The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Crow  

Joined: 14 Feb 2007 / Male ♂
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Threads: Total: 154 / Live: 56 / Archived: 98
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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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28 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

If any serious harm struck Poland, its global war. If Poland burn let all the western European and NATO/EU powers and USA burn. What else.

Strategy of Drang Nach Osten was always to move war on the Slavic side so whoever wins Slavs suffer and Slavs are reduced. Enough. Global War if Poland is harmed. Nuke in Paris, Brussels, London, Bonn, New York, etc. Automatically.
27 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

I far as.I could.spit.on him.

Scary logic. You would go complaint to Greeks and Italians? To Pope of Rome and Patriarch of Constantinople? To Prince Charles of London? To Grand mufti of Mecca and Medina?

Where is your heart, sad man? Not in Poland, not in Slavic world.
27 Nov 2021
News / Will America send troops to fight a Russian invasion of Baltics and/or Poland? [281]

Indeed, Tusk met frequently in person and for a wide variety of occassions with his pal Putin.

Of course. Tusk is Kashub, a Serb. We Serbs are realistic.

We will help official Poland also become realistic. We need normal cooperation with Russia in interest of us all.

so americans wouldnt send a soldier from texas to defend kiev but why would they warsaw in that case?

Let the Americans keep their hands away from the Slavic world. We Slavs have capacity to organize ourselves.
26 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Things have apparently settled down now

Of course things settled down. Intelligence of Poland is not to be underestimated. Refugees travel to home, to the western Europe and let them.

Poland is a proud member of NATO and would be acting against the crazy Serbs. The same with Belarus. Poland is not on their side.

You know nothing of people in Poland.

Poland is being harmed.

Yes, but its limited little harm. Nothing dramatic.

Poland is hypnotized and spell must be broken.

The EU is doing nothing

EU doing everything. Remember, behind EU is vermin of Drang Nach Osten. Vermin is always to be blamed.
25 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

You don`t understand. Take the map. Look Britain, France and Germany. Only few nukes explode and they are nothing. What would their submarines? Some would sacrifice themselves and most would simple escape to USA. What would USA? USA would ask for peace.

Poland is especially vulnerable

Poland is safe. If Poland gets nuke it would always be on the scenario of EU and NATO. By their doing. No matter who use the nuke. So Slavic world would retaliate. Why? Destroyed Poland would create such a dis-balance within Slavic world and Russia would be forced to act against EU and NATO powers in order to avoid total moral defeat within Slavic world. Simple, nothing would be same without Poland. It would turn to fanatical war for extermination of old enemy that is behind Drang Nach Osten and all evil came from it. Russia would be forced to use maximal force and after China join (because China must join for geo-strategic reasons), USA would be destroyed.

See? USA knows this and USA wants to avoid this. That is why Poland wont be harmed.

Just one nuke fall on Poland and thing turn into war to the extermination.

Why do you thing elite of Poland allows heavy arming of Serbia from Russia via Poland`s air space.

Stronger Serbia, bigger chaos in Europe if Poland is harmed.
25 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Bombs won`t wall on Poland. I assure you if manic EU and NATO arrange bombs to fall on Poland, Germany and Britain will be flattened in retaliation because POLAND IS SLAVIC WORLD and its all the game to reduce Slavs. So others will be reduced if Poland is harmed.

So, Poland wont be harmed because EU and NATO leading powers knows epilogue if they move too far.
25 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Before bombs happened multiple genocides on Serbs before WWI, in WWI and WWII. By Ottomans, Austrians, Germanics, Greeks, Vatican. All would get what goes to them and will be peace.
25 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Their conclusion is that it has something else to gain.

Sooner Anglos, Germanics and Vatican learn we live in Multi-Polar, diverse and non-globalistic world, the better.

We all have our interests.
25 Nov 2021
News / Should Poland made an energy bridge deal with Russia? [122]

I hope Poland talk to Russia and make a deal.

Serbian president Vucic today talked to Russia`s Putin and just made a deal for price of gas for Serbia. 270 USA dollars. One should talk. Poland, too.

Talk this way to Russia and Putin >
23 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

So German media preach green and people begins to think green. Germany, ecological country. Practically naked

Businesses Go Green in Germany

With both investors and customers seeking greener products, the move towards more environmentally-friendly processes can actually be profitable.

23 Nov 2021
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

Dlaczego miałbyś chcieć posłuchać hymnu Watikana. To zabójcy serbskich dzieci. Dziesiątki tysięcy. I mreze i poljsku decu.

Poza tym byli jednym z kominterną.

Dzięki Polsce Serbowie są uzbrojeni po zęby. Spalimy Watykan, żeby się uspokoił tam w Rzymie


Jesteśmy dobrymi ludźmi, ale spieprzyliśmy nerwy. Tylko głupcy pieprzą się z nami
23 Nov 2021
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

Czy to jest przykład niemieckiego myślenia życzeniowego.

Podczas I i II wojny światowej Niemcy byli hitem Watykanu przeciwko mojemu narodowi i razem rozbili Jugosławię 30 lat temu.

