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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Aug 2017
Threads: 18
Posts: 1,453
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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24 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

I would not be against eating any dead animal per se but I would be more concerned about the animal's life than when it's dead.
Have you seen how factory hens live? now that is cruel.

24 Feb 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

you are just sentimental and you memory fails you re: Polish Turkish style coffee - it was and still is like drinking mud;), but when you visit you will have the opportunity to drink all the mud you want;).

You're not supposed to drink the sediment aphro! memory's just fine and I am looking forward to visiting. Maybe we can exchange notes over a glass of mud? lol
24 Feb 2011
Travel / Krakow or Warsaw for a 25yr old? [12]

it has little to do with north to south and everything to do with east to West.

please elaborate
25 Feb 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [393]

I just finished watching Tusk with the Israelis on TVP. I've been following him on TVP since his election to PM. I have yet to see/hear him disagree with any world leader. Is his strategy to "just get along" with everybody?...............(NB I'm on the outside looking in)
26 Feb 2011
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [393]

and, how should Poles understand all that? What is the message to Poles?! i can only say- its good that Tusk isn`t Polish. If he could be Polish he would for sure darken my picture about Poles.

All the Tusk-detractors need to decide whether you want Poland to "play nice, build relationships and prosper" or "play hard-ball, obstruct and remain isolated". So what if Tusk wore a yarmulke?
28 Feb 2011
UK, Ireland / Interesting Job Ideas For Intelligent Polish People To Do In The UK? I've given 2 here :) [7]

How about,and despite how it seems, join the frikkin queue of British born graduates who cant find work in this down turn to suit their usually real world useless paper qualifications,this isnt a Pole go home post but a Pole get a grip and face reality post,your G/F is lucky to have a job washing pots in a BnB at the minute.

I gather that's not what Fiasco wanted to hear :)
28 Feb 2011
Life / My experience in Poland 15 years ago as an American trying to live and work there. [149]

waiting to be knighted or beheaded, feeling ridiculous,

I appreciate the feeling you were trying to evoke but this phrase should be deleted-knighted or beheaded not good words for a seduction scene....just sayin

I share your feeling sto procent re: Americans,their "put on a happy face" demeanor and the games we all play here in the States. I also agree with your take on Poles and their "take my mood cause that's the way I'm feeling today". To the newcomer it may be off-putting but it's direct honesty can be reassuring and refreshing. I hope somehow you make your way back home.
2 Mar 2011
Food / Polish fast food joints? [59]

Do the McDonald's fast food restaurants in Poland

do they have any polish food? eg parowki, kielbasa, etc? do they serve beer? soup?
8 Mar 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

The flight in 1978 from New York to Warsaw was long and bumpy. It was only the second airplane flight of my life and it was taking its toll. My ears were killing me! I had never experienced such pain. Later, much later, I realized my uncomfortable flight was an auger of things to come. For most of the ride I suffered in silence. I don't recall hearing much conversation going on amongst my fellow polonia. Maybe I just couldn't hear them!

After 8 1/2 hours we finally landed. I recall noticing how empty of planes the place was; how small, dull and gray the terminal was. Oh boy. I'm here. I'm finally here on Polish soil. The land of my forefathers and I'm sad. I'm sad because the place looks sad!

We filed out of the airplane onto the tarmac and into this large, loud, smelly bus. We were packed in tightly (more preparation for things to come).Thankfully, the ride to the terminal was short. Inside was a large space with several lines of travellers having their passports checked and stamped. The polish officials were very intimidating in their uniforms,badges and hats. I remember being quite scared. My God real communists! They could send me back for being a capitalist! Keep cool; show no fear and SMILE I recall telling myself. Of course they let me through. Actually. the only people there excited by my presence were the money-changers "chenge mahnee" and the taxi drivers!

Next: out of the airport
8 Mar 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

Great question BBman! Yes I did develop an accent. Apparently it was thick enough to make listeners back home ask me "what country were you born in?" This used to make me chuckle. I've lost it now, seeing as I don't speak Polish as frequently as I used to back in the 80's............I took some pics(can't find them though). I'll tell you most of us were so paranoid in the early years about taking pictures and being mistaken for spies! LOL.......btw thanks for the encouragement. You see I'm not used to talking about myself and truth be told, no one, until now, really was interested in this story.
9 Mar 2011
History / An American studying medicine in the PRL 1978-1985: my story [142]

During your time in Poland, how often did you travel back to the US? Every summer?

