa chcę wreszcie wychować i wyedukować na porządnego Polaka!!! Tak jak to już zrobiłem z tysiącami moich uczniów!!! Ha!!!!! ):):

wylecz się sam

buhahaha Popacz chłopczyku jeszcze raz na tamten wpis i zrozum o co chodzi. ):):)

złościć zaczyna

Chłopczyku Cię wkurza??? AmaSSing! :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

I co to znaczy to słowo?

To prawda, ono istnieje od niedawna.

Ale da się znależć w sieci.

Popacz, chłopczyku, to ty:
Podziękuj mi teraz że tak Cię doceniam jako kiciusia. Ha!!!

  • a
19 Jan 2025
Life / What do Polish people talk about? [56]

it is like comparing apples and oranges.

No, it is like comparing your peanut balls to male elephant ones. Or your tiny dick to male horse`s aka stallion`s. Ha!!
Forgive me those animals in comparisons, I can`t help it coz I am a product of animal world myself.
19 Jan 2025
Food / What do non-Poles think about eating the following Polish foods? [1450]

I actually wasn't sure about it to start with

You need to acquire more self or general confidence. Drop this fekking stereotype British reserve and phlegm. Be like a Polish winged hussar! Charge at full speed and never look back at the victims of your charge! hahaha buhahaha
19 Jan 2025
Life / What do Polish people talk about? [56]

You're just trying

What is your problem?? I only take your example. :):):)

is just a Polish attempt at humour.

Actually, it is not humour, but facts. I heard such a conversation between a British teacher and Polish teachers when they were all a little under the influence during an organised outing. :):):)

Have you tried Lincolnshire sausages?

No and I am not going to. :):):)
19 Jan 2025
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [302]

To ty udajesz człowieka

Znajdź i pokaż nam choć jeden mój wpis gdzie udaję człowieka. Ha!!!
19 Jan 2025
UK, Ireland / What do Polish people miss about Ireland when they come back to Poland? [26]

there has been no entry for 5 years.

This means that Poles/Polesses haven`t come back from Ireland yet.
Good they feel so good there. Ireland is still a good country to live, not like Britain after Brexit.
And they elect decent governments which reject Nazi Izrael and their genocide in Palestine. I am envious about it and wish we were as decent as them.
19 Jan 2025
Life / What do Polish people talk about? [56]


Yes, jon, if you mention it, let me remind you that Polish sausage is much better than your pseudo sausage product.
Besides, it was Polish pilots who saved your asses in 1940!!! hahaha buhahaha