The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 6 / Archived: 92
Posts: Total: 4430 / Live: 533 / Archived: 3897
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

Displayed posts: 539 / page 4 of 18
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20 Apr 2011
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

have never seen so many sausage dogs in my life as I have in 18 months of living in Poland,

They are German you know... another invasion maybe...?
15 Apr 2011
Life / How is red hair viewed in Poland [37]

You should see the red hair the old women have in Russia...!

When i say red , i am talking bright luminous red....the kind of red they put on nuclear warning signs....

Very scarey...!
13 Apr 2011
Language / POLISH INSULTS....know any good ones...? [15]

Hee hee...some good insults coming up on this thread.....

Two years ago a lady friend of mine was working as a teacher in a Polish army camp , her job was to teach the Polish soldiers some basic English , seeing as Poland is all part of NATO and that....

After the official lesson ended , some of the soldiers wanted to learn some of the naughty English words , and insults.... she taught them a few good ones....

An hour later the Poles used some of their new language skills on some British soldiers that were resident in their army camp....the epic punch up...!

My friend was told not to teach them any more bad words....
12 Apr 2011
Life / Smoking vs. Grilling on Balconies / High Rises in Poland [66]

I had a f*ck off massive inflatable paddling pool on my balcony last year and the neigbours hated it,

Thats not so bad... a friend i stayed with in Moscow had a neighbour who had hauled his Lada car up to his balcony with a crane , knocked out the window and shoved the car halfway into his flat so he could work on the engine...

When it was fixed he had it lowered to the ground again...

Nobody complained....
12 Apr 2011
Language / POLISH INSULTS....know any good ones...? [15]

I can't believe you haven't heard any in your part of Polish backwoods.

Funny enough they are quite polite around here... Kurwa yabbana hoo yoo...
12 Apr 2011
Language / POLISH INSULTS....know any good ones...? [15]

We have had a thread with some not too nasty Polish swear words on , but lets have a few really good Polish insults with English translation please....

What are good things to yell at other motorists in Poland , what witty little retorts are going to get your faced punched in at the local bar...?

We need to know these things...
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

Part of the problem is... its not very easy to make tarmac that can cope with the vast range of tempretures you get over here...

a possible minus 40 in winter , and plus 30 in summer the stuff goes like toffee and then the trucks wear big grooves in it...
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

That's the part of the road problem I have most issue with - finding my car up to its oxters in mud and nothing to do but swim off in search of a tractor.

You need a Jeep or a Landrover....
8 Apr 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

Drive across the border to the Ukraine, you will never complain again, about the quality of Polish road.

I second that , Polish roads are wonderfull compared to the rutted , pot holed mess that passes for a road in Ukraine....Belarus is even worse...

Try driving on the road from Dorahusk Poland to Kiev , this is not some minor country lane , its the main motorway to a big city...Its smooth in places , where they have put a new surface down , but there are long stretches maybe 30 kms in length where you risk serious suspension damage if you try to drive at more than 25 kph...This does not seem to deter the Ukrainians from driving at 90 kph on the road....

Take a trip to will see that Polish roads are lovely....
5 Apr 2011
Love / Are Polish mothers-in-law monsters? [91]

uKpl, did you work out yet that 'Mother in Law' is an anagram for 'Woman Hitler' lol

Honestly...this is a true story... when i got married some long time ago my wifes mother was wife was mother in law actually served with a Waffen SS unit , she manned an anti aircraft gun , which was attached to a Warffen SS unit to serve as an anti tank defence against Russian tanks...

When i joined the TA i had to declare any relatives in communist countries and the i told them my mother in law was in the Waffen SS... of course they thought i was making a joke , but when they realised i was not they said i should put it down on the form , but that it probably won,t make any difference as Germany was now part of NATO...

I have to say my mother in law was a wonderfull friendly person , unlike her dad , he was ex R.A.F , and never spoke more than two words to me...
24 Mar 2011
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I have to say that most of the people i meet behind shop counters are quite helpfull and polite , special thanks go to the lady in my local council office who went out of her way to fill forms in for me , even though it was not her job to do so , and the girls and women in my local post offfice who are just as helpfull...

But a poke in the eye to the guy who runs the village shop in Toporzyk.... this miserable twot responds to a friendly hello by totally ignoring you , he gets really pssd off if he has to move his fat ass to sell you anything , then grunts at you when you say a friendly goodbye....

What an utter twot....!
21 Mar 2011
Travel / Storks - the Symbol of Poland [59]

Do they not know what date is is then....or have they come back early for some sort of meeting...?
6 Feb 2011
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Not all Poles are handsome of course...

  • Polishgimp.jpg
30 Jan 2011
Language / Polish sayings [237]

All words and no action....
29 Jan 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

You could start by being a little less insulting perhaps? Maybe then you would realize that Poland was the first in Europe to pass a law of religious toleration!

Perhaps because Poland was the first country in Europe to need it....?
29 Jan 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

A very common situation can be something like this: I ask one of them to use a different tool because of regulations/standards/it's the wrong tool/not according to protocol. They will always question me why, and most likely disagree with what I was saying, but they will comply with the orders grudgingly.

Just tell them you don,t want a dam debate about it....they can do as you tell them , or go look for a job elsewhere...

I think you have been very understanding with its time to kick somebodies ass...

i think maybe you have been a bit too easy on them in the past and now they see you as a soft touch....

Treat them fairly.....but don,t take any crap from them...
29 Jan 2011
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Some guys just don,t like having a woman boss.....

I am afraid male chauvenism is present in all nationalities , as long as they do as they are told...don,t worry about it....
28 Jan 2011
Travel / Visiting Poland - A bit worried about social attitudes and racist inclinations.. [80]

I am British, however racially I'm of Sri Lankan descent

We had a girl from Siri Lanka at our last Polish bike club party , she had a great time , and nobody said a wrong word to her...

It may be because bikers are a bit more tolerent than others...or simply that insulting one of our guests would not be a healthy thing to do...

I imagine you will get stared at quite a lot , especially in the villages , but i don,t know if you would experiance any hostility....
22 Jan 2011
Language / Polish sayings [237]

Aha...i see...