The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

an actual noble top 1%

The actual noble top 1% were the worst c*nts, Jon. They were the ones collaborating with invaders (Radziwiłłs for example), blocking all social and economic reforms, and eventually leading to Poland's downfall in the 18th century.

The 10-20% of szaraczki weren't that bad - they were the ones in panzer cavalry banners, fighting and dying for Poland in countless wars, keeping the Polish language and traditions alive in the borderlands. They weren't too bad. But the top 1% were the c*nts of the first order and I would be ashamed to be in any way associated with them.
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

noble privilieges were abolished

Privileges and titles.

"Szlachecki stan społeczny został prawnie zniesiony na mocy konstytucji"

Can you abolish farmers? Monastic orders? Or taxi drivers?

It is not me, but you confusing things, Gruni. :) Farmers and taxi drivers are professions - not stany społeczne. LOL :D

And monastic vows can be revoked individually as well as the entire orders can be abolished (as it happened in history).

titles among Polish Szlachta is a foreign concept (...) can be considered a traitor and rightfully scorned

Oh, so you are not talking about those clowns today who claim to be counts, barons and princes? Good. However, at the height of its development nobility encompassed more than 10% of Polish society - mixed marriages throughout centuries could make anyone claim to be of noble ancestry today. This kind of nonsense has no place in modern society (unless it's for popular fun - a royal zoo, like in the UK), that's why it was abolished in 1921.

The fact that szlachecki stan społeczny został prawnie zniesiony means that nobody can claim to be a nobleman today. You can claim (God knows what for) noble ancestry and say that your family comes from some hrabia or książe but you cannot claim that you are a nobleman yourself. So there. :)
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

no Pole is a subject of any secular royalty

And, as I wrote above, nobility was legally abolished altogether in 1921, so if anyone today claims to be a count, he probably uses one letter too many. :D
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]

...what happened to the Jagiellons?

The dynasty stopped because Sigmundus II Augustus (the last of Jagiellons) and Catherine Habsburg were childless.

Sigmundus died on 7th July 1572, and Poland moved into electoral kingdom era.

Is that Polands royal family?

Poland has no royal family.

On the 17th March 1921, Polish constitution abolished the existence of nobility. So ever since then there are no kings, princes, barons or counts in Poland (there are some still some c*nts though).
21 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]


Jesteś na 100% pewny, że Cojest to Iron? Też tak myślałem, bo ma podobny styl pisania i wydawało mi się, że kiedyś omyłkowo odpisał komuś używając konta Ironside zamiast Cojestdocholery, ale mogę się mylić.
21 Sep 2022
History / The British Royal Family and Poland: Any connection? [70]


Elisabeth II was practically Polish.

She was the daughter of George VI who was the son of George V who was the son of Edward VII who was the son of Victoria of Hannover who was the daughter of Edward August of Hannover who was the son of George III of Hannover who was the son of Frederich Ludwig of Hannover who was the son of George II of Hannover who was the son of George I of Hannover who was the son of Sophie Dorothea Wittelsbach who was daughter of Friedrich V who was son of Friedrich IV who was son of Ludwig VI Wittelsbach who was son of Maria Hohenzollern who was daughter of Casimir Hohenzollern who was son of Zofia Jagiellonka who was daughter of Kazimierz Jagiellończyk (Casimir IV Jagiellon)...,154063,27520272,krolowa-elzbieta-ii-ma-polskie-korzenie-drzewo-genealogiczne.html

Of course, Lithuanians will tell you that Casimir wasn't Polish but Lithuanian, but you should ignore them.
19 Sep 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

Somehow she changed her mind

So, eventually she wanted children. I am talking about so-called stare panny 35+ - who never wanted and won't have children. In their case it was the nature acting, and it's for the greater good of humanity that they never multiplied.
19 Sep 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

women not wanting kids

Remember - do NOT correct nature, Grunni. If some women don't want to have children, that means nature doesn't want them to multiply (and listening to some childless women I can imagine why nature doesn't want them to multiply :D). Don't force them. Don't reason with them. Nature doesn't want their genes to multiply (maybe it's a question of certain illnesses in future generations, maybe something else - nature knows the best).
19 Sep 2022
Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 2 [1680]

The prices of coal are exorbitant, so he bought them to keep himself warm in winter. Behind the closed doors of the cupboard he keeps a stock of active carbon capsules from your local pharmacy, and he will take them every day in winter not to sh*t himself from the cold.

18 Sep 2022
History / Anniversary of Soviet Invasion [19]

Thank you for your answer, BB. Finally! ;)

As for me, I would NOT be grateful to the rapist. I would console my wife, heal my wounds, regain my strength, and at the first opportunity I would kick the motherf*cker out of MY FUCKIN' HOUSE, no matter how "ungrateful" it might seem to the bastard.

