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Posts by Spike31  

Joined: 16 Nov 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 13 Feb 2022
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15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

This will never pass. First off the majority of poles still are against gay marraige, and adoption is even more taboo

That's true. It won't pass.

But it will be used by right wing parties as a political fuel for the upcoming elections :-)

I am that force that always wants evil, and always produces good

this was way too easy

Encourage his arrogance and deal a final blow.

My take on classic Sun Tzu quote :-)
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

Yes, I am waiting. Unless you show me where in the official guideline (to which I gave you the link) is this supposed quotation. [in English]

Document called:

WHO Regional Office for Europe

WHO Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe

A framework
for policy makers,
educational and health authorities
and specialists

Page 38

The table. 1st column, 3rd row.

Btw thanks, your link just gave me a virus alert.

German WHO Collaboration Centre gave you virus alert? That may be a sign :-)
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

You'll notice that they never actually link to actual sources, only to people talking about the subject.

Who are "they"? Some sort of conspiracy theory? ;-)

Why don't you link us to the actual guidelines rather than claims made on a random Polish language website?

Here you go. The source. The table starts at page 38 [in English] [in Polish]

You owe us an apology for spreading lies on this forum.

You were saying? :-)
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

This is really all you ilk have left. Lies, misconceptions and propaganda. Which is why you are steadily losing this fight.

Are quotes from WHO sex education standards - which are a template for sex education for children at schools and pre-schools in W. Europe - "lies, misconceptions, and propaganda"?

I even think that's good that you call it a lie and can't believe that they would demoralise innocent children in such way.

Unfortunately, it's not a lie but a twisted Western European reality which is looking for a way to spread to Poland.
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

This just illustrates that there are no valid arguments against it, otherwise you would not so desperately cling to words that are deliberately chosen to obscure the truth.

Sex education guideline [AD 2019] according to WHO - World Health Organization - which are a template for sex education at schools and pre-schools in Western Europe:

for children: 0-4 years old: "at this stage children should learn about the pleasure of touching their bodies and masturbation",/wiadomosci/article?jdnews_id=58069

Now I understand that paedophiles and other sexual predators which are over-represented in LGBT groups are very excited about this new prospect.
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

Wiosna is not part of POKO and neither is Razem.

And I was also kind enough to not add Nowoczesna, which was devoured by PO, into this equation which would only make the projected election results even worse for POKO coalition.

And yes, I am rooting for Konfederacja first and foremost yet my political sympathies doesn't make me blind to political reality :-)

James Rennie, chief executive of LGBT Youth Scotland, is serving a life sentence for sexually assaulting a three-month-old child

No word on Scottish LGBT paedophile ring? The subject of this thread is LGBT indoctrination you know
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

The same party which, as the leading party within the KE electoral bloc, recorded a 2 point advantage in the most recent poll?

If you compare separate results for PO + PSL + SLD from 2014 EU elections (28 seats) with 2019 estimates [polls] for POKO, which is a coalition of aforementioned parties (22 seats at 35% support) you'll clearly see that they'll lose 6 seats.

And that's why I'm ma huge defender of math exams on Matura so the education system won't produce functional idiots :-)

But shhh, let them rest assured that they're gaining support.
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

All the more important to fight for it.

And that's why normal Poles are fighting against LGBT card which aims to sexualize their children at school.

Things only change when you fight for it.

So let's look at the quality of those people who aimed at making that change. Here's an example from Scotland:

James Rennie, chief executive of LGBT Youth Scotland, is serving a life sentence for sexually assaulting a three-month-old child
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

@Tacitus, I'm also content that they play with open cards when it comes to support for LGBT card, homosexual "marriages" and adoption in the year of elections.

Approval rate for same sex marriages and especially for the adoption of children by them are very low in Poland.

This will give right wing parties a fuel and an election boost from centrist (and undecided) voters.
15 Mar 2019
News / POKO and LGBT lobby is trying to sexualize children in Poland. Now they aim for adoption [120]

An openly homosexual member of a liberal POKO party in Poland, and a vice-president of Warsaw, has said in an interview with Gazeta Prawna today: "at first we would like Poles to get used to a notion of homosexual civil partnership but the main goal is to allow homosexual couples to adopt children"

The whole liberal opposition is in panic now since the general acceptance of adoption of children by homosexuals is minimal (to say the least) in Poland.