As often as I could! My first year in Krakow I went for Christmas and then the summer.

How did you spend your holidays (ie christmas) in Poland?

I hooked-up with a fellow student( Polish) soon into my time in country and spent holidays with her family.

How annoyed or affected were you with the shortages of goods in stores?

Żartujesz? Very annoyed but not nearly affected as the Poles. I'll get into how we dealt with "nie ma" later.

Did you travel to any other eastern bloc countries at the time?

just transiting through East Germany.

From the airport we were all taken to Warsaw's Old Town, some grand place with nice old furniture. I want to say Dom Polonii but I'm npt sure. I remember being very tired and hungry. The food was delicious I recall as well as the beer(fantastic Czech brew "Budweiser" in a 0.33l bottle!)

After lunch off to Krakow. I slept the entire way. We arrived to a rectangular, grey concrete building DS "Piast". It was very depressing in its appearance; warning us to what lay inside. Our room was very small, two cots and a window overlooking the courtyard. Our mattresses were filled with straw. We shared a bathroom with two other guys from the adjacent room. The accomodations were spartan to say the least. But I had some of the happiest, and saddest, times of my life.

I paired-up with a guy from Queens New York, who soon became know to us as PT. He was a very sweet, honorable and sensitive man. We too had many sweet and exciting adventures together.but we also fought like rabid dogs. Despite the fighting, we remained roomates and later house-mates for the entire seven years. I'm ashamed to say I might not have been the best friend to him and he might have expected a bit too much from me. Suffice it to say we both left Poland not speaking to each other. I'm seriously thinking about writing him to bury the hatchett. PT will appear frequently in the text. We were always together until the "skirts" appeared. That's for another day.

My first days in Poland were filled with so many emotions. It was intense!! I was so stoked to be finally in the land of my ancestors. In a place where everybody spoke the language my parents spoke' where everyone knew how to pronounce my name correctly! No stammering, no pausing, thinking to yourself, then asking "how do you say this"? I WAS WITH MY PEOPLE!
9 Mar 2011
Genealogy / Are Polish birth records available on the Internet? [56]

the polish are a secreative lot wont give anything away-trust no-one

So true. My mom was the secretive one in our house. I remember she yelled at me(I was maybe 4, 5 years old) for telling our neighbor she was pregnant with my sister. "It's none of their business" she screamed. Mom was already showing. I don't think I gave away the family secret lol
10 Mar 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

Another issue is a different physiology of women when drinking - alcohol stays longer in their blood due to the higher level of fat in their bodies.

The same amount of alcohol has less volume to be diluted in, considering the smaller body size of most women. Because women have a higher fat/lean muscle mass ratio, there is relatively less water component for the alcohol to be retained in, thus concentrating its effect. Furthermore, smaller liver size in women reduces their ability to metabolize alcohol as fast as men.

often find that in order to stay thin (usually women eat when stressed out) they reach for alcohol in order to cope with stress

I would imagine all that reaching for alcohol would put on the pounds, seeing as beer and wine are full of calories AND stimulate the appetite.
10 Mar 2011
Life / Differences in Polish, American and British mentality [237]

We share a lot of common traits that were developed by experiencing the harsh realities of Poland in 70's 80's and 90's. What I'm trying to do is to help you guys to get over it. (and myself too) Call me self-righteous in my quest if you want.

Havok, these "common traits" as you call them are the result of centuries of challenges, crisises and travails. My feeling is that it's pure folly to think we can ever get over it. It's in our dna.
10 Mar 2011
Life / How to instigate a row with your Polish missus. [15]

I hate men teasing women this way. Is there a chip on your shoulder or something?;). There is a tease and there is a tease.

this was a good, cute tease :)
15 Mar 2011
Love / In 2009 nearly 4000 Poles married a foreigner [170]

Polish men seek old fashioned family oriented women.

I think Polish men prefer to stay within their comfort zone: slavic women. They are less adventuresome.
Polki, as other women,(I agree with Penn) are attracted to men, whom they perceive as better providers and gene donors. [quote=guesswho]I wonder what kind of trick the Nigerians used to get Polish women?

I think the answer is measured in centimeters NOT in dollars lol
15 Mar 2011
USA, Canada / Moved back from Canada to Poland:). Here are the reasons why. [868]

The spring in the US has been somewhat slow. Yesterday night felt like a winter night. I want to turn off the heat so badly, open all the windows and plant some flowers

Let's remember it's still winter officially :) By me it's been cold and WET!