The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by TheWizard  

Joined: 8 Apr 2018 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 14 Oct 2018
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Posts: Total: 217 / Live: 93 / Archived: 124
From: Australia, Sydney
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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11 Sep 2018
News / Poland's Future in the EU under PIS [51]

Yep no doubt Poles want to stay in eu no matter how many kangaroos i suck. Overwhelmingly so. Can't blame them either, there is nothing better around. A tiny minority don't, irrelevant.
10 Sep 2018
News / Poland's Future in the EU under PIS [51]

Polish future is definitely in the eu and certainly not with serbia and pis is just temporary. Try the uk, they will need a trading partner after slagging off all of europe while backing some arabs from the desert.
26 Aug 2018
USA, Canada / Are there any Polish people in Florida? [311]

My kids play with Australians of 25+ different nationalities at school. Nobody cares, we like our country. Speaking two languages makes you smarter and it certainly isn't a disadvantage. Also, can i point out that the racial profiling on this forum doesn't seem to be reflective of reality at least 75% of the time. Greetings from Australia Aniab!
25 Aug 2018
Off-Topic / Social Media - who uses Facebook or similar? [45]

People expect me to be on it. It freaks them out that i am not. An idiot druggie once told me that people not on it should be investigated as to what they are hiding. He dropped dead a year later at work from a massive heart attack at work at an early age. People went on fb basically to tell lies of what a great bloke he was, he did start out a good bloke but that was a long time ago. Fb = fake everything including fake friends.
24 Aug 2018
Off-Topic / Social Media - who uses Facebook or similar? [45]

Hey i dont use facebook or social media. Never did for many reasons. One is that my phone(s) always go off with texts and calls and i dont want another way again to be bothered. The second reason is the fake news and crap that gets peddled there as fact by the mischievous to the gullible or slightly insane. There are more. I ignored it for 20 years now i just work against it.

When i go to buy something and they tell me they are on facebook i dont give them the sale, tsk tsk that gets them fuming. 'Why they say' and to give you my last reply 'just ring Zuckerberg he will buy that $800 bed mattress from you'. You should see their faces lol. Or when i talk to people they get fb notice and start looking i just walk away and leave them there. Usually i try to get away as far as i can if possible so when they finish they can't actually see me. Its been a lot of fun, i am thinking i will take it a step further.
17 Aug 2018
Life / Things that annoy you in Poland. [114]

We all only do one visit to register cars in Poland. Not that i have done this for over 10 years. I don't know the circumstances but sounds like something is really fishy indeed.
22 Jul 2018
News / Poland supporting potential new EU members - Georgia and Turkey [32]

Turkey has almost zero chance for reasons pointed out above. Anyone who looks at Turkey for 5 minutes can see that. Now under it's new leadership with the current dictator it's bloody less than zero. This is one of the simplistic spins they also used for brexit to further trick the uk population. Silly people believed it.
12 Jul 2018
News / How strongly are Poles sure that president Duda defend Poland's interests ? [251]

Crow the only people that ever say Russia could be attacked is.....Russians.
Everyone else thinks the opposite, that russia would be the attacker.
History suggests that russia is far more likely to attack neighbouring countries than be attacked itself by a multiole factor.

6 Jul 2018
News / Israel opposing potential new Polish law to criminalise term 'Polish death camps' [1538]

I don't see how i am helping jew haters by rejecting fake hostory, 70 years of victimhood games and their entire ungratful browntongue agenda. Not to mention their bs hollywood propaganda for decades against poland. They are scum as far i am concerned and i would not aid them in any way and i certainly don't believe what they say. As for hating i dont care if some redneck hates them i just have zero respect for them, wont be going out of my way to do anything as i see the whole lot of them as worthless. Some redneck who hates jews is going to hate just about anybody anyway.
23 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Australia is taking people in from ques and such as per normal. However, if you are arriving illigaly you will be stored on a remote island hell where you will be slowly going nuts, you will deteriorated and be hated by the islanders that live there. Death there is part of the deal. They are attempting to censor what happens there too but failing miserably. So unless you are coming here legaly it may be better not to bother.
23 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

We here live on the ashes of the Aboriginals, a fact that is often swept under the carpet but at least most of us try to help when we can. Hitler was like Rich said, a hate driven maniac with no chance for reason.
23 Jun 2018
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

It really is time to get over ww2. Hitler ruined Germany and countless other lives and countries. Stalin did the same. They are just two losers who failed their own people as well as all their neighbours. Problem is while Germany has progressed Russia has regressed. Germany is no threat to Poland now and provides a very valuable business relationship. Russia is a threat and provides almost nothing but headaches. If i was in Poland today and wanted to hate either side Russia wins hands down.
9 Jun 2018
Work / The Polish Land Forces (ARMY) - I want to enlist [19]

Yep Polish is harder than the training for sure!

But.....if it takes a couple of years keep training. Become the nachine before you go. When you turn up a machine with high school level Polish which may be inadequate they will take one look at you and be keen to help. The army is not the hardest field of academia. Your job even if office clerk is to termiate the enemy. First you will be a soldier and after that you will fill out a form for ordinance. Once the enemy come to your line of supply you will put down the computer and pick up the sword. You just have to get good enough in Polish to get in and when thrown inside with the rest you will learn more very quickly. Last time i looked 10% of eligible males were suitable for infantry. Good luck!
9 Jun 2018
Work / The Polish Land Forces (ARMY) - I want to enlist [19]

To join the army you need to start training way before that. Start running, weights, eating properly. Train train train!
First spend 3 months training hard, than go to physical. After your tests and stuff while you wait keep training all the time until they take you.

This will make everything 10 times essier.
7 Jun 2018
News / Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines [202]

@the other
Yes she had her entry visa shredded and was denied. Unvaccinated kids are under the ' no jab no play' policy here. So your unvaccinated child cannot be in daycare expect in isolation. We like it that way too thanks, you can always move to the desert in the middle of nowhere to practice witchcraft, we have plenty of desert.
7 Jun 2018
News / Poles march against Mandatory poisoning by vaccines [202]

Where i live you lose government support if you don't vaccinate your kids. Parents don't want these kids in child care centers alongside protected kids. We have the same idiots here and they are openly ridiculed for good reason. The chief crackpot from the usa was banned recently from visiting, she wanted to travel the country spreading her insanity and spreading disease. Some of the dumbest people on the planet!
4 Jun 2018
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

Only 32% are circumcised im Australia.
As i understood it 70% of nerves are in the foreskin so its not a little difference its all the difference. It could explain why more circumcised men are sex addicts, it ain't that good for them so they need more. Missing a piece of your sausage is just a disability.
29 May 2018
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Well I dont hate you or your country. Locking people up, repressing woman and going back in time won't make me like you any more though. I am not a fan of islam ( don't know anyone who is) but on the other hand i think all religion is vomit so you don't have to feel picked on from me. I had a turkish friend at school. He was a good dude.
29 May 2018
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Who told you that? For a start heaps of poles went to turkey for holidays but you are not a democracy anymore and regressing backwards so relationship isn't likely to get better.