I'm just casually mentioning this, because the question of gratitude would seem to be a recurring one, when it comes to Polish attitudes towards the Soviet Union. :)
18 Sep 2022
History / Anniversary of Soviet Invasion [19]

I thought I did?

Not really. You said that your fate would be better with bandit B than with bandit A. I asked: would you be grateful? Not "would you hate him less?", "would it be less harmful to you?", "would he do less terrible things to you?" No, I asked: W-O-U-L-D Y-O-U B-E G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L???

F*ck... my English must be really lousy, people just don't seem to understand my question. :-(
18 Sep 2022
History / Anniversary of Soviet Invasion [19]

You didn't answer my question, BB. Would you - looking at your raped wife, stolen posessions and bruised face - be overwhelmed with the feeling of gratitude? Would you be grateful to the second bandit? Can anyone, please, give me the answer to the question that I'm actually asking? :)

P.S. Again, I am NOT asking which bandit A or B was better or less harmful.
18 Sep 2022
History / Anniversary of Soviet Invasion [19]


Again, I will repeat - that is not the point here. The second bandit was certainly less harmful than the first bandit, but would you feel gratitude to the second bandit? Would you be grateful? That was the question.
18 Sep 2022
History / Anniversary of Soviet Invasion [19]

That's not the point, BB. The question was - should we be grateful?

OK, imagine a situation:

... there is a murderer in your house who already killed your grandma and clearly has intention of killing you, after he finishes with his other plans (stealing everything etc.) When it is about to happen, another bandit comes into your house - kills the murderer, rapes your wife, steals what the other one didn't, gives you a black eye, and stays for 50 years. Would you be grateful?

Would gratitude be the prevailing feeling in you???
17 Sep 2022
History / Anniversary of Soviet Invasion [19]

Today is the 17th of September, the 83rd anniversary of Soviet invasion of Poland.

Soviets, hand in hand with their nazi allies, invaded and partitioned Poland. Let's not forget about it (as major internet portals in Poland seem to have forgotten).
17 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

co dominuje w polskiej polityce

...i czego nie da się z dnia na dzień zmienić, ale gdyby tak zacząć na przykład od Tygodnia Kultury Osobistej (w polityce, pracy, szkole, życiu codziennym, internecie)? Spierać się, różnić, ale bez obelg, agresji i nienawiści. Potem ten tydzień można by było rozszerzyć do miesiąca, a poźniej... ale nie... chyba za bardzo się rozmarzyłem. :)
17 Sep 2022
News / Strengthening and modernisation of Poland's armed forces - is it done sensibly? [7]

horse cavalry with PIORUN equipped units (...) underground hidden and untraceable stables

Wow! A truly romantic idea - I like it. :)

naval impact

Baltic is a shallow lake, no point building a huge fleet for it. Better to just get sh*tloads of anti-ship missiles and blow everything off the surface of water if need be.
17 Sep 2022
News / Strengthening and modernisation of Poland's armed forces - is it done sensibly? [7]

There can be no doubt about the necessity of strengthening and modernisation of Wojsko Polskie. Russia is back to it's old imperial self and although Ukraine bought us time for preparations, we will undoubtedly one day have to face Russian agression ourselves. The question, however, is: is it being done in a sensible manner?

The ideas of buying Patriot batteries, as well as a lot of HIMARS, Korean K9 howitzers and Apache attack choppers seem spot on, but let's take a look at other purchases.

When the acquisition of tanks is complete we will have American Abrams, German Leopard, Korean K2 and still some number of Russian T-72/PT-91. This has to raise significant logistical problems in case of any conflict, and in case of Abrams there is a question of roads and bridges in eastern Poland not being able to support their weight and local terrain (mud and marshes) rendering them useless against Russians there. Of course, we can keep Abrams in the west and defend the eastern borders with K2s and Leopards, but what's the point of buying ridiculously expensive (in purchase and upkeep) tanks and keep them against Germany (what are the chances of Polish-German war in foreseeable future?). Also, if we get the number of tanks planned, our land forces will turn into a huge panzer army, WW2 style. Are we sure we are preparing for the right kind of conflict?

Then... Korean F50 trainer-batlle aircraft. Why do we need them? We have PZL-130 for basic training, M-346 for advanced training, and for proper battle training we have F-16D two-seaters. What are those F50s for? Especially that I read that they are supposed to replace Migs-29, which is ridiculous - Mig-29 is still a good fighter plane, which F50 certainly isn't. Su-22 are to be withdrawn in 2025 but they are fighter-bombers and will be replaced with F-35A, not with Korean lightweight planes. Strange.

