The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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14 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Whaaaa? Why do they belong here???

They feel invited. Its not neither Poland's, neither the problem of Belarus. So Germany should invest in migrants, in Germany and if suddenly they aren`t welcome there, then in domicile countries of migrants. Germany and other former colonial powers. Not us Slavs, in any case.

How I heard Duda coming soon to Serbia. I hope Vucic convince him what is good for Poland and rest of Slavic world. Its obvious we Slavs have specific interests in the world. Firstly, we need peace and stability to progress.
14 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

an article

'We can do this!' - Merkel's famous words five years on after refugee influx to Germany


When more and more refugees came into the country..

Merkel expressed her optimism in the simple words "We can do this!" in a press conference held on August 31 of that year.

14 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

If Serbia is siding with Belarus and Putin in the border issue then maybe that should change.

Serbia have special position within Slavic world.

We have interest wealth flow within Slavic world is uninterrupted. Western Europe have obvious different interests.

Let it flow.

you want Poland to act in a treacherous manner! What is wrong with Serbs?

Don`t be hysteric. Leadership of Poland have obligation only to people of Poland and to Slavic civilization that, as we all see, ultimately represent only thing what securing Poland to be Poland as Slavs of Poland want it.

Border issue is created by stupidity and sinister malevolence of western Europe. Poland is normally just transit state.

No, she did not. You're also dishonest. Dismissed. Leave and don't come back.

She did. Germany is leading western European country. Was.
14 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

You are stupid? Russian planes fly to Serbia via Poland whenever we Serbs want that. They bringing us most heavy armament. Via Poland and Hungary. Poland and Hungary only asked Serbia to use Russian civilian transport planes so they can maneuver over EU/NATO restrictions. Never asked what is in planes.

What NATO have with it? Where is NATO or EU in it?

Are you people all idiots? You don`t see that elites of EU using migrant crisis to screw Poland. What should Belarus do? Keep migrants in Belarus? Merkel called them to western Europe. Poland should just provide an escort.
14 Nov 2021
News / Are the Germans taking back Świnoujście? [22]

Unfortunately or not, history and original Western giving culture can`t be denied. We are what we are.

All behind Frankish Limes Sorabicus was Serbia. Before Franks was only Serbia or Sarmatia as Romans used to say. From Sorbiodunum to the Oceanus Sarmaticus, all to the Sarmizegetusa and to Siberia. From Spartans to Spaniards, from Sorbona to Swabia, etc, etc, etc.

Pressure was high in test of time and few of us retained our original ethnic name. But it still exists in all Slavs and Europeans as meta-ethnicity. If need be all will be reminded.
14 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

We live in utterly crazy world.

What would Poland tell to NATO on that special meeting. Something like... `Poland knows how all of you love Poland very much and now, since we have problem with the Belarus we want great sh** with Russia to happen exactly in Poland. Sure we allow Russia`s planes to fly over Poland bringing most heavy armament to Serbia, S-400, armata tanks, maybe even ICBMs included but, besides that we have very ugly relations with Russia. So don`t try to understand us but help us screw ourselves.`
14 Nov 2021
News / Are the Germans taking back Świnoujście? [22]

Germans are about to be Serbs, again, as they were before fell into madness thanks to contact with Rome. So, Świnoujście stays in Poland. We Serbs need Świnoujście just there in Poland.
14 Nov 2021
Off-Topic / Multi-Polar world of global civilzations [4]

Blacks don`t yet have hint of global civilization.

No Pope or Germans either???

No. They still have level of influence on world but they aren`t global civilizations. Even their ambitions are canceled. They are remnant of past Uni-Polar world that goes to history.
14 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I hope Poles are aware that even if Belarus and Russia are destroyed (let`s say hypothetically), in the eye of western Europe, USA and Vatican reasons for existence of Poland won`t be bigger but in fact nullified. The next day Russia is no more, Poland would be overrun by her friends. See, to them, to western Europe, USA and Vatican, all, I mean ALL Slavs are nothing but cockroaches for extermination.

In other words, you can turn yourself into salt, be bigger Pope then Pope himself but you, we all are only that- cockroaches to them.
14 Nov 2021
Off-Topic / Multi-Polar world of global civilzations [4]

As Samuel Huntington wrote, world develop in direction of formation of global civilizations. Huntington didn`t quite correctly predict what are those civilizations but, indeed, world goes in that direction.

First four civilizations are formed. They would certainly evolve, change shape but they are sustainable and have viable future.

1. Russian - Eurasian Union
2. Chinese
3. USA - AUKUS (Anglo civilization)
4. India

Why I took this order in presentation of civilizations?

