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Poland is the new military power of Europe. [275]
I had some thoughts about why Poland harbors all these strange paranoias about Russia.
Poland - really - is a caricature of a Great Power. If it thinks other don't notice, that's only Poland's fault. Everyone can see how Poland is very comfortable wearing the "big brother" mask around Lithuania, Slovakia, Belarus, Hungary, and even Czechia (somebody here keeps posting a graphic that shows how much more population and resources Poland has than the Czechs). Poland is many times bigger than its neighbors, and enjoys throwing its weight around.
The mere existence of Germany and Russia at its borders, two states that dwarf Poland's ambitions in terms of their reach, raises Poland's blood pressure. It's a constant reminder that there is a further "tier" above its little Visegrad and Intermarium bullsh!t. An ever present "reality check", that does not let Polish chauvinism flourish in all its glory, and instead makes Poland toxically vindictive.
If somebody is greater and stronger than Poland then there must be something intrinsically wrong with those countries. Russians are thieves and rapists, while Germans are soulless and murderous. In this way, Poland regains the higher moral ground and can continue feeling superior despite all outside indications to the contrary.
But seriously, please don't pretend Poland does not throw its weight around with its smaller neighbors. In some instances it behaves worse than Russia. For example, the tone in which Polish politicians speak to Lithuanian politicians. Reminds one of how Britain spoke to the Maharajas of India.