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Posts by Lolek222  

Joined: 5 Apr 2015 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 15 Feb 2016
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4 Jul 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

Lady I think that you overreacting and although there are plenty of sad, miserable people in England, they don't know their living.
5 Jul 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]


No shyt t. Why don't you sign up and post as a guest for years in here. Is that cause you have another acount on pf? Coming as a guest posting fibs of yours, being snarky smart ass wannabe, prezenting typical passive aggressive behaviour of English loosers. White Pakistani lol, in your circles maybe chavie heaven.


Really.? I would say the opposite true.
5 Jul 2015
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]


Make no difference, every country have the right to decide what monuments are being wanted on their soil.
Russian conquerers monuments are not neeeded nor wanted, only traitor or a fool would have claimed otherwise.
5 Jul 2015
Off-Topic / Polonophobe Alert: JIGGLE (@JIGGLEIN on Twitter) [12]

What they are doing in London? Invitation from edl or bnp?
Fools, but their numbers are few. Now English loosers like teasomthing will have field day adding another labbel to their growing list of antipolish crap they consume daily.

Must be because they have square shaped heads as Jon's theory revealed. Lol!
5 Jul 2015
UK, Ireland / Why English do not like Polish? [417]

like some stats for that?

Sure I would like it and who sponsored that research if you can.
I still think that English are more xenophobic than Poles, but their law keep them muzzled tight.
Poles can be talking much but than do nothing and once they meet a person they treat him as a person regardless.
22 Aug 2015
UK, Ireland / Poles again shed blood for Britain [13]

thought the protest was against being labeled benefit claimants not about equal rights as you say.

To protest against being sceapgated in the press and by tories politicians not to mentions ukips twats.
Have you forgotten to do your homework? Typical.

grandfather at the age of 27 left his wife to go and fight Nazi Germany in the name of freedom for Poland

Come on spare us those stories , he like others done nothing for Poland.

and never once did I ever hear anyway one make such a fuss as the Polish do.

What fuss? So far, the only fuss about
Poles are being made by twats not unlike you!
22 Aug 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

Poles are not different in this, not better nor worse as individuals but much better as a nation than some.
22 Aug 2015
Po polsku / Dlaczego uczysz się Polskiego? [101]

Dobrz jak na początkujących. Deklinacja może być trudna. Powinno być dobrze. Lol,
23 Aug 2015
Life / Polish people and racism. [943]

homogeneous demography, possibly due to the low salaries in the most menial jobs that don't attract many labors from other countries

Are you even from Poland? You sound like a right twat.
There are about 500 000 Ukrainians, about 80 000 Vietnamese, and some others nationalities incuding Armenians, Nigerians, Arabs and so forth. You are right in that threre not that memany people of colour but that hardly racism or some other made up nonsense.

nationalism and trend towards right winged politics and catholic conservationism (+ hooliganism);

Let me make it clear. You are listing that in the thread about racism to say at the same time that the very thing u have listed has little to do with racism. Why did u write it in the at all?

To make it clear to readers who know nothing about Poland.....there are no connection whatsoever between conservatism, national patriotic movment, Catholic church and racism.

Those connection arexist only in the minds of strange people, I would call them a new breed of communists from the West. In fact they are twats.

demographic strongly made by villagers that commute to the big city and for the most they bring their rural culture

What issue do u have with village? At least 80 percent of people in
Poland have one or two granparents from rural areas. Do not forget where your legs grow from! Also improve u English.
There is nothing wrong with rural areas .lm from rural area myself and proud of it, we farmer and small businessess are what keep this country working not some twats from offices or other labourers for hire, too big for their shoes they are and ashemed of their folk.and grandparents.
26 Aug 2015
News / Poland's PiS party members and crime [346]

son-in-law of Lech Kaczyński has been arrested in a corruption probe.

Yes, it is a significant news, sounds like son in law of Margaret Thatcher has been arrested, I'm sure Tories would be devastated. Talking about ridiculous lol
26 Aug 2015
News / Poland's PiS party members and crime [346]

PO have nothing to do with i

PO has a lot of crminal activity of their own they're in charge in Poland, funny u started this thread few weeks before election.
26 Aug 2015
News / Poland's PiS party members and crime [346]

Duda's corruption is unforgivable though

Lol! Typical smear campaign trade mark of PO, nobody's take it seriously.

es, this thread is about pis opposition party, with less crminal or corruption around them than ruling PO like 1to100 and few weeks before election you started that thread by , it has been an accident i'm sure.