Tak jak razem zabijali Serbów, tak od wieków razem zabijają Polaków. W mniej lub bardziej otwarty sposób
23 Nov 2021
Po polsku / Papież a sprawa polska [116]

Dlaczego podjekujemy Papiezu?

Polska nie ma nic wspólnego z Papieżem, odkąd Watykan zorganizował ludobójstwo na Serbach. W czasie II wojny światowej ponad milion zginęło w najstraszliwszy sposób. To był horror. Szatańska dzikość.

Obecny Papiez probuje reformowac kościoł, zobaczymy na ile mu to wyjdzie i jak zareagują na to Polacy

Jeśli nie powiesz Polakom prawdy, jakie potwory siedzą w Watykanie, jak mogą zareagować. Muszą wiedzieć. Polacy i Watykan nie mają ze sobą nic wspólnego.

Nie mów mi, że jesteś katolikiem. Jest w porządku. Mówię ci tylko, że z Rzymu rządzą potwory. Sataniści
23 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Nothing else matters. Not the feeelings, not compassion, nothing...
How about it, naive dreamers...

You see yourself. Germany goes green and some others, like my country, enters re-industrialization and robotization.

Its not matter of dreaming. Its the matter of sustainable growth. We have, Germany does not.
21 Nov 2021
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

Who is this woman and why is she smiling?:

Its venerable Jadwiga. She smiles because she knows what coming in a post-covid world. True independance.
21 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]


NATO? Are you serious? NATO is sold. hahah hahaha. NATO. What a joke. EU is a utter fiction.

Only logic of sustainability exist now in this world. For Poland its the Balkan-Baltic line. As Orban shows dirrection.

Just take pop-corn my dear and give it a some more time.

I am only glad that events prove my point more then I expected. Racowie to abandon Poland? No way.
21 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

Poland is if anything a mix of

You mistaken with this. Ask Poles do they see themslves as of mix. With every new day rift between Poland and western Europe is bigger.
21 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

That's unlikely.

That`s quite likely.

Look to what chaos sunk western Europe. Brussels burning like hell. You can hardly say who are bigger maniacs, police or people. Civilzation is so fragile there.

And there is no resource and energy sustainability. Slavic world have it all. Plus we are nice looking and mentally healthy.

Dobri moj Svetovide hvala ti što me čuvaš.
21 Nov 2021
News / Do you support a wall on the Polish East border? [15]

No such thing.

Its clear it is. How good `friends` Poland have on the west of Europe and in Vatican, its clear that only thing that keep Poland alive is exactly that, existance of bonds within Slavic civilization.

In a post-covid world existance of Slavic civ would become even more obvious.
21 Nov 2021
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

They are not genocidal Serbian war criminals.

Let me remind you that genocide was commited on Serbs and not vice versa. But considering papacy was behind genocide on Serbs some, like you, point at Serbs. Its easier.

Poland is too decent for that, as well as caring about the law.

Of course. Life is not simple like Hollywood movies suggest.

Much better for Poland to give up from EU. Let madness care for itself.
21 Nov 2021
News / Do you support a wall on the Polish East border? [15]

Do you support a wall on the Polish East border?

Don`t doing that.

It would be mistake. Mistake that could annul Poland first from within.

Even if you exclude moral dinesions of it (it would be wall that cut trhu the Slavic civlization) there is bigger problem at hand. You build wall you have to defend the wall and key enemy of Poland isn`t on the East but on the West. So wall would be victory of that enemy from West. Geographical West. It would mean that Poland doing service to that enemy in its own home that wouldn`t even exist if that enemy from West was asked.

What countries need is this >

Automatic robotic machine gun turrets that have its limited `Killing zone` and range along the borders in areas outside of offical border crossings. Sensors whould guaranty constant identification of `hostile or illegal` human targets.


You want to cross border illegaly, you doing that on your own responsibility. Just simple as that.
21 Nov 2021
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

Me or you? Who knows

Well, I know few things. Without Poland Serbia wouldn`t be able to import most heavy armament from Russia because Romania and Bulgaria blocking us. Only Poland and rest of Visegrad allow us to use their air space.

That for one. Then, without money of Polonia (via private company of Corey Lewandowski), Serb Republic within Bosnia-Herzegovina may fell to the pressure of Muslims that are supported by western Europe and local Serbs would now live under the sharia law, same as Catholics of Bosnia that were and are used, manipulated and mericlessly betrayed by Vatican.

Now, you explain to me whats going on, dobri brate.
20 Nov 2021
History / Time for Slavic Commonwealth around Poland as center [223]

EU is practically in Geo-strategic war against Poland. Its not publicly told yet but its in the gloves.

At critical moment on border Duda decided to visit Slavic Adriatic where Vatican helping Germany finish destruction of Serbs and therefore eternally exclude Poland from warm seas of Europe. That is why Serbia arming fast from Russia via Poland`s and Hungarian air space.

When war become open, Poland and Visegrad would openly side with Serbia.