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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Great posts, Cojest! You are telling it exactly like it is.

By the way women in general choose men that are better off

That's because men are romantic and women are pragmatic. If a man falls in love with a girl, he won't care if she's rich, educated, with high social position etc. etc. he will marry her anyway. A woman, on the other hand, would be extremely reluctant to marry a man who is less well off, has worse education than her and so on. Funnily enough, popular culture tries to tell people that it's the other way around - that women are more romantic than men LOL :) Well, we have our own eyes and we can observe reality. :)

The fact that some people here feel attacked, by the mere stating of obvious facts and social phenomena, only proves our point. Men and women who don't want to have children won't spread their genes, which I suppose is a good thing after all - nature decides and weaker maternal/paternal instinct (weaker than dreams of "career" anyway) may be an indication that nature doesn't want such people to reproduce. Let's not force them. Let's not correct nature.

There is one problem though, men without kids can survive in something that remotely resembles sanity (limited sanity but still). I am, however, yet to meet and old spinster who would be even remotely "normal". The entire popular culture tries to denigrate motherhood, so some women give it up - not even high class professionals that Cojest mentions, but those in relatively low paid jobs as well (e.g. teachers) - they don't realise that at the end of the day nobody will care about their PhD thesis that 3-4 people will ever read or about their "career" in early school teaching for example. Nobody will care about these totally irrelevant things at all... the only thing left will be loneliness... horrible loneliness creeping ever closer each day... loneliness, regret and emptiness... void never to be filled with anything...

Oh, well... we all have to face the consequences of our choices. I suppose that the profits the fat sharks make by having women in the job market and driving the salaries down are worth it... even for those women for whom "careers" mean menial, low-paid jobs (either physical or white-collar).
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

A women can have dreams beside raising a family.

"Beside" is quite all right; "instead" not so much.

if man were more willing to put their ambition aside to raise the kids women wouldn't have to make such choices?

Everyone has to make choices, both women and men. The point is to have right hierarchy of values, so that the choices we make are also right.
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Who said we don't?

I thought it was rather evident from your posts but, of course, I am very happy if it's not the case. :)

I'm getting an impression that you think I'm against having kids

Well, maybe not against having kids per se but it would seem, correct me if I'm wrong, that you consider things like "career" and "ambitions" to be more important than having children. Again, I'm delighted if it's not the case. :)
20 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

I didn't reply earlier because I was banned from posting on PF for 85k seconds. It was probably because I suggested that we should make tender love to moderators, although I'm not entirely sure. :)

Anyway... @Lenka and @Paulina

Explaining to you how much you are wrong would take me a lot of time and, honestly, I couldn't be arsed. However, let me just take this opportunity to say that I wish that one day both of you will have lovely, beautiful and smart kids and that they will be the light of your lives. You are both intelligent women (and you know I have a soft spot for intelligent women) and it would be a pity if you didn't multiply. All best procreative wishes, ladies! :)
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Don't worry, I will do it soon, and more than just two :)


*fingers crossed*

We live once...

... but forever. That's the point - we are immortals. We live here, in this vale of tears, for 75 years or so but our souls are immortal. But THAT is definitely off-topic here. :)
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Poland really is a sh!t country

Not at all. We have a lot of catching up to do but we are a smart and resourceful nation - my children will be better off than I am, and their children even more so (and they will be even more annoyingly Polish than I am). :)

I'm same age as you, as we established, and I'm still in proud solitude.

... and, knowing life, Velund has probably a nice crowd of 6 or 7 kids running around his cryptocurrency mine and memorising, at their father's order, Joseph Brodsky's "На независимость Украины". *rolls eyes*

In any case, you better get your finger out, Bobko, and start making kids - our children have a rather high chance of finding common tongue; Velund's and mine... I'm not so sure. :-/
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

If anything one should return it to their parents.

Nope. You were not given care in your old age (that's your future children's job) - you were given life, childhood, education etc. You owe that to a child of your own.

The rest is excuses, selfishness and, as Iron said, TV-made plastic dreams.

man play equal role in the birth rate

Here I completely agree - everything I wrote applies also to men (you can add old bachelors to old spinsters there). There is the same number of selfish, irresponsible and stupid men as women - no doubt.
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

The present day problem is the astronomic cost of raising a kid, that makes people not want to have kids at all.

Yes, but at the end of the day it all boils down to one's hierarchy of values. Either you want children, to pass on the proverbial baton in the generational relay race or you go for comfortable life with fewer responsibilities. You either contribute to your nation's future (and that's exactly what children are) or you chose "career", comfort, money or whatnot.

