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Posts by jablko  

Joined: 13 Jul 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Apr 2011
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27 Jul 2010

"harde slowa"

Hardy is actually polish word. It can mean 'haughty, arrogant, impudent'

"Jestem Hardcorem"

The problem is I dont know if theres polish equivalent for 'hardcore'. Many people understand it though and it seems it got accepted into youth language.
27 Jul 2010
Life / POLISH MYTHS - let's debunk or prove them! [140]

- in the West there is full freedom and no censorship

You cant really say things that are not politically correct, whether they are true or not, cause you can easily get accused of racism sexism or whatever.
28 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

When it comes to Men vs Women and law gets involved, then its always woman who gets favoured and man gets discriminated. Usually theres no point in seeking help if you're abused man cause you're not gonna get any support!
28 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

men are crying about something that women have been putting up with for years

your point?

Besides just because some woman was abused some time ago, it doesnt give right to any other woman to abuse her man as a part of revenge, cause hes innocent and did nothing.

Most women keep quiet about abuse and suffer for years

Just like men as you can see

a few blokes get punched or scratched, they're whining

What are you, stupid? Abuse can be both physical and mental. To make it worse men have hard time defending himself against those 'punches and scratches' cause if he do, that woman will go to police and tell she got beaten. And they will believe her not him, cause law is sexist.
29 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

ridiculous claims that one out of four women are raped

Dont forget about false reporting when it comes to rape. Depending on source it goes up to 50% false report rate when women lie about getting raped and therefore put innocent man (if hes unlucky) in prison.
30 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

some women just wont put up with abusive men so they hit back

Maybe you have some problem with reading but this thread is about women who abuse men, not about abused women who defend themselves.

as for women that hit men..Men are free to walk away..

Walk away? Now that would be cowardice. So are they free to hit back?

but didnt you forget the third? It can also be sexual

Sexual abuse falls under both mental and physical category.

ABH is a crime regardless of a persons gender.

It doesnt really matter. Fact is, abused women are favoured in court. Man has a lot harder time proving that he has been abused, and even harder time getting support. Law doesnt treat both sexes equally therefore its sexist.

I understand what abuse is

Yet you fail to comprehend that man can be victim to mental abuse. To make it worse you say get punched or scratched, they're whining. You talk about abused men with disdain, almost as if they should just take it and keep quiet. Like they do something wrong by whining about being abused...
30 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

Whats cowardice about removing yourself from an abusive relationship? No need to hit back, just move yourself out of harms way.

You didnt answer my question. Is man free to hit back woman?
As for cowardice...Not solved problems tend to come back. Running away isnt always the best option, and isnt always possibility.

You sound like a bit of a whiner

Would you call a woman who complains about being abused or treated unfairly a 'whiner'? Why is it only women who get right to complain?
30 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

I dont condone any violence, but if a person has to restrain a person to stop them causing them harm, then yes restraining is fine.

You didnt answer my question. I asked if hitting back is fine, not restraining.
30 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

You posted an opinion ignoring the vast majority of the media.

Vast majority of media which you speak of, treat abused husbands subject as a taboo therefore their opinion isnt really worth much. That 'vast majority of media' is one of the main problems here.
31 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

I have no mangina friends, I don't even know what it means.

How can you know that none of your friends are manginas if you dont know what it means? Use your brain before posting please...
31 Jul 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

why such hostility?

It seems that you not only have trouble with using your brain, but you are also hipocrite. On page 3 in this thread you called me an idiot.

My point you idiot, is

So its you who is hostile and whos using deragotary language. I just gave you advice to think before you post. Whats abusive in that?

or I will report you.Oh, wait, I already did.

Do as you wish, just remember you accuse me of something you have done yourself and to a greater extent.
1 Aug 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

no, it was NOT me, but Amethyst

My bad, I take my accuses of hipocrisy back.

But still I dont think there was anything abusive or derogatory in my suggestion to you about using brain before posting. You made error, I pointed it and suggested to be more cautious in future.

And I dont know why you think I have

serious issues with women

. Please elaborate.
20 Aug 2010
Language / Polish filler words? [24]

I HATE when people go 'yyyyy' and 'eeeee'