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Joined: 13 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Nov 2012
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12 Sep 2010
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

p.s. northmancpolak - i'm a she, not a he! ;)

OK, it wasn't obvious before, but that affects the translation as well.

I think i accidentally deleted you as a friend on facebook

But that's a completely different statement to your first one. To which the answer could be:

Myślę, że przypadkowo usunełam Cię z przyjaciół na Facebooku.

(or you could change the bit in bold to say z listy kontaktów, i.e. "from my list of contacts" instead)
12 Sep 2010
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

Usuń moje nazwisko z listy twoich znajomych na Facebooku

But that means "remove my name from your list of friends on Facebook".

If he's making a statement (to someone), which it sounds like he was, then shouldn't it actually be:

"usuń Ciebie z przyjaciół (znajomych) na Facebooku"?
10 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Advantages of living in Poland as opposed to the UK. [126]

Location! Location! Location! hahahaha

lol, OK, so the next English girlfriend I get, I'm taking her to Poland,
it'll be like milfhunter-dot-com all day long, haha :D

NMC, why do you say that? I have the impression that English girls would 'go for it' more in bed but that's just an impression

Experience? I'm not willing to say how many, but it's the English (or English-born) ones who were the most memorable, without a doubt, and it was definitely not "just an impression" to me. However, I realise that everyone's experience is different :)
10 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Advantages of living in Poland as opposed to the UK. [126]

hahahahaha, Best one yet.

Stick that in your pipe NorthMancPolak and smoke it hahahahaha

Sex may be better in Poland, but I wouldn't know.

But is sex better with Polki? Not a chance!

if he does not want to say what he does for a living - that is a fair comment.

Thank you :)
10 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Advantages of living in Poland as opposed to the UK. [126]

the first. how many times do you go on hollydays on exotic trips instead of visiting your family?

As I've mentioned before, I've been to Poland at least a dozen times, and I've visited family on almost every occasion. I visit my closest family over here regularly, far more than I go on holiday anywhere! I haven't been on holiday this year, but I've visited my mum at least 20 times this year!
10 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Advantages of living in Poland as opposed to the UK. [126]

Have you ever been to Poland?

At least a dozen times, yes. But I don't drink much.

I always remember being in a Tesocs in London looking at the row of carrots, they were all the exact same shape, thickness and length

This is changing at long last, they are all sorts of bizarre shapes in my local Tescos these days! :)

What are you doing for living??? ;>

I'm not willing to say, but it's very badly paid in Poland (but not over here).

so I am not sure what you mean?
And for that matter I am not sure what he means either.

I've no idea what she's on about, either! :D
10 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Advantages of living in Poland as opposed to the UK. [126]

<Seanus mode>

Some are, some aren't ;)

No, seriously...

1. Equally so, I'd say. I've heard a few people (UK and Polish) look down on what I do for a living, and possibly the worst comments I've heard about the working-class (real working-class, not unenployables) came from educated Poles.

2. Maybe. But is it because Poles "value the family more", or because many people have no choice but to get on with/live with their families, due to lack of jobs/housing?

3. Never been in a Polish pub, so I can't comment.

4. Depends what you want out of life, really. I'm not sure if my life is "fast-paced" compared to a Polish lifestyle, but I wouldn't change it for a Polish lifestyle even if I won the Lottery. If I did, I'd buy a big house in Broughton Park or Prestwich lol ;)

5. I ought to buy shares in Costa and Caffe Nero. And I can make three glasses of wine last five hours. But then, I am Polish (even if I'd be called "plastic" on here :( ). Oh, but hang on a minute... everyone I've drunk with recently is English, and they don't need to be carried home either, so what's all that about then??? :)

6. Like we don't over here? Many people have varied interests these days, me included. The days when social life meant sitting in the local pub all night, playing darts and dominoes, on the same night every week, and making sure you don't offend anyone by sitting in Albert's seat (because he's sat there since 1947) are almost gone.

7. I couldn't survive on what I would earn in Poland - I don't think the monthly wage would cover the rent on a 30m2 flat, even in some backward small town with 30% unemployment. . Over here, I have 55% of my wages left after I've paid all my outgoings, including food and car loan. and I can live alone in a 50-60m2 flat in a decent area, in what is effectively the UK's "second city".