I am not a rich man by any means (more of a lower middle class, I'd say) but I have two children and they are an absolute joy of my life. :) That's what those people who are rationalising their selfish choices in a 100s of "clever" ways don't get - you are not only being a parasite, who is not returning what she/he has been given, you are also missing out on the greatest thing on earth. :)

Oh, well... we were talking about nature... perhaps nature knows best. Maybe we really shouldn't try to convince those who don't want children to have them. Maybe there is some reason nature doesn't want them to multiply. Hmm...
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Why would one feel guilty for not having kids?

Simple. You were given your childhood, your life, your education, warmth and love, and you are not going to return that to a child of your own, because all of your imaginary "conditions" for having children are not met. You can, of course, try to deafen your conscience and rationalise your selfishness and that's exactly what happens in most cases of old spinsters - I know many of them, they all sound like the same broken record.

Ignoring what women say

Look, I know well enough what women say. I mingle with academic circles sometimes (not for pleasure, mind you, more out of a necessity) and I talk to people. Believe me, if I was given a dollar for every 30-35 year-old single, childless woman, who postpones children for "later" because first she needs to take care of her academic "career" and complete her PhD thesis on "Latvian cutlery in the 17th century" or something equally important, I would be a rich man.

the women that ends up qith all the care for the kids

Select the man wisely then, and forget about łobuz kocha najmocniej. ;D
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

More testicles.

Well, the process had indeed required the use of testicles but it still doesn't explain the phenomenon that Bobko mentioned.

As for 1-9... excuses, excuses. The real reasons were explained in #3, the rest is excuses and rationalising wrong choices to soothe one's guilty conscience.
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

That's why Poland is so fixated on the idea of Intermarium - uniting all the smaller countries between Germany and Russia whose very right to existence is questioned by totalitarian ideologues, like Dugin for example, to ensure our survival. We don't have enough power though, either hard or soft, so it will most likely only remain a beautiful idea.
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

150K dead Poles is nothing to be proud of (...) it was 38X less than the amount the Germans killed.

You are quite right that it's a different scale altogether. Had Poland resisted Soviet occupation, however, the losses might have been comparable. Also, you have to take into account that from Polish point of view there is another difference apart from the difference of scale: Germany has totally rejected their nazi past, they apologised for their atrocities around 2.5 gazillion times and have been consistently reliable ally to us in the last 30 years or so. In Russia, however, the cult of Soviet Union and the Red Army is still strong, so in Polish eyes it is comparable to Germany still honouring Hitler as war leader, having thousands of monuments of Wehrmacht soldiers and commanders in all their cities, and every year in Berlin holding a huge military parade with swastika flags proudly flying in the air.
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

It's impossible to wrap one's mind around that number.


That's why when some people say that Poland should resist the Soviets after WW2 and fight with arms in our hands against the Soviet domination, I tell them that they are crazy. It would amount to national suicide. We opposed Germany so fiercely and lost so many people as a result that if we had attempted the same against Soviet Union that would be the end of Poland as we know it. The national substance had to be saved and rebuilt - superficially we bowed down to Soviet occupation but deep inside we remained proud and free nation, history teachers did their jobs well, writers and intellectuals (most of them anyway) remained faithful to Poland and that's why we are a free nation today.

Nature truly is amazing.

Indeed. :)

Contrast that to post-war Poland which is remarkable for its homogeneity.

Poles were roughly 70% in 1939 Poland. 3 millions ethnic Poles died as a result of the war and oppression, 3 millions Polish citizens of Jewish origin were murdered as well. Millions remained outside our borders or ran away to various places all over the world. There isn't a single country in the world where you wouldn't meet Poles :) A survival strategy in its own right, I suppose.

30.8% of the population in the minority

That is correct, but you have to remember that majority of this 30.8% were assimilated. They were still registered as people of Lithuanian, German, Ukrainian or Belarussian origin, but they were loyal citizens, spoke Polish, had Polish names and fought for Poland with arms in their hands (this applies also to many Polish Germans, not only common soldiers but also commanders, like Unrug or Rómmel for example). The Jewish community had, by and large, resisted assimilation, and the only other large minority that wasn't fully assimilated was Ukrainians. So, realistically, I'd say that only about 10% were genuine minorities.
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

It's really shocking to see how Poland has an only slightly higher population than in 1939

Not that shocking when you consider that in 1939 we had population of 35 million and in 1945 only 23 million. We lost one third! I don't think any other country experienced such slaughter. Proportionally Soviet Union would have to lose 65 million people in WW2 to experience similar population loss.
19 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Why have Polish women opted out of parenting ?

Cultural shift. Different hierarchy of values. Mass media, popular culture, decline of Christianity - we all know that. Family has moved down the list compared to "career", travelling, comfortable life without much responsibility and material wealth. Even women who have hard-working (and well off) husbands very often don't want to have children or are quite happy with one kid. Sign of our times.
11 Jun 2022
Language / A study on how bilingual Polish-English speakers think [86]

What's your fee, GK?

For you, Anti, it's always free. :) Whenever you have any doubts or need advice on your polszczyzna, all you have to do is write me a PM.