We are spending huge amounts of money, but sometimes it seems they are spent too quickly and without enough consideration. Unless, we don't know everything and the war with Russia is closer than we all thing. Then, of course, the haste is understandable.
17 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

W dzisiejszych Niemczech nie ma żadnych pomników Adolfa.

A na Ukrainie są pomniki Bandery i gloryfikuje się ludobójców. Niestety, takie są smutne fakty.

Kiedyś w przyszłości

Jeżeli tak się stanie, to "kiedyś w przyszłości" porozmawiamy. Na razie nic na to nie wskazuje.

Jako chrześcijanin nigdy o tym nie zapomnę :) Co do Pauliny i pawiana, to rozumiem - do pewnego stopnia - że może ich razić to co oni postrzegają jako "bratanie się" z wrogami, ale zwróć uwagę na stopień agresji ("debil", "pierdolona raszystowska świnia", "retarded" etc. etc.) - dosłownie piana na ustach. To jest symptomatyczne, niestety, również dla polskiej polityki, gdzie mamy dwa nienawidzące się obozy i totalne zacietrzewienie z obydwu stron.
17 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

masz im za złe Banderę i UPA

A Ty nie masz? To jest zupełnie osobna kwestia, ale zrób sobie eksperyment myślowy: pominki Adolfa Hitlera i składane pod nimi kwiaty w dzisiejszych Niemczech, portrety nazistowskich ludobójców wiszące w gabinetach niemieckich urzędników, stadion imienia Heinricha Himmlera itp. itd.

K*rwa... mój dziadek ze strony mamy był jedynym z dziewięcioosobowej rodziny, który przeżył rzeź wołyńską. Gdyby te banderowskie skurwysyny były troszkę bardziej dokładne w mordowaniu i dziadkowi nie udałoby się ukryć, to nie byłoby dzisiaj ani mnie ani moich dzieci. Chuj im w dupę, tym nazistowskim skurwysynom i tym wszystkim, którzy na ich kult w dzisiejszej Ukrainie pozwalają albo tym w Polsce, którzy to ignorują w imię "braterstwa" polsko-ukraińskiego. Banderowskie skurwiele i raszyści mogą sobie podać ręce - to takie samo gówno.

Przepraszam za język... troszkę się zdenerwowałem.

Bobby i Veli, twoi idole

Jacy znowu idole? Velunda może nazwałem kiedyś "Veli", ale to był raczej wyraz protekcjonalności i lekceważenia niż jakiegoś bratania się. Bobko to inna sprawa - zwróćcie uwagę, że nigdy nie nawoływał do mordowania ludności cywilnej, wręcz przeciwnie - tlumaczył dlaczego Rosja powinna tego unikać i był PRZECIW eskalacji konfliktu do konwencjonalnej wojny totalnej czy tym bardziej nuklearnej. Co do samego konfliktu na Ukrainie, to zwróćcie uwagę na to co piszę na głównym forum (również w odpowiedziach na wpisy Rosjan) - to Wam jakoś umyka, że pisałem wielokrotnie co sądzę o Putinie i jego rządach czy też o samej wojnie na Ukrainie, a skupiacie się tylko na tym, że wyrażam pewną sympatię, na poziomie osobistym, do użytkownika o nicku Bobko - przecież nawet nie wiem jak on ma na imię - jesteśmy tutaj tylko anonimowymi nickami internetowymi, więc o jakim brataniu się może być mowa?

Ale dobrze... niech Wam będzie. Dla świętego spokoju i Waszego dobrego samopoczucia mogę się powstrzymać z ludzkimi odruchami wobec wrogów.
16 Sep 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

The French were amazing, well done to les Bleus. Our team did much more in this tournament than anyone expected of them anyway. Fingers crossed on Sunday for the bronze. :)
15 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

Napisałem dzisiaj, że NATO powinno otwarcie, militarnie zaatakować Rosję - post #2563 w wątku o pomocy Ukrainie - a Ty nazywasz mnie raszystą. Nienawiść i jakieś takie smutne zacietrzewienie totalnie Cię zaślepiają. No cóż...
15 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

Gwiżdżę sobie na Twoje (przez wielkie 'T') obelgi, pawianie.
15 Sep 2022
Po polsku / Dyrdymałki o Niczem 2 [148]

Debilu? Chory jesteś, pawian? Złośliwość złośliwością, ale takie prymitywne chamstwo, to do Ciebie niepodobne.
15 Sep 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

Cast your votes, people...

... :)
15 Sep 2022
News / Poland Sports News [1076]

A naturalised American, A.J. Slaughter (or Sloterowski, as we prefer to call him ;)).