The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 26 mins ago
Threads: 29
Posts: 1379

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24 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / Funniest stuff said on PF! Please post the funniest convos, remakes, responses, name calling or whatever. [93]

It is funny to watch people fruitlessly try to learn the rules of the forum after 3-7-10 years of being here.

Guilty as charged.

But, hey - this is a Polish board (at least in name) and mods are the authorities; there has to be some resistance and defiance towards the official authorities or it wouldn't be Polish at all!

Crow always manages to strike perfect comedic timing in his response

Also, he sticks around for years on end, despite endless stream of abuse he's getting. Fair play to him :) If all Orthodox Slavs are that resilient, then we better start peace talks with Russia now, ha ha. :)
24 Jun 2022

@Bratwurst Boy, @AntV

Cheers, guys. I knew I wasn't alone on this one. :)


You're not that bad either. Perhaps my "A" warning that I got some time ago was justified after all. ;) No hard feelings.
23 Jun 2022

He defends and supports an unprovoked war of aggression against a peaceful neighbor

As far as I understand from Bobko's and Velund's posts, from their point of view, the aggression was neither unprovoked nor the neighbour particularly peaceful. Regardless of whether we agree with it or not (I don't), they shouldn't be attacked for presenting their point of view. That's what internet forums are for, aren't they?

and fantasizes about genocide.

Unless you can point me to a post in which Bobko supports war crimes or "fantasizes about genocide", I will simply refuse to believe that.

He's not a good person

Who of us can honestly say that he's a good person?

"And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.", Mark 10:18

...and anyway Bobko's not too bad. I like him. Sue me.


I've heard about a poll where 75.5% Russians said Poland should be the next target of "special operation" but not about one in which 70% wanted to nuke us. Do you have any links to that?


Again, please point me to the post in which Bobko "supports war crimes", as I don't recall anything like that by him.

Come on, guys. We are not United Nations, we are not NATO headquarters, we are not even Sejm. We are a bunch of random people posting on an obscure tiny board with about 25 regular posters. If we can't conduct a discussion without aggression, hatred and a modicum of common decency, then what's the point? What happened to us? Wishing people death? Not making even an attempt to understand the other side? Surely we are better than that? If we can no longer talk to one another, even to our enemies, in a civilised way, then maybe, just maybe, it is indeed time for the nukes to fly? :-/

Anyways... screw you guys, I'm going to sleep.
23 Jun 2022

Defending the illegal and unprovoked invasion

That's what people do when their countries are involved. Sometimes it's denial, sometimes an effect of propaganda, and sometimes genuine belief that one's countrymen are incapable of such things. Nihil novi sub sole.
23 Jun 2022
Off-Topic / MBTI. At Least Ten Characters. [15]

Gefreiter Kania - ???

I don't know, but probably some kind of mediator :)

No, I am a PPSF-O (Person Paulina Secretely Fancies - Obviously). ;)
23 Jun 2022

Russia's fate cannot be made hostage to one man, regardless of how prominent a historic role he's played until now. Russia is simply too important.

I like your patriotism. It brings genuine smile to my face :) Something I can relate to. Pity we're on opposite sides.

maybe you'll be issued a helmet with the burned flesh of its previous wearer.

Geez, Maf, why the aggression? The guy is in the United States and has nothing to do with the current Russian government (as we have nothing to do with our respective governments). He defends his country (even if the task is sometimes impossible) - what is he supposed to do?
23 Jun 2022

Check out a book called Łacina w kulturze polskiej by Aleksander Mikołajczak, Jon. It has very well documented sources and mentions, among other things, diaries of foreign travellers who were shocked that the knowledge of Latin was so widespread in Poland that they were able to communicate almost anywhere during their travels without any knowledge of Polish.
23 Jun 2022

A French person or a Spanish one really couldn't give a **** about you


Belonging to a certain civilisation is not about somebody else giving or not giving a **** about it. It's about a set of rules and a system of values. It's about things like approach to individual freedom, human rights and functioning of state institutions (corruption, rule of law etc.). Poland, since middle ages, remained under the influence of Latin civilization - there was a time when you could travel throughout Poland and communicate with people in Latin (not only with noblemen but also with merchants, artisans and even some peasants). Until partitions Latin was an official tongue in Poland (język urzędowy). The role of catholic church was definitely substantial in that but also dynastic ties with France and Italy, so with time it shaped our culture the way it did. It wasn't for nothing that Stalin called Poland "a Latin thorn in a healthy Slavic body". :)

There has always been this awareness of our civilisational roots among educated classes; that's why any occupant who wanted to root out Polishness always had to strike against Polish intelligentsia (and they did - with a vengence!). During partitions we resisted the attempts at both germanization and russification precisely because we belonged to a different civilisation than either of our oppressors.