As for various methods of learning languages, I've always found parallel reading to be very helpful. Read a chapter (or even a page) in English and then in Polish. In the long run it will give you a good passive knowledge of the language. Active knowledge is more tricky: speaking is best practiced in Poland with native speakers, but you visit quite often so that won't be a problem*, and writing is best practiced on internet fora... :)

* - assuming that your wife really refuses to speak Polish with you (persuading her to do it would be the best option :))
24 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

I am happily married and a father of two. I know of one other poster here who can say the same about himself and he is also against the monstrosity called "abortion". Having children changes your perspective (on pretty much everything).

I wouldn't be surprised if the staunchest proponents of abortion on demand here were either single or homosexual (or both). I wouldn't be surprised at all. :)
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

Utterly filthy and published by Hippocrene Books. I'm not sure if it's available in translation.

Thank you, I'll pass. If I ever feel like reading gay love literature, I'll just come here and read what Novichok writes about Putin. It's equally disgusting but at least free. :)
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

I get it, Atch and Paulina are rated higher because they're chicks, right?

You know me so well. :)
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

why is it me getting attacked

It was just a figure of speech. :)

Having said that, we know from history that homosexuality was invented in Russia and many Russians (e.g. Herodotov, Platonov, Xenophoniev and Athanauesiov) explored acspects of gay love in ancient Russian society. :)
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

Russians are gold standards for their manners and eloquence

The appearance of Novichok, aka Rich Mazur, was like a bolt of lightning on a clear day.

Get a room, you two. :D
23 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

A foetus isn't.

...and who are you, or any woman in fact, to decide when the "foetus" becomes a child? Who sets the limit and on what grounds? AntV is right - it's a question of arbitrarily setting the limit, and in some places it leads to monstrosities like "partial birth abortions" which are nothing short of murder.
23 May 2022
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

the question you are really posing is at what stage of development or condition of life is it permissible to end a human being's life.

Exactly. Philip K. Dick's Pre-persons immediately comes to mind... :-/

It is mind-boggling how many people think that murdering a child is a perfect solution to all the evil in the world (woman being raped, difficult socio-economic conditions, "bad moment" for a child etc. etc.).

They are just cells and part of a woman's body

Nope. The child is a separate entity. Separate DNA code - inherited just as much from the mother as from the father.
23 May 2022
Feedback / Is it Polish forum or foreign forum? [159]

Try this for a start, Anti...

This book on Koneczny is supposed to be good, but I haven't read it myself...
23 May 2022
History / Current Polish-Russian relations.. What do the Poles think? [60]

How do you know, then, that merging with Russia would not forever change the fabric of Poland? (...) Could Poland control such a territory (...)?

Well, I suppose we'll never know. I'd like to believe though that if Poland had won back then, and controlled the vast territories of what is now Russia, we would not only have avoided partitions but also would have been powerful enough to triumph over all the autocracies of that age. Poland, with her Golden Freedom, would have become something comparable to the USA, only at least a 100 years earlier, and consequently would be the greatest superpower in the history of Earth. Imagine - with our high culture, ingenuity, magnanimity and moral superiority, how much more could have been achieved.

Oh, well.. as I said, we'll never know. :(
23 May 2022
Off-Topic / Best posters [701]

Best posters?

I'd say, as far as regulars are concerned...

1. BratwurstBoy
2. Paulina
3. Atch
4. AntV
5. Mafketis

...Pawian, Lenka, Tacitus, jon357, Milo, cms neuf, alien, amiga, and Korvinus are quite all right as well; Cojest has his moments of sanity but needs to work on his peasant manners. RussianAntiPutin gets a honorary mention - the best newbie I can remember in a long time. :) The second honorary mention goes to johnny_reb for being absolutely spot on on the matter of abortion :).

I have a feeling that Velund, Bobko, Novichok, Crow and Crnogorac might actually be nice guys in real life, but their support for the Russian version of nazism prevents me from including them in any best posters list on any position.

5 worst posters...

1. Strzelec35
2. Strzelec35
3. Strzelec35
4. Strzelec35
5. Strzelec35

... here all the 5 positions on the list are self-explanatory. How is this guy not banned permanently yet is beyond me.
23 May 2022
History / Current Polish-Russian relations.. What do the Poles think? [60]

Top 5 Things A Russian Person Will Not Admit To A Pole...

1. In retrospect, it would have been better for the entire world if Poland had won in 1612.
2. Poland, rather than Russia, is the real Sarmatia and mother of all Slavia.
3. It doesn't make sense to have monuments of occupational troops in a free, independent country.
4. Honour and integrity are actually nice things to have.
5. Russians secretely love and admire Poles, and wish they could be more like us.

... and as a honorary mention, outside the top 5 list - Fiat 125p was way better than Lada 2103.