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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
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30 Dec 2020
Travel / Do Poles like to hunt? Hunting in Poland. [205]

That is why I am not against hunting - let it be.

On my island, one would be allowed to hunt with a knife and stripped naked.
30 Dec 2020
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [354]

And bulls too coz they are used in corrida

I always root for the bulls.
And against hunters. Especially the fat ones.

Stick to the topic please
30 Dec 2020
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [354]

Snakes are also God`s creatures.

God created cats and all other four-legged furry creatures. Everything else was Satan's project.
28 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

I read #9 at least once

No, you didn't or did it too fast again. Did you notice this...

Everybody under 30 I met spoke fluent English.

And you claim the run-of-the-mill Pole knows "fluent" English

Do you see the difference, or not yet?

Poland's problems are not government offices or websites. It's the people if this forum is a representative sample. It will take centuries for that to change.

Always suspicious and ready to spy on others.
28 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

I'd raise that to 100% when you're involved..

That was clever...

most young Poles can carry on light conversation in English

When did you have a heavy conversation in any language lately? A date will do fine.

nowhere near fluent enough to carry out all (or most) of their life business in that language.

Those I talked to were good enough.
Things are changing fast. You, Poles, can't even come up with your own native computer and internet terms, so you have to steal from English. So, I am suggesting is that you drop the pretense and morph.
28 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

annoying tourist

In real life, 90% of the conversations are with annoying people. How many times in the last decade did two people in Poland discuss what Mickiecz meant by his 44 nonsense?

The last time you spoke was about shopping for food at Biedronka, not Plato and his philosophy.

And you claim the run-of- the-mill Pole knows "fluent" English

No, Lyzko, I never made such a claim. Read #9 again. This time slowly. I sie skup.
28 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

What a stupid idea!

It's brilliant and being implemented in Poland as we speak, so to speak. Everybody under 30 I met spoke fluent English. Everybody in the tourist business and street commerce spoke English. English is mandatory from the first grade. Shopping malls even in small towns like Radom are hard to tell from the American malls. Polish pop groups sing in English.

Don't get personal. When you do, you bottom fish.
28 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

I got it. Language can be learned only if you are an infant. Half a century of using it as the only language - at home, on the job, everywhere else - is never going to be enough. I should have been told that way back.
28 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

you can "phase out" a language, but not a culture

You can switch languages and still use a fork and knife. I would bet that 99% didn't read Mickiewicz after graduation. Today, with the attention span of three minutes, and the IQ just sufficient to read and post on Facebook, the old-style society delighting in poetry by the fireplace is dead and gone.

If it's not on the screen, it does not exist.
28 Dec 2020
History / What Poland expected from western Europe? [78]

Poland needs to become a modern country first switching to English as the official language and phase out Polish. I did.
25 Dec 2020
UK, Ireland / Why Polish girls working in UK as escort more than other Eastern European girls [89]

Is this how your us fake news machine works?

Bingo. Yes, it does. We witnessed this national mental disorder during the hearings for the Supreme Court.
They will dig out what you said when you were in K to prove that you are evil. That's the new normal here. The only thing that's missing is a pile of wood and a lighter.
24 Dec 2020
UK, Ireland / Why Polish girls working in UK as escort more than other Eastern European girls [89]

Permissive parents should be charged with child abuse. The problem, as always, is pawian's concept of "normal" which translates into "acceptable" and beyond to "admirable" - even if the kid is doing crazy and harmful things. It's self-expression, you know. Like the pins, tattoos, and dental floss for swimwear. And what's wrong with an occasional weed shared with mommy or daddy? It's "normal" 'coz everybody does it, right?
23 Dec 2020
Travel / Comparing London and Warsaw? Does anyone know both cities who could help? [9]

Warsaw is miles nicer than London (cleaner, less people)

Dancing....It's not the headcount. It's that London has too many useless non-white foreigners the Brits were never asked by their ruling mafia if it's OK for said foreign waste to come and never leave.
21 Dec 2020
UK, Ireland / Why Polish girls working in UK as escort more than other Eastern European girls [89]

This one is armed with/by her husband

I was referring to the clients' security, not the "girls". If the husband is my security, why do I need her?

I think I got it...My bad. What confused me was that "escort". If the guy needs a blow job, he needs a prostitute, not an "escort".
18 Dec 2020
Language / Terms of endearment in Polish [222]

Then I have no good news for you. Bubek is a pejorative word in Polish.

This shows again that there is no standard Polish language and that every Pole feels entitled to his or her own version and its ad hoc contortions. To the point that expert decoding becomes necessary - the service you just performed. Thanks for making my point in advance.
16 Dec 2020
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [354]

I remember that line from my early years: X and sprawa polska, where X could be anything. So now it's cats and sprawa polska.

My experience is that cat people are better people.

BTW, I don't like dogs and I hate Pitbulls. The only thing I hate even more is their owners.
10 Dec 2020
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

the OP and the other females were always referring to the scum men

...but forgot the female teachers who would put everything on the line for a couple of fu**s with a pimply kid who would tell everyone and a billion in Facebook about his achievement. Some of those teachers had a degree in psychology.
10 Dec 2020
Love / Cheating from spouses. Is cheating very common in Poland ? [116]

Only a bitter self-appointed busy body would want to break up a marriage.

I read the most recent posts here and I agree with you on every point you made. The risk of a violent confrontation is just too high.

On top of that, where there is frequent physical violence fuelled by booze, women are terrible at handling such situations. Instead of having a plan how to safely leave and hide, all they want is a screaming confrontation, plus the police to add to the drama. Later, they refuse to testify. And the show goes on....