8. That depends on where you want to go ;) It would cost much more to fly to the places I want to go to from Poland, than it does to fly to them from Manchester - I know, I've checked :)
10 Sep 2010
UK, Ireland / Advantages of living in Poland as opposed to the UK. [126]

driving conditions?

With Polish roads and drivers??? ;)

Good lord, even my family are bad. When my uncle was driving us around Radom, cutting everyone up who had cut him up, waving his fists at everyone with a large dose of k***a and p*****l and g***u, I though we were going to get killed! That behaviour would get you shot in Manchester! :D

Even in urban districts considered dangerous you can walk at night and nothing happens.

Still plenty of dodgy places in Polish cities though. But I agree, I don't think there's anywhere which compares with our inner-cities or peripheral estates.

I think everyone know this: Better food.

We've got much better food over here. Can't comment on beer, because I don't drink it. If food in Poland was so great, you wouldn't have ketchup with everything, would you ;)

Oh... and beautiful women if that matters.

We've got plenty of those over here!! I really could have done with a crateful of Bromide this week, omg :0 And not a Polish woman in sight :)

Check the densities

England - Density 395/km2
1,023/sq mi

Poland - Density 120/km2 (83rd)
319.9/sq mi

But how many Poles can you pack into a 40m2 wielka płyta? :D
10 Sep 2010
Life / Polish "prog" music? I'd be interested to know about bands etc. [30]

Prog Rock to me is early Rush

How early is "early"? A lot of their really early stuff was Led Zeppelin-style hard rock, definitely not prog.

I'm sure it's really unfashionable to say this, but I could listen to the sound of a Hammond organ all day long. Come to think of it, admitting to liking Prog rock is probably even more unfashionable.

Oh well. There goes MY cool and stylish man-about-town image... lmao... :D

Dream Theator and that ilk are not prog rock.


AOR... ugh! :D
29 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Do the guys that need to feel special, what's the difference between 5 and 50? How about if your special lady friend only slept with 5 people, but 4 of those were one night stands? What's your sorting criteria here?

It's far better to have someone experienced, anyway ;)
29 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Please, u go first since u are so convinced ;-)

Is my opinion bothering u?

No, you go first, since you're the one doing the criticising.

That's easy black and white argumentation, but i would agree that polish women are more beautiful than english

I think you mean "in your opinion".

It's all subjective - I'd choose an English woman over a Polish woman anytime. I look for different things in women than the Polish women-obsessed on here do, and that's more likely to be found in English women than in Polish.

However, I've also spent over 13 years in relationships with Polish/East European women, so it's not like I dislike that look, it's just that I don't falling for the PF mistake of turning every Polka into a beautiful princess, when most aren't.

Likewise, I'm not going to just sit here and watch English women get called the "ugliest", just because a certain percentage aren't all that. When I drive/walk around here, it's definitely not the Polish women who turn my head ;)

But then, you guys would probably class my preference as "older women", so I suspect that we're taking about an entirely different group of women anyway. Bleached-blonde teenage WAGs or Posh Spice clones do nothing for me.
29 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

@ Amablabla. You talk to me like that, you unf***ed english housewife? What is wrong with you?

If YOU think these persons you posted are beautiful, fine.
I have different standards. ;-)

So post up a photo of yourself and your girlfriend, and let the forum judge you both!
Many of us have "different standards" as well. :p

I can't help thinking that a lot of the hatred towards English women on here is from foreign guys who have been turned down by them a lot.

They probably went to Napa and thought that every English woman was "easy", but didn't pull a single one of them, and decided to hit on Polish women instead.

After which, they got lucky, and all of a sudden, Polish women became the most "beautiful" in the world, and English women were branded the "ugliest".

Go figure, as they say in the U.S.A. :D
28 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

They also wear tight blouses,western girls do not do that.

pmsl!!!!!!!!!!!! so judgemental, yet he really has a way with words sometimes :D

oh so only slavic girls colour their hair, and only black?? Sweeping generalisation anyone?


