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Panga Fish (available in Polish stores); I'll never eat it again. Alternative?

smurf  38 | 1940
24 Aug 2010   #1
Right so, I've been eating a fair bit of this Panga fish since I moved here.....
It's usually fairly cheap and available in all the hypermarkets, be it Tesco, Carrefour, Biedronka etc.....

I presumed it was like the Cod fish we can get back in the motherland, and even though it wasn't as nice or as meaty, it was fine for dinner the odd time.

Anyway, I had a look on that auld internet today for what kind of fish it really is, if it had an English name and if it was related to the Cod fish.

Anyway, if you've eaten Panga me, then you'll never eat it again, I was pure shocked when I read this

There are 7 points and I believe them all except point 7, coz I dont really care about multinationals....

........if anyone knows where I can buy some fresh non-panga fish in Katowice, I'd be very appreciative.
Seanus  15 | 19666
24 Aug 2010   #2
I heard the same and have stopped eating it. I saw some today but swiftly went for some haddock instead (dorsz).
24 Aug 2010   #3
It contains urine from pregnant women? Does that mean I can eat a meal while at the same time indulging in my secret passions for prego and watersports?
24 Aug 2010   #4
I hate panga. Glad to hear it's unhealthy. Now I have good excuse to not eat it.
wildrover  98 | 4430
24 Aug 2010   #5
Does that mean

It means you can grow big tits...
mafketis  38 | 10868
24 Aug 2010   #6
The article strikes me as fear-mongering/commercial abotage/disinformation since a lot of the things they're complaining about are true of pretty much all commercial fish products and seafood now.

I've eaten panga, enjoyed it and won't refrain from buying it again (though I've never been a big fish eater).
Amathyst  19 | 2700
24 Aug 2010   #7
I've eaten panga, enjoyed it and won't refrain from buying it again

Thats not fish, I biological nightmare! Whilst Britain has many cant beat the fish here...Even pollock is acceptable these days (for a fish pie, but that just me personally) to a certain degree..
Sokrates  8 | 3335
24 Aug 2010   #8
........if anyone knows where I can buy some fresh non-panga fish in Katowice, I'd be very appreciative.

Every f*cking store?
wildrover  98 | 4430
24 Aug 2010   #9
I can get you some nice fish from Chernobyl next time i am there..not so many chemicals in them these days..but you might glow in the dark for several days after eating it...
szkotja2007  27 | 1497
25 Aug 2010   #10
Anything you get out of the Baltic will be full of PCBs
OP smurf  38 | 1940
25 Aug 2010   #11
Does that mean I can eat a meal while at the same time indulging in my secret passions for prego and watersports?

hahaha, seriously this site needs a post of the day! hilarious!

Every f*cking store?

no dude, fresh fish as in not feckin frozen, the only time I've seen fresh fish in Katowice was in 2 places, one was a garden centre selling goldfish and the other time was at christmas where old women were fighting over carp, dont understand why there was so much fresh fish the and usually theres never any to be found

glow in the dark for several days after eating it.

haha, that'd be a cool party, wait until Halloween though
NorthMancPolak  4 | 642
25 Aug 2010   #12
Thats not fish, I biological nightmare! Whilst Britain has many cant beat the fish here

I feel sick just reading that article! And you're right about our fish.
Wroclaw Boy
25 Aug 2010   #13
haddock instead (dorsz).

I believe Dorsz is Cod Seanus me old mucker.
MareGaea  29 | 2751
25 Aug 2010   #14
What about Herring? Delicious when eaten raw and much healther than Haddock or Cod...It just bursts with Omega 3 and 6 oils.

I go often to a Sklep to buy some of them raw Herrings there. Wash the oil away and it comes close to the Dutch ones. Of course, there is no comparison to the Dutch Herring, but nevertheless, it comes close :)


M-G (and it's the only one I can find here in Dubs)
Ironside  50 | 12312
25 Aug 2010   #15
It means you can grow big tits...

old sport !
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589
25 Aug 2010   #16
You usually get what you pay for.

If something has been transported all over the world, and is still much cheaper than local products, you don't want to eat it.
OP smurf  38 | 1940
25 Aug 2010   #17
What about Herring? Delicious when eaten raw and much healther than Haddock or Cod...It just bursts with Omega 3 and 6 oils.

I dont mind Herring when it's fresh and not feckin pickled, however came up with the idea of pickling fish was one sick fuddermucker

it's horrible one of the few polish dishes i dont like....sorry lads....

i lived right beside the sea at home and i think i was spoilt for choice, gotta find a shop 'round here that sells fresh stuff, the big shops round where I live only have frozen crap
Seanus  15 | 19666
25 Aug 2010   #18
Cod, oops. Thanks, WB! Haddock is łupacz, I think :) Panga is modified crap. I wonder also about mintaj. It's even cheaper which implies it's of a lower quality.
mafketis  38 | 10868
26 Aug 2010   #19
mintaj is Alaska pollock
MareGaea  29 | 2751
26 Aug 2010   #20
I dont mind Herring when it's fresh and not feckin pickled, however came up with the idea of pickling fish was one sick fuddermucker
it's horrible one of the few polish dishes i dont like....sorry lads....

Of course I mean the fresh one. The pickled ones are some Scandinavian invention and I only eat them when there is no raw and fresh available. Like I said, when I buy the ones in the Polish sklep here in Dubs, I was off the oil and the overdo on salt which they pour on those fish and eat them on bread. Best one is still the Dutch one, fresh and on a white bun with raw onions and perhaps a few pickles...Delicious.

