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Social Media - who uses Facebook or similar? [45]
Hey i dont use facebook or social media. Never did for many reasons. One is that my phone(s) always go off with texts and calls and i dont want another way again to be bothered. The second reason is the fake news and crap that gets peddled there as fact by the mischievous to the gullible or slightly insane. There are more. I ignored it for 20 years now i just work against it.
When i go to buy something and they tell me they are on facebook i dont give them the sale, tsk tsk that gets them fuming. 'Why they say' and to give you my last reply 'just ring Zuckerberg he will buy that $800 bed mattress from you'. You should see their faces lol. Or when i talk to people they get fb notice and start looking i just walk away and leave them there. Usually i try to get away as far as i can if possible so when they finish they can't actually see me. Its been a lot of fun, i am thinking i will take it a step further.