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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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9 Jun 2023
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

@johnny reb
What if I told you that in my blood flows same DNA that was a prisoner of a German prison encampment? Real enough for you? I have a busy life, I wish I could post more on this forum. I useally have to shorten my posts during breaks too. No need to be obnoxious about it
9 Jun 2023
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

@johnny reb
D-Day gave hope for Poland to be liberated, not gave hope about individual Poles being liberated. What difference does it make to be liberated from a prison, just to be sent back home to another one?

Let's be real here
9 Jun 2023
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

People thought the same about another party in the 1920's. I personally cannot rule it out, especially as it has been growing. Civil war or military expansion lies in the cards with a growing AFD having pretensions towards Poland's western borders.
9 Jun 2023
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

You are thinking terms of today

Germany in 1920 had little possibility to conquer Paris or most of Europe in that time.

In 1940 it was a different matter, I am just considering the possibilities and consequences of not preparing for another such eventuality.

German Armed forces in the hands of SPD, should not be an issue, AFD on the other hand is a different story.
9 Jun 2023
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]


It is irrational, which is why they will try to bring it about with use of force, example: Russian invasion of Ukraine.

German far right base their understanding of Germany on the notion of Germania described by the Romans, who described the entire area of Central Europe as Germania, just like basing of an Americans understand of Europe as Spain on the whole continent does not legitimise Spain's conquest of Europe.

German far right will push for it regardless, due to them having it as a cassus belli to exist, fight and act.
9 Jun 2023
Law / Moroccan girl try be marry to a Polish man not muslim [6]

I would make contact with Moroccan embassy if I were you to find out about any legal agreements that have been signed or agreed upon regarding marriage for any Marrocan citizenship and possible consequences
9 Jun 2023
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]


Questioning Poland's Western Borders

Recently Alice Weidel has subtly questioned Poland's legitimacy regarding her Western borders. 08.06.2023

By stating voting or polling in "Central Germany" While it either be concluded as a wordplay for old DDR being central to Germany, or should be more central in Germany for the future. Most likely it voiced the hidden opinion of German right-wingers that Poland's western lands legitimately (in my personal opinion illegitimately to Germany, but legitimately to Poland) belong to the modern German state.

The threat of German right wingers rise to power in Germany will guarantee conflict being pushed eastward as shown by this statement.

I can only conclude the need to deescalate the conflict in the east as soon as possible to prepare for the rising tide happening in Germany.
8 Jun 2023
News / Poland is the new military power of Europe. [275]

Why would Poland need to occupy western Ukraine? Ukrainian workforce is more then willing to work and earn money in Poland. Same with Belarusians. Poland doesn't need to invade anybody to gain the benefits of her neighbours. Maybe Russia should learn a thing or two from Poland?
7 Jun 2023
History / Why Was D-Day So Significant for Poland ? [266]

@johnny reb
I think we appreciate it, regardless of showing it or not.

I can guarantee you that American military has my respect, land, air and navy despite it's bombardment of Monte Cassino. That should tell you something
7 Jun 2023
Work / How does a person join the Poland's army? [39]

Well to be honest, I would be surprised if you really meant to join any of them. For the sake of posters who would be interested but, have problem with national armies.

There is a ladder to climb, one of the steps is being part of a national army. Even a "multinational" army like French foreign legion is supervised and controlled by same commander as of the French national forces.

Even civilian workers at military air traffic control (if such positions exist) are invited to become soldiers and wear uniforms as part of the Polish national army.
6 Jun 2023
Work / How does a person join the Poland's army? [39]

First you would most likely already be a soldier in the Polish, Lithuanian or Ukrainian army. Also in need of citizenship in any of the three countries to begin being recruited in to any of the three armies. So first step would be to contact embassy of any of those state to see what your options are if you really mean it
3 Jun 2023
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

To be honest, he saves PiS skin in the relationship with U.S.A.

Only problem is the Americans will most likely use it at every possible opportunity. Not only because they can but, also to test how far they can go.

