The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 1 hr ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
Posts: Total: 2133 / Live: 993 / Archived: 1140
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Is it really possible?


Sounds good, I mean the world/phrase ... a Slavic alliance ... not bad eh?

It does sound bad

Oh no I'm not stealing the show from dear ol' Crow!

No your making one without pictures of heritage or specific reasons to make one (That's why I like Crowie!)

From Sea to Sea is an good thought + adding Germany into it if they want to! Germany is a strong powerhouse.
Mr Grunwald   
21 Dec 2010
History / Old Polish Flag [17]

If your right, then... I KNEW IT!! (somewhere in that location! ;p)
Mr Grunwald   
15 Dec 2010
History / Old Polish Flag [17]

I think it is from 1850's ?

If you are right, then it's probably an insurgent flag.

One detail that I have never seen before is that the eagle is facing right (looking at his left wing).

That is strange

What makes you think it comes from 1850s?

Certain material hold themselves only for a certain time. If it was older and not taken care of by "professionals" it would look a lot worse. As this person haven't told us if his family are experts at keeping flags in good quality I can only assume that it must be very recent (just as he did)

and any Polish flag after 1918 would look more like the official flags of Poland. Anythign else before 1918 may be very different as the symbol of Poland wasn't defined to a very specific white eagle. People generally agreed that their symbol is an white eagle. But how it looked?

Also I guess this must be from the province of western Poland as it has no Lithuanian or Ukrainian symbols on it. Only the eagle.

It may happen that it's location may up close to Poznan as the eagle on the herald of Poznan faces right-wards.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Dec 2010
Po polsku / Zwiastun filmu Bitwa Warszawska 1920 [29]

nie histeryzuj

histeryk i dramatyk ot co moja natura i klątwa!

od kogo towarzysz Lenin chciał Warszawę oswabadzać?

Katolickich świń i autokrackich panów ;)
Mr Grunwald   
11 Dec 2010
Po polsku / Zwiastun filmu Bitwa Warszawska 1920 [29]

Bah! Cham to nie co robi, ale JAK to robi
Nawet dłubanie w nosie może być zrobione po szlachecku jeżeli wiesz jak!

podobal sie kobiecej publicznosci, jestem pewna...

żarty sobie robisz
Mr Grunwald   
11 Dec 2010
Po polsku / Zwiastun filmu Bitwa Warszawska 1920 [29]

Ogniem i Mieczem :)

Nie podobał mi się aktor grający Michala :((
(Zbyt przyzwyczajony do dawnego aktora)

no juz nie chcialam sie odzywac....

ey ey ey :((
nóż mi wbijasz w serce!
Mr Grunwald   
11 Dec 2010
Po polsku / Zwiastun filmu Bitwa Warszawska 1920 [29]


Co za hańba! :((
Napisałem jego nazwisko nieprawidłowo :((

mój ojciec by mnie zar***
Mr Grunwald   
11 Dec 2010
Po polsku / Zwiastun filmu Bitwa Warszawska 1920 [29]


Jak go ostatnio obejrzałem. Przeciesz nie oglądam go teraz :)

ja lubilam ogladac Pana Wolodyjowskiego... byl smieszny momentami :)

jaka wersja? Kinowa czy serial? (lubie serjal o wiele lepiej)
Mr Grunwald   
9 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [203]

No the South Ossetian people are not Georgians.

Neither are "Samer" but they still live in Norway... (and in Sweden,Finland and Russia) Just like Khurdish people!

They are an Indo-European people not a Turkic one like the Georgians.


The South Ossetians were discriminated against in the newly independent Georgia and they had every right to declare independence.

How? By Laws? Or by Un-official laws?

It is truly a boon that an unadulterated remnant of the great Sarmatian nation survived in those mountains, and if they want to be free they should be, and it is well and fitting that another nation with Sarmatian roots helped them.

You better be good or ill ask Crowie to kick your azz! He is a real pan-slavist/pro-sarmatia ! :)
Mr Grunwald   
9 Dec 2010
News / Sikorski doctrine - Eastern Europe under threat. Poland's foreign policy. [203]

Marek and Torq miss the point. All Poland needs is a Switzerland type reserve army and air force armed with ground support

I think good Diplomacy and nukes is the best weapons. As some general once said, winning without own casutlies is far greater then having the enemy oblitirated! Or something along those lines :)
Mr Grunwald   
6 Dec 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

not completely correct, according to some comments, maybe someone here knows more

If I think your talking about the Romanian guy... I think he is wrong and has some nationalistic weird point of view. Maybe the Ottomons had some kind of governor there only. But still the area was officially Ottomon
Mr Grunwald   
3 Dec 2010

i could come to Poland and sacrifice myself. Are girls ready?

Hahah! ;)

There are a sh!t ton of Poles, the Polish diaspora is huge. not to mention that out of the entire population of Poland, something like 98% are ethnic Poles, very unusual for a country that large.

Many in AMerican can claim Polish heritage aswell, around 100 million If I am not wrong. But most of them consider them Americans so no point trying to get them back to the fatherland :)
Mr Grunwald   
30 Nov 2010
Love / Making My Polish Girlfriend Feel Like She Is At Home At Christmas [83]

Is there a Polish shop or a Polish restaurant near you? Trying to do a traditional Polish Christmas Eve meal would be a nice touch.

I would try to do a half-half
A bit of Irish (It's a reason she isn't there anymore?)
and a bit of Polish in case she wouldn't be "overjoyed" :)

But never and I repeat never make Barszcz Czerwony

men are like kids, you have to yell so they do it the right way...

Reminds me of my "Suka" she barks all the fricking time...
Cindy is her name if you were wondering
Mr Grunwald   
26 Nov 2010
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

That's probably why he had to bring his long-desired war forward

Parkinson.. who would have thought about it...

Hitler didn't have much of a sex life either.


*Whistles after an admin*This is starting to wander off
Go fetch!!!
(My bones are also for the taking if their not appropriatly made)
Mr Grunwald   
26 Nov 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

Thus the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth is arguably a far flung result of the crusades, and perhaps the Commonwealth's relative religious tolerance was reaction to the fanaticism of the crusader enemy.

The concept of tolerance was enacted because of all the hostilities towards Protestants in France. As many Polish noblemen were protestants at that time they feared that the sociaty will go after them. Later on most of them converted to Catholiscism or their sons/daugthers thanks to Jesuits which were teaching in Universities.
Mr Grunwald   
26 Nov 2010
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

Indeed, Nationalists didn't have much love for him at all ;)
Calling him a socialis as well cause of his background in the socialist party before ww1
Mr Grunwald   
26 Nov 2010
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [252]

Piłsudski's vision of a Poland for all its citizens be they ethnically Polish, or Jewish, or Tartar, or Lithuanian, or Ruthenian, etc. is the truly patriotic one.

He had some reservations towards leftists. He jailed a few when he came to power. But still all the Jews had the right to create their Jewish political parties.

Some of these were Jewish, I know also there were a lot more Jewish parties, but I guess they were rather small since they weren't taken into account in this list
Mr Grunwald   
16 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [263]


I am for multiculturism with an strong major Nation involved in the country, so NO no and another NO