These days, unfortunately, Polish intelligentsia is a dying out species. Formal education has become devalued and universities no longer reproduce intelligentsia as a class - they became places where peasants and city dwellers (so, basically, peasants in 2nd or 3rd generation ;)) learn interesting things and get their diplomas and degrees to the joy of their grandparents who didn't have such opportunity. I don't have anything against it, mind you, peasant education is in general a good thing.

Also, what you wrote about there not being a thread of understanding between Poles, the French or Italians is not entirely true. When I was younger I used to travel a lot, thanks to my father who is a generous man, and whenever I was in France or Italy I found it exceedingly easy to mingle and communicate with educated people, and found that we share very similar values and approach to life. But of course you are right that it's different with peasants. So, in your sentence that I quoted, if we replaced "person" with "peasant" or "average citizen", I would tend to agree. And of course you are quite right that a Polish peasant, abroad or at home, is more likely to find this thread of understanding with a Russian peasant with whom he shares a similar language as well as culinary and artistic tastes. :)

Russians will always treat you with genuine brotherly curiosity

Which we indeed appreciate and return the genuine brotherly curiosity, albeit with a certain degree of caution.
22 Jun 2022

Curiously, Russians, Poles, and Ukrainians seem to stick together in New York.

Similar languages, similar levels of tolerance to spirits and similar Slavic souls that come to the surface after the degustation of said spirits. :)

The Poles don't seem to join their Latin "brothers" from France or Italy with the same frequency, for some very strange reason.

We always had difficult relationship with the French (all in all I think it was a mistake on our part to teach them how to eat with a knife and fork), we are Sarmatians so Italians with their military exploits don't incite enormous respect in us, and Spain is just too far away. But there's no denying that culturally we are a Latin civilisation country (with a genuine Slavic feel on top of that :)).
22 Jun 2022
Love / What cities have most blonde girls? [26]

Natural blondes are different though, something special (...) That depends if the handbag matches the shoes, so to speak.

Since when are you an expert on girls, jon? ;)
22 Jun 2022

Poles would have to invent them.

Germans are much better as archetypical nemesis - they are more different from us than you and speak an incomprehensible tongue, hence the very name - Niemcy. Of course, we have been allies for about 30 years now, but what's 30 years compared to a millenium of Polish history? :)

What else could motivate you so much to be better and morally superior?

There is no such "motivation". Poland compares herself to countries from our cultural circle of Latin civilisation: France, Italy or Spain. When we are in our Slavic mode, we look to Czech Republic or Slovakia for comparisons, or to a wider Intermarium area where there are countries of similar historical experiences to Poland. Comparing Poland to Russia wouldn't make sense... the very idea seems odd. You are just this, on the one hand, dark and ominous force looming somewhere on the horizon and, on the other hand, a country whose music, language and literature speak to us in a strange and fascinating way. I think I said this before, and I would risk a statement that such sentiment is quite common among Poles (as you could see in the video I linked a couple of weeks ago), an average Pole would find it rather difficult to genuinely hate Russia as a country, like a lot of people hated Germany after WW2. There just isn't this level of hostility.

Of course this might change, should Vlad the Conqueror redirect his invading hordes further west, but at the moment that's how it is.
22 Jun 2022

When I talk to my second cousin in Nikolayev, we don't touch politics at all

I can imagine it's a very difficult situation when it comes to family relations. During WW1 we had Poles in Russian uniforms and German/Austrian uniforms fighting each other, often members of the same family, but it was different; independent Poland didn't exist back then, so we could just consider ourselves to be caught in the whirlwind of history and thrown against our own fighting for opposing superpowers. With Russia and Ukraine it's different - they both have similar culture, languages and history, and one conducts a full scale invasion of the other, leveling cities to the ground and killing civilians... I can only imagine the kind of hatred it sows in people's hearts. Civil (or quasi-civil) wars are always the worst ones.

As for the question of "nonexistence of Russians", it could be argued that from genetic point of view there isn't such thing as a typical Russian (or a Pole for that matter), but people are more than just genes. We are not animals. There is culture, history, language and identity to consider and when we take these factors into account then we must admit that Russians do exist.

the conquest of space

Somewhere in Poland in 1961...

- Panie majster! Panie majster! Ruskie w kosmos poleciały!!!
- Wszystkie?
- Eeee... nie, no... tylko jeden.
- To co mi dupę zawracasz, szczeniaku, podaj cegłę.

... ;)
22 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

How many children are you a father to?

I see what you're getting at - as a father of two I am still below the replacement birthrate of 2.1. True. I am, however, way beyond Poland's average of 1.42. Also, don't put a cross on me yet, I can still have more children - remember that Janusz Korwin-Mikke had a child when he was 71, so I still have 30 years or so and I am way more handsome and charming than he is, so who knows? :)

You would think, from all of Kania's lectures (...) that he is a father of 5-6 kids. (...) Does a dog count

Et tu, Brute? *slowly reaches behind him to take out the dagger sticking out of his back*
21 Jun 2022
Language / Short Polish<->English translations [1040]

That you are here - that life exists and identy,
That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse.