You've not been here long, have you? Not quite long enough to fully understand the secret life of southern/king polkakamon, anyway. Give it time, though ;)
27 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

big nose and greedy eyes say it all

Since when do you know what my eyes look like??

Big nose, maybe;)

Though when I was told earlier how much money I could earn from a new money-making scheme, my eyes did indeed light up :D
26 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

lmao :)
26 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

the nose is Polish.
the hair is off putting because it doesn't fit current fashion.
eyebrows are overdone too.

The upper part is mediteranean,the lower polish.She has the high slavic cheeks but has triangle mediteranean face with edges not the classic round slavic face.

Nose,forehead,eyebrows,hair are mediteranean.

I'm never told I look Polish and at least a 1/4 of me is (even a half if we count an asimilated Jew in

75% slavic,25% mediteranean.

I'm never posting my photo on here :D
26 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

the nose is Polish.

Not big enough :)
26 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / Poles in America: How do you pronounce your Polish surname? [128]

always use this

Yeah, but is that pronounced Ivona, or Iwona? :D

A last name is one's most precious possession and deserves respect. Only it's owner can say how it should be pronounced. If someone spells his name Smythe and insists it be pronoucned Jones, so be it!

25 Aug 2010

Polonius3, where do you get all your information from?

I've been looking for the meaning/origin of my surname for ages, but with no success.

I don't want to post it on the forum though, but if you're willing to point me in the right direction, I can do my own research, I guess ;)
23 Aug 2010
Language / WISŁA or VISTULA?? [46]

I know how to pronounce droëwors, braaivleis and potjiekos if that's any help :D lol
19 Aug 2010
History / Polish history is 100% glorious [302]

myth A: the Jews were commies, a myth that apparently still lives today, remarkably;

Yet at the same time, they love to claim that "the Jew" allegedly runs the entire media, owns all the banks, owns too much property and too many businesses - none of which seem like even slightly Communistic activities to me ;)
13 Aug 2010
Language / WISŁA or VISTULA?? [46]

Yes. Exactly like that.

No, not like that at all.

To pronounce it "in Polish", it would have to be written Pracha, not Pragha.
12 Aug 2010
Language / WISŁA or VISTULA?? [46]

Why is it spelled Vistula in English? It's Wisla and not hard to spell or pronounce.

It's just the way the English decided to pronounce it.

Praha isn't difficult to pronounce for Poles, so why do Poles call Prague "Praga"? ;) lol
7 Aug 2010
Love / Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this? [262]

As he said...

Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this?

The answer is no, because two of my Polish exes (including the aforementioned wife) were beautiful, so I think my comment was relevant. And plenty of ugly/average women (Polish or otherwise) are like this too!

However, you (Seanus) are not wrong either. There are indeed many stuck-up little princesses these days, but you will find them within every ethnic group - it's not exclusively "a Polish thing", and to suggest that all beautiful Polish women are like this is simply not true.
7 Aug 2010
Love / Are all beautiful Polish girls as crazy as this? [262]

It's not only Polish women who are like this - anyone (male or female) can be like this.

My last Polish ex was like this and got dumped for it, whereas my Polish wife was the complete opposite. I've had one English ex who was like this, an English/Irish ex who was also like this, and a Lithuanian ex who met the above description.

However, the vast majority of my ex-girlfriends were NOTHING like the above description. So stop generalising!

It's human nature, not a Polish trait, to be like this.

And at least Polish women don't cut your c*ck off if you upset them like Thai women do! lol
3 Aug 2010
Life / POLISH MYTHS - let's debunk or prove them! [140]

now's a chance to discuss common myths in poland and whether they are true or not!

1. Polish women are the most beautiful in the world. False (imo) but it's all subjective.

2. All Poles are well-educated. False. Some are, many are definitely not.

3. All Polish men are drunks. False. As above.

4. Polish women are all gold-digging sl*ts. False. As above.

5. Chicken soup cures-all. True! Well sort of. Obviously it won't cure non-Hodgkin's lymphoma :D but even the kosher-parev (i.e. non-meat) Hebrew alef-bet soup I bought once made me feel better when I was ill, so there's obviously something in chicken soup, even if it's not the actual chicken - lol! :)