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Posts by Lolek222  

Joined: 5 Apr 2015 / Male ♂
Warnings: 2 - TA
Last Post: 15 Feb 2016
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Posts: 79

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25 Dec 2015
Po polsku / Polska jest dyktaturą? [129]

Borus przestan pisac glupoty, jak cie sie nie podoba jakss opcja polityczna to nie znaczy, ze to totlitaryzm.
25 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Archbishop Hoser just said that Church is aware that Constitution is not The Bible. If it's not well formed, it can and should be changed.

Are you bothered? Why? Fighting for totalitarian order that will suit your views?
Is he not a Polish citizen?
There is nothing wrong if he express his point of view.
Why are you afraid? Maybe because you know that refusing him right to speak is a sure sign of totalitarian mindset.
25 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

He is also a very high ranking priest. He's using his religious authority to back up his political views. He's making an impression this is the Church stance.

Nothing wrong with it. If that exuse of using authority apply to everyone nobody with any authority other than politicians would be able to express his view. No professors, no actors, no doctors, no journalists, in fact nobody with any standing other than people withdrew no authority and politicians which amount to the same thing.

Maybe the key word here is religious?

Why would you discriminate against religion?
Catholic faith created rational thinking and universities, hospitals, precise clocks and much more in fact bulid European civilization.
25 Dec 2015
Po polsku / Polska jest dyktaturą? [129]

Z wyjątkiem otwartego terroru, rząd PiS wszystkie te punkty wyhacza, czego dowiodłem wyżej.

Niczego nie dowiodles poza tym, ze wspierasz opcje przeciwna. Proste.
25 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]


For the last eight years PO PLUS PSL yes party had majority in both hauses had their president for most of that time, all major media were and supporting them, Tribunal has majority of thier people and somehow you werent drumming in alarm that democracy is in danger, that one party is going to become dictature, I checked, your credibility is low .

You are one of these parasites depending on a previous system for living, too bad, find yourself a honest job or go somewhere else to leach.
25 Dec 2015
News / Demonstrations in Poland in defence of democracy. [2554]

Yeah, the media were kind of in POs pocket.

If you are deny that major media in Poland are and were siding with PO or your polish is crap and u r understanding of polish issues are small. So spare me ur silly sarcasm.

They were following the rule of law, not trying to dismantle one of the very few checks and balances in the Polish system.

Their people were saying that thier following the rule of law not the same thing and friendly media skimmed over them, so heard not a thing and u know shyte.

They had everything in hand why would they question that?

, big brother! The surveillance state lives in your heart!

Your credibility is low because you were quiet when PO were breaking law and rules and now u screming murder.

Are PiS going to be moving from capitalism?

Simple why would u take standing against pis if not for personal reasons? Stiupidity?
15 Feb 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Vile.what that rant and lies have to do with father director?
He is successful at what he does somehow some foreign loosers and local color cannot stomach it.
In your face lying bigots!
If he anti Semite good for him.
Lies about maybach and other vile rubbish spread by worthless scum exist only in their sick imagination.
15 Feb 2016
History / "Poland's Concentration Camp" ?? [570]

A pure jealousy plain and simple other would like to have such a clean slate when it comes to camps or shameful history.