Is this going to be a final nail to the coffin for POKO party?
14 Mar 2019
Life / Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions [67]

Poles are great at tests, but it doesn't reflect their ability in other areas

Poland has one of the best programmers in the world. And that's what's going to count the most in the future
14 Mar 2019
Life / Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions [67]

Diversity makes people smarter

Here's a link to a map of countries ranked by IQ:

A very homogeneous nation-states like South Korea nad Japan occupy top of the list. Poland occupies the 8th place with an average IQ of 99.

Now my question is: how is importing halfwits from Middle East (with an average IQ around 80) and Africa (with an average IQ of 70) going to make Europeans smarter?
14 Mar 2019
Life / Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions [67]

And that`s very good for you as, being tolerant, you will lead a happier life

Thank you very much but I'm pretty happy without false sense of tolerance :-)

Let's not forget that tolerance is the last virtue of a dying society.

When leaving Poland, intolerant guys can be doubly frustrated because racial diversity exists in most attractive countries

Those "attractive countries" are now getting much less attractive because false sense of tolerance has brought a misery to those regions.

Let's not forget terrorist attacks (one has happened on a London bridge not far from my office 18 months ago), "refugee" camps in the centre of Paris, rapes and groping on NYE in Cologne and so on.

I've also been to Athens which, apart of the strict centre, looks a like a city in a 3rd world country, full of Somalians selling smuggled cigarettes on the streets.
14 Mar 2019
Life / Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions [67]

Except it is needed and encouraged by employers.

That's not the first nor the last time in a history of humankind when short-term interests of a particular groups of people are in direct conflict with an interest and the future of the society as a whole.

But rest assure that capitalism will find the way. Those employers who are in need for unskilled labour will have to invest in automation instead of mass immigration.

And in a meantime it can be done by Ukrainians on a temporary work visas like it is being done right now.

And many simple back office banking and IT [as well as PA] tasks can be delegated online.
14 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Michalkiewicz is a clown like no other in Poland.

Stanislaw Michalkiewicz is the best Polish political columnist since the death of Maciej Rybinski
14 Mar 2019
Life / Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions [67]

I just couldn't find myself to question a highly educated school teacher

Question any authority figure once they depart from the truth and logic.

Like Aristotle said: Plato is my friend but truth is a better friend
14 Mar 2019
Life / Why does Poland need racial diversity? Opinions [67]

Why does Poland need racial diversity?

That's not a question but a poorly disguised statement

The real question would be: Does Poland need racial diversity?

And the answer to that question is simply: no

Let's define the "need":

Need: noun circumstances in which something is necessary; necessity.

Is "racial diversity" necessary to functioning of Poland? No, it isn't. So clearly Poland doesn't need racial diversity.

Quod erat demonstrandum
14 Mar 2019
Life / Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw? [160]

but surely you would have known that the UK is not a nation state, before you came?

Sure, I came for a very well paid job. Yet, I was negatively surprised by the current state of affairs in the UK. The economy is still doing relatively well but I can't say the same about social processes.

And the quality of life depends not only on money but on many different factors of which safety and cultural integrity are one of the most important ones.

UK hasn't ever been a nation state

Nope, but Poland is. And shall remain that way.

That's the point. He did know that UK is a "multicultural" state and yet he decided to go there for work. How strange of him!

Again, theoritical knowledge of something and the first hand experience are two different things. Know I have both: theoretical and practical knowledge of that leftist experiment known as "multiculturalism".
14 Mar 2019
Life / Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw? [160]

My dear Scottish friend @delphiandomine. I'd would like to share with you this happy news that I'm moving back to Poland this summer :-)

My experience from living in the UK and direct contact with "multiculturalism" grounded my belief that a nation-state is the best form of governance.

I will use all the tools and influence available to my humble person to make Poland remain a nation-state.

For that experience, I'm very grateful to the UK and wish them all the best after Brexit, which was the right decision btw.
14 Mar 2019
Life / Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw? [160]

What kind of a nationalist are you if you are afraid of dissolution of cultural integrity in Poland?

It's like saying: so you're such a clean person why are you afraid of letting some dirt into your house? You're such a clean person that it won't even matter. You can clean it anyway. And if you don't it won't even matter since you're such a clean person :-P

You see, I prefer to not get my house get dirty in a first place. And when it gets bit dirty to react quickly before it drown in a state of permanent mess.

Such a nice conversation about spring cleaning we are having today :-)

Is it the influence of the forum?