"Że tu jesteś - że istnieje życie i tożsamość
Że sztuka trwa i także Ty dopisać możesz wers."
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Geez, it was just an example (maybe not the best one, I admit) - all right, all right, early education teachers and galactically important! But there is also no denying that overwhelming majority of women are doing jobs that they would be very much inclined to give up if: a) they could afford to b) the entire popular culture wasn't telling them that motherhood is less important than "career" (the same applies to men).

You really are an ignorant lump.

Thank you. One does one's best to make oneself immune to modern "wisdom and knowledge". :)
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

That is a change

Very well. As we all know words can also change meaning.

Damn, sometimes it is really difficult to be a forerunner of lexical change. People just don't understand those who are ahead of their time. *sighs*
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

You are not expanding it

Yes, I am. To the old definition of "unmarried woman" I am simply adding "or, also, a married woman with no children".
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Words have a meaning for a reason.

Yes, but as educated people we know that meanings of words very often change, and if there is a word that needs its lexical sense to be ever so slightly expanded, it's definitely "spinster".

It's simply not effective to say "a married woman who freely chooses not to engage in procreation" - too many syllables. Even if we go for simpler "childless married woman", it's still too long to say. "Spinster" will definitely have its meaning officially expanded one day - just think of me as a forerunner of the inevitably incoming lexical change.

Btw- is a single women with kids spinster or not?

No, she's not.
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Words "spinster" and "bachelor" have a fixed meaning.

Stop being a dictionary nazi. My usage of "spinster" is better. So there.

Married men who don't want to have kids are not "mental bachelors" according to you?

But of course they are!
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

I didn't realise you can be such a primitive a$$hole, GF.

Thank you.

They have a daughter :)

Finally some good news in this thread. :)

So, are you telling me that my relative was a "spinster", despite being married for years

No she wasn't, because she was actively trying to have children, so she was never a spinster mentally. A woman who doesn't want to have children can be married 5 times and she is still a spinster. Sorry.
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Well, having such a brain as Bobko's working on Poland's low birthrate problem allows me to retire from this thread with clear conscience. If he won't come up with a viable solution, nobody will. :)
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]


Ad 1. That would only increase the profits of Czech abortion clinics.

Ad 2. That lie would be extremely short lived and would only result in people turning away from state-provided abortion to illegal abortion grey zone - a bad idea.

Ad 3. How would confiscating assets of 100% people help? :)

Ad 4. Brilliant idea!

Ad 5. Confiscate all the money from all people (see Ad 3) just to send the same people to Turkey. Bad idea.

20% of your ideas are brilliant - that's more than most people on this board can say about themselves. :D
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

old spinster doesn't refer to a childless women

Stop nitpicking. Married middle-aged woman who doesn't have children is, to all intents and purposes, an old spinster. :)

As to salaries- why don't you give up your job?

Because I have to support my family. I'd say that 80-85% of people would gladly give up their jobs, if they could afford it, to take care of their families better and spend more time with them. The system, however, doesn't allow them to do so, and popular culture has done a lot in recent years to denigrate parenthood.

women will almost always be better mothers

Obviously LOL What I meant was 'better parents'.
21 Jun 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Only women are expected to make sacrifices in terms of their careers

Not at all! In what world do you live in, Paulina? These days both men and women take care of children and share the necessary house chores. Of course, women will almost always be better mothers just like men will be almost always be better miners or soldiers. That's mother nature for you :)

If anyone had told me, as a man, that I wouldn't be able to have a professional career if I didn't give up my dreams of having a family, I would have told them to go f*ck themselves, bought a small farm, kept my own cows and ducks and still have a family. :)

you don't understand that there are people different than you

Oh, but I do! Out of 100 people who don't want to have children, I would say that about 15-20 genuinely feel that. It's the case that I mentioned of not correcting nature and not forcing them. They might have some faulty genes - immune system deficiency, some sort of genetic disease that might activate itself in the 2nd or 3rd generation - whatever, it doesn't have anything to do with their looks or intelligence, it's just some sort of genetic fault that nature wants out of the pool. I have no problem with such people not having children. Let's not correct nature.

The remaining 80 people, on the other hand, have healthy instincts regarding reproduction and would like to have children. However, if mass media propaganda (partly driven by money of fat sharks who simply want to have cheap labour available in large numbers, partly by stupidity of people who fall for it) denigrates parenthood and successfully convinces those people that they will be more happy with their "ambitions" or "careers", it means that they are being made ultimately miserable and - yes - creates a void that nothing else can fill. I won't even mention all the other downsides of a society that doesn't even have the replacement birthrate of 2.1 (meaning, it's practically dying out), this one is enough - it is selling people lies and plastic dreams, and eventually making them unhappy and miserable. And all this for what? For the profit of companies who crave cheap labour... greed of those who need childless robots, driven by TV commercials and social media game of appearances, to earn them even more money. Disgusting and sad. :-/