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Dodgy PRL-holdover judiciary finally reformed [420]
ok - I was pulling your legs somewhat, people - PiS (Duda precisely) actually broke the constitution once at the very start of PiS majority - yeah, you anticipate well - but I can't help myself but make fun of you for not knowing your own constitution which you presumably want to defend - the article 7 of the Polish constitution states that the authorities are bound to operate based on law and within the
limits of the law - based on that (and the articles of the constitution regarding the constitutional tribunal) it can be argued that the president didn't have the right to reject signing twe five judges elected by the previous parliament as a form of my personal consolation after admitting the above I want to stress that PO goverment ignored or defied in a range of 20 rulings of the Constitutional Tribunal, passed the amended law to vote in 3 extra judges into the constitutional tribunal in clear violation of the constitution probably in hope that the Constitutional Tribunal would pass on that one like they did to the OFE contributions - which reminds me of utterly scandalous and/or absurd rulings by the Constitutional Tribunal itself proclaimed in the past
ok - I was pulling your legs somewhat, people -
I should have said I was teasing with you a bit (which is also not entirely true) - I never claimed my English is perfect