Poland has only obligations to its own citizens [and the EU migrants as long as we are part of it] so expulsion of non-EU foreigners is just a formality given political will.
14 Mar 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

I am not afraid of Poland losing cultural identity. Polish culture is strong enough to accomodate and integrate any immigrants.

Immigrants are on one side and cultural marxism is on another side of the same coin. Obviously some immigrants are less dangerous that some of the citizens who hate its own country and/or some useful idiots who are very prone to indoctrination and work against its own fatherland in a good fate.

Here's what Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB agent who defected to the US has to say about 'useful idiots'. It's very interesting to know what the 'other side' has to say:

And it also have to be take into account that there are different kind of immigrants: those who adopt and submit to the values presented by a host and those who come to destroy the established order in a host country.

So I'm not against all immigration per se, but I would be very selective about source of immigration and pick only those who are compatible with Poles.
14 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Surely they could raise money from their members or supporters ?

Well, I'm one of their supporters and I donate shiny £ to:

> Stowarzyszenie "Marsz Niepodleglosci"

and also to


Vote with your money people! [or socialists will vote with your tax money and donate it to disgusting causes such as LGBT]
13 Mar 2019
Life / Polish women fight for their rights - manifa and other events [216]

Another mass produced spam-thread from @pawian.

Polish women have equals rights to men which is guaranteed by Polish constitution.

"manifa" and other ridiculous protests and obscure feminist organisations have nothing to do with equal rights. Just like "antifa" has nothing to do with anti-violence.

Normal Poles don't even laugh at them anymore like they used to 10-15 years ago. They are simply being almost completely ignored.
13 Mar 2019
Life / Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw? [160]

Until the next Polish right-wing government expulse all non-EU foreigners.

Think about it. Moving across half if the world the world and spending your life savings just to temporary live in Poland without any solid rights to stay in the country.

Would you really like to build your life on uncertainty with unpredicted future for you and your family?
13 Mar 2019
Life / Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw? [160]

He's Canadian and has no connection to Poland.

Well, you're Scottish and you do not have much connection to Poland either :-)

so there's a real danger of creating a linguistically and culturally maladjusted minority which is not something Poland needs

That's why it needs to be prevented instead of taken care of post factum.

I think after this autumn parliamentary elections we may see more strict policy towards aliens [migrants from outside of the EU] in Poland. All we need is to vote in Konfederacja (National Movement) in a parliament and PiS may have to be able to form a coalition with far-right in order to rule. This, in turn, will radicalise its stance on migration since both nationalists and korwinist wants to stop it.
13 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

Turns out that this "conservative right-wing alternative" is actually weaker than ever. The latest polls show:

The greatest polls and tests for politics are elections. Let's wait till EU elections and Parliamentary elections in autumn, shall we :-)

I remember hearing the same opinions from panicked libs in 2015 who claimed that there's no way that A. Duda will win presidency over Bronislaw "Shogun" Komorowski.

And later on that there's no way that PiS will win the Parliamentary elections with PO. And then that there's no way that they'll be able to get more than 50% of seats to be able to rule and so on... :-P

PS: Grzegorz Braun, who is a part of Konfederacja, gained 12% of votes in a very liberal Gdansk a week ago. And he only has started campaign a few weeks before the elections.
13 Mar 2019
Life / Is it safe for Indians, Sikhs living here in Poland? Any Temple / Gurudwara in Wroclaw? [160]

Poland needs diversity

Poland has enough diversity already. We've got Mazovians, Kuyavians, Silesians, Gorals, Kaszubs, Warsavians, Cracovians, Pomeranians etc.

And then we've got doctors, soldiers, bakers, politicians, speedway racers, teachers, dancers, artists, coal miners...and it all works just fine.

Isn't that enough?

What Poland doesn't have (and doesn't need) are: terrorist attacks, non-integrating minorities, dissolution of cultural integrity, mass rapes and groping on NY eve like Germany, France, the UK and Sweden has
13 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

I'll move to Warsaw to make my plans work. It has Google startup campus and great pool of an IT talents. Vibrant nightlife is a bonus.
12 Mar 2019
News / Election marathon 2018-2020 in Poland [1071]

I beg you pardon, why only a "bit nationalistic"? Let me be clear here that I fully support nationalist cause and I don't respect half-arse approach to anything in life :-)

"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth" [Revelation 3:15-16]