Dude will be toast when the testing of boundaries will happen cause his arguments will be invalid towards PiS: "See? We told you! Shouldn't have done that!" Will they probably answer, so if Americans gonna push him, they better have a safety way out for him. Otherwise no Polish politician will be close to repeating any of it is my guess
1 Jun 2023
Life / Getting a Polish Heritage tattoo - how would Poles react? [26]


In general public and with the people (especially cities) tattoes have become a norm or fashion. Regardless of political orientation (both leftists and rightists seem to wear them), it's useally used the most by those most prone to violence or from poorer background or as mentioned by @pawian

Not done by intelligent AND educated people in Poland, especially conservative groups/families and older generation will have very bad associations with tattoes.

Personally for me it's a very clear sign that something is wrong, and a sign of proof of an unhealthy view and disrespect of one's own body.

Would you spray graffiti on a church? Would to tag swastikas on a temple? Would you perform profanities? Then a tattoo can be your thing. For other people definitively not, especially those with respect of that which is sacred.
30 May 2023
News / Polish IQ ahead of France, USA, Canada, Israel, Ireland... [47]

@johnny reb
Most things I would agree to. U.S.A still comes off more brutish then stylish tho compared to Poland, despite everything that needs fixing in Poland. As long as America appears more wild and savage then brutish then I guess it remains with a certain appeal, but being fancy has a much larger appeal in Europe overall.

As simple things as preferance over how a cup of coffe is given or presented. In porcelanie or more paperlike for quicker and sturdy take out.
24 May 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

I rather let myself get killed then leave the church, it would to the same thing anyway even considering it. If I stop being a member, then everything I work for and live for become meaningless to me.

For you or others it can be some quasi-bs issue involved but, from my perspective you are trying to persuade me to attempt suicide so back off before I get infuriated
24 May 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

I could understand leaving the church due to lack of faith, but due to political engagement? Seems like lack of knowledge and misunderstanding of the church's mission in earth.

Body and soul Paulina, not only body or only soul.
24 May 2023
Law / UK National marrying a Pole, confusion on Visa information [5]

It's due to being understaffed with too low wages, just have to keep contacting regarding the matter to show that you will appreciate their paperwork. Too many will don't use communication tools or show their appreciation for the work being done.

Even a little smiley will improve their mood
24 May 2023
News / Polish Parliamentary Elections 2023 [933]

A weapon wether preferred to be sheathed or not is still just as dangerous when actually used.

PiS is not responsible for any individuals soul nor is PO, KO, PSL or Konfederacja.

If so many people decide to abandon the church because of "politics" then their greed seems to come before God.

PiS members got their burden to carry and things to work on, but please don't write here about such preferences. It's like reading: "Prefer P00 over P!$$"

Well buhuu, none of them are lovely. Wake up

It makes it easier for sure
19 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [280]

In what way cynical? I used to be naive and hopeful and tried to be normal in every possible way without being accepted. I just had to accept the fact of being unwanted
19 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [280]

Let's just say that I was too ambitious and too high and lofty goals and ideas and wants compared to my former countrymen and colleagues.

It's great to be able to settle for less and live a good life, experience taught me that's not an option for the likes of me. Developed society or not, if it thinks I shouldn't exist or be part of it or have no place in it. I might as well move to my own island, imaginated or not!
19 May 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [558]

Rubbish or not, PiS will have general uproar if inflation is ignored. It's what doomed the commie government after all. Bad economy
17 May 2023
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

You know fairly well that Soviet soldiers (a.k.a the red army? With NKVD not far behind), decided to invade Poland right after Poland got invaded. One would think the Soviet Union would want to fight Nazi Germany while they were weak when going in their direction, problem is Nazi Germany invaded when it was "guaranteed" support from Soviet Union and thought that France and U.K wouldn't declare war cause of the invasion.
17 May 2023
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

According to their "logic" they freed Poland and Poles from the clutches of Judeo-Bolshevism and Capitalists (believe it or not they thought Jews controlled capitalists!)

and probably believed that Poles come to start loving them after being reduced to slave labour and rest sent to extinction or re-education.

So yeah, BS fantasies came from sides