I cannot seem to find them here in Dublin, however, last night a friend told me I should have a look at the fishmarket in Smithfield, Dublin 7, which is not too far away from where I live as they seem to sell all sorts of raw fish. Might get lucky there.


M-G (yearns for a nice raw herring, Dutch style)
Wroclaw Boy
26 Aug 2010   #21
My wifes been buying panga for a while ive never liked it and now i know why, its so slimey and cheap and nasty tasting. I deep fried some in batter a few weeks ago, over cooked it by five minutes and it wasnt so bad, in any case dont think i'll let her buy it again.

Best spend the extra and buy cod, and it is a lot extra... boning cod is a nightmare.
Seanus  15 | 19666
26 Aug 2010   #22
I don't know how it is in Wrocław but there isn't much difference in price between panga and dorsz here, mi amigo WB. You can overcook the sh*t out of it, WB, but it isn't the way. Toast is good once in a while when burnt but hardly 'hoped cuisine', to coin a Basil Fawlty :)
Wroclaw Boy
27 Aug 2010   #23
I don't know how it is in Wrocław but there isn't much difference in price between panga and dorsz here, mi amigo WB.

I usually buy fresh, but was actually thinking whilst writing on this thread yesterday ill go frozen next time. Fresh filleted cods about 28 pln / kg, on the bone around 20 pln / kg but once youve filleted theres hardly anything left except a shite load of smelly fleshy bones, fish heads and guts then plenty of washing up. Go with the frozen boned Dorsz mes think, we can make an exception for frozen foods in this case.
Seanus  15 | 19666
27 Aug 2010   #24
If you have a deep freeze then loading it up with frozen stuff is a good idea. I'd go with that too.
Olaf  6 | 955
27 Aug 2010   #25


- worst shops you can go to. Tesco is not the same here as in the UK, though both are c#r#a#p. Carrefour is one of the cheapest and rather qood quality, Auchan has much better service (maybe it depends on a particular place) and the best prices.

Panga fish in fact is not good as it's grown in bad conditions and artificially fed with hormones. Can you expect it to be healthy then? I wouldn't eat it just as the butterfish species. It's almost GMO.

It means you can grow big tits...

- hey what's wrong with D-cups? Take it as an opportunity or a challenge, not a threat and you'll be fine! ;)

I suggest an alternative: try a... pollock. No no, not a Pollack but a pollack (or pollock) which is a fish that does not have as much parasites and is one of the best options, as well as trouts and salmons. Also all the local, sweet water fish if you can buy them: pike, perch, whitefish etc.
pawian  219 | 24592
1 Sep 2010   #26
There are 7 points and I believe them all except point 7, coz I dont really care about multinationals....

Before you make such a declaration, why don`t you hear the other side too?

Here is a comment made by some professional fish trader under the article you mentioned:

The SKY IS FALLING. I've been in the seafood industry as a buyer, seller, importer and trader for 15 years in the United States. The EU has the highest standards in the world for illegal chemicals, compounds, and antibiotics. Last I checked, France is in the EU. Every load of seafood must be inspected, and a random sample from EACH lot must be tested in an EU-endorsed laboratory to detect the author's described poisons. If it possesses these poisons/antibiotics/chemicals, the whole load is rejected.

Get a grip on reality. The world's wild Pollock and Cod fishery has been severely over-fished, and its supply is wholly inadequate to meet the world's needs. Aquaculture is the only way to meet the world's needs. Vietnam is at the forefront in the fight to promote safe, eco-friendly farming.

Readers, please do your research to get the facts, rather than taking this one lunatic's propaganda as fact. What he/she presents as fact is far from the truth.

4 Jan 2012   #27
Oh please.... Earth is full of poison we shouldn't drink stuff! Eat stuff! We shouldn't even breath because of the pollution! Seriously.... Everything we will eat, drink or do will kill us eventually!
pip  10 | 1658
4 Jan 2012   #28
quite bizarre that a post over a year old makes an appearance. Anyway- panga. don't eat it. I also used to eat it until I found out where it was from- what I don't understand is why places on the seaside in Poland sell it?? The fish of the Baltic is fresh and local. I think that goes for everything- buy local when possible- obviously in the Polish climate some fruits and veg need to be imported unless you are a wizard in the kitchen and can preserve things.
3 Aug 2015   #29
Business Man don't care how u feel how u think ..
only Money . Not Human .only money ..
Jardinero  1 | 383
5 Aug 2015   #30
There was a documentary not that long ago about fish farming in different parts of the world: panga, cod, salmon. And believe it or not, panga was not the worst of them. They had some Norwegian farmed salmon analysed in an independent lab in Switzerland I think, along with ordinary supermarket foods. It turned out that the Norwegian salmon contained levels of toxins that were tens if not hundred times higher than even the not so healthy stuff like pre-cooked hamburgers that they concluded that it was 'the most toxic food you could buy'. This had to due with the way the fish feed was made - apparently it is not controlled in the same way as that for other animals used for meat. Frozen packaged fish such as panga (but probably other as well) are soaked in solutions which contain anti-freeze. Now contrast that with the adverts you see for say Norwegian farmed salmon as the healthiest food there is...

Home / Food / Panga Fish (available in Polish stores); I'll never eat it again. Alternative?

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