History /
Why Poles love Russia [105]
Why we love Russia? because they are just cloudy0headed fools who can be played like a sh!tty violin.
The question should rather be why do Russians Love Germans(and the other way round-not by all germans as much as the Russians) , they just stupid, they like Kongolese pygmeymen turned into something that resembles a european.
They always hating on us Polish for siding with the 'West' (EU/NATO/USA) well, their hero Germans seem to be doing the same even worse, to the extent that some even dont want the former GDR to be part of Germany.
as for the Germans who get all fiddly and foaming from the mouth because they can not pronounce such fine
polish town names such as Wrocław, Szczecin, Zabrze, Chorzów, Kołobrzeg, Słupsk .... hahaha, you kno u goin down the drain.
it really is interesting how the same Germans who want these 'besetze "Deutsche" Gebiete' back never mention much about Koenigsburg - I mean that place had some nice buildings and one hell of a University.
just look at this crap to see how the Russians be scheming with the German folk : velesova-sloboda.org/ - Hahaha, pathetic crap, even more for the germans that actually side with the russians, because the real Hardcore Germans that have my respect don't want nothin to do with Russia(ns) of any sort of extraction.
PS: Polish Christianity was founded by the Knights of the highest order bla bla , you know they werent all gospel type missionaires so that is why a Polish Catholic is a
Polish Catholic
oh and remember, we are feared by both them sides. Don't have no doubts about it, even going by their experts , the polish psyche is evolved to be the most devious, brutal and hard-slappin just like the Balkanizers (I like calling them that, no discrespect to them - they proud, standin ontheir feet dont need no sh!t folk tellin them what 2 do, except another bother is too many is being fooled by these both 'mighty and superior racially' nations - the G's and the R's.
Deutsche Kanacken ueber Alles! :-)