Because Russia first moved in that direction, promoted Multi-Polar concept of world. Sure, China is also old civilization but China as global civilization in modern sense of the word developed just recently. USA in itself is younger then China and Russia (Slavic world) and USA just recently took its stance on Multi-Polar world. India, old civ but just recently starts to comprehend itself as global civilization in modern sense of the world.
13 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

no matter that women and children suffering pains me

We live in era of Total War and genocide. Its obvious. Actually, we always lived that way. Only the slain and dead have seen the end of the war.
13 Nov 2021
UK, Ireland / Moving To Poland - Cost Of Living compared to the UK [65]

Hi, I'm in a management job in the UK paying a base salary of 76,000 GBP, I've got a potential chance to relocate to Poland

Don`t look only financial aspect. Take in account that Poland have much brighter future then UK that is very fragile. One flood as result of WWIII and UK is sunk.
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

If Poland decides .... then so be it. Until then, wanting Poland to betray/attack an ally marks you out as an open enemy of Poland.

You are a fool. Learn basic facts. Alliance of Poland with Germany, Turkey and rest of NATO and EU, Vatican included is a naked d*ck in comparison to Poland`s bonds and old alliance with Racowie. Hey man, Serbs were military elite of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and our connections started in time before time. We are one people practically falsely divided by false borders.

Its not sin to ask Poland to care for its own interests and connect more with Her loyal brethren. Why alliances with those who killing Poland.

You're suggesting that Poland should ally with the human filth and disgrace to slavdom Lukashenka

Luka isn`t bigger filth then Biden, Macron, Merkel, Boris or Pope. He is a child in comparison to those mental brutes.

And I don`t suggest Belarus as ally but I wouldn`t exclude that. I now suggest Serbia within Visegrad and then we evolve onto Commonwealth.

Fo* EU and NATO. Let us liberate ourselves while we still can.
12 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

You've let Poland down in its hour of need suggesting it become as craven and treacherous as Serbia!

What are you talking?

Papacy and Italians (Venice) wanted to rule everything. Like Greeks after all. So our Veliki Zupan Stefan Nemanja (and later Tsar Dushan) gave them both middle finger. He abandoned Catholicism and turned to Orthodoxy but not Greek Orthodoxy. Nemanjic dynasty created Serbian peoples Orthodox Church- St. Sava`s Orthodox Church. In turn both Greeks and Vatican organized cursed us and genocide on Serbs. How we dare not to obey.

So normally, Poland now have to turn its back to madness of papacy. We Serbs would like to see Polish Catholic Church. We have integrative plans from Balkan to Baltic, kind of New Commonwealth. But first we all become independent.

Everybody needs a friend....Crowie too! 🥺

Not at all costs. Not at all costs.

Russia sent two nuclear capable strategic bombers on a training mission over Belarus

Time for Poland consider moving out from NATO and EU and form New Commonwealth with Serbia.
11 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Traitor? Duda isn`t traitor. He knows what he doing. We love him very much in Serbia. Without him we would be unarmed against papal and germanic genocidal projects. Poland is our light.
11 Nov 2021
Life / Has feminism and lesbianism progressed in Poland? [645]

Yes. That. I don`t know why homo man need to tackle dark dirty place. Why not just hold each others penis and play games around it? Like woman do with vaginas. And then kissing alright. Even that I can understand. To some degree. But why need for behind, for smell? It is sick.
11 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Poland is now in position of Turkey in strategic sense. If Brussles push Poland too far, comes the migrants.

Duda is wise. Great fok*r. He make short work of all who pressure Poland. You wanna peace of Poland? SLAP. Duda let Russian armamanet fly to Serbia via Poland. You wanna peace of Poland? SLAP. Duda have chepest electricity within EU. You wanna peace of Poland? SLAP. Duda have problems to hold the migrants from Belarus.

I love brat Duda. I am his great fan.
9 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Interesting how Belarus helping Poland to become important country of EU over night. Interesting. So Duda and Luka now fo* Brussels in duet.

That Brussels has become first class who*e.
9 Nov 2021
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

People, my Sarmatian brethren, venerable maidens of Slavdom

So spoke Serbian Tsar Uros IV Dusan Nemanjic The Mighty, at his Code (Zakonik), section: On Poor Woman >

``The poorest spinstress shall be as free as a priest shall.``
8 Nov 2021
History / Karol Wojtyla, the man who become a pope (video) [58]

Most of Serbs, myself included, contemplate of John Paul II as naive victim of manipulation, that despite all odds managed to support us when NATO attacked back in 1999 and his political wing within parliament of Poland (Jan Lopuzanski and right wing Catholics) even warned how (citation): ``As NATO today bomb Serbs, NATO may bomb Poland one day.``
8 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Duda is wise. He won`t sacrifice Poland and Slavdom for the sake of few rich hyenas in Brussels, Washington and Vatican. Even less for that moronic EU.

Poland is in NATO.

Which is problem to Poland. One is always in problem when tries to coordinate with dead one.