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Posts by sobieski  

Joined: 1 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 106 / Live: 95 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 2116 / Live: 1949 / Archived: 167
From: Poland, Warsaw
Speaks Polish?: Good
Interests: Polish culture and history, cooking

Displayed posts: 2044 / page 19 of 69
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21 Aug 2013
Life / Now more restaurants than banks in Warsaw? [11]

I think that is a very good evolution. On Plac Wilsona here in Warsaw, banks were taking over the whole neighbourhood. Now it seems that process is on the reverse.
14 Aug 2013
Life / Typical Polish house and family [46]

That's is a long long way from a typical Polish household.

Quite so. No average Polish household has a gun at home. Make your wish come true?
13 Aug 2013
Life / Typical Polish house and family [46]

The typical Polish house has windows, doors, kitchen and bathroom. The typical family members each have two arms and two legs.
What kind of idiotic question is this?
13 Aug 2013
Life / Temperament of Poles - my observations [23]

Power, the more they know the more power they have over their colleagues,therefore the more secure their job is.Information is knowledge=power.

This sounds as any corporate environment I have been working in up to date.
13 Aug 2013
News / Hierarchy of Polish people - CBOS newest research [17]

Since P3 is an apostle of CBOS opinion polls when they show the great leader in full stride...I wonder what his afterthoughts are on this one. For me it shows Poland is a normal European country after all.
9 Aug 2013
News / Polish police chief removes crosses [250]

Anyone who joins Palikot is not only a renegade but should have his head examined.

As in Elbląg where PIS happily cooperated with RP?

of a Belgium

Still to coward to attack me personally?

to be removed from local police stations

There should be no crosses in any public place. If you want to see them, go to a church. Poland is a secular country.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

to stop the spread of PC-style EU toxins at the Odra-Nysa border -- Żeby Polska była Polską!

We all know about this spread...does it concern priests mistreating minors? This somehow stopped at the Odra-Nysa border
And could you provide some afterthoughts on your shining patriotic feelings - despite not being Polish but American - and not having a Polish passport...and not wanting one...

As you so charmingly put it...."a piece of paper"...
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

Who said anyhting about it being unfair?

trying to figure out a way to disqualify the signatures collected by PiS for that purpsoe

Before you start lying - once again - check what you write.

They also did not say the vote was denied to anyone who happened to be is a spy for the Belgian Government of His Royal Majesty?

I am a EU citizen and entitled to vote in Poland. Are you perhaps jealous you cannot vote here? And we can...
Get yourself that Polish passport, that for some reason you do not want...or cannot get

And spying...a statement coming from a country which is spying on the whole world....NSA and PRISM are American inventions.

the recall election;

Is the recall election the same as the referendum? And somewhere else on this thread I read (I think you wrote it Harry) that you have to live here 15 years to participate. I thought it was enough to be registered as a voter?
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

That is perfectly logical

Of course it is! The purpose is for Gronkiewicz to hang onto the trough and perpetuate her misrule at all costs.

You still did not explain why you think the double-checking of the Pesel numbers is not fair.

Polish passport
Piece of paper.

I should think that you as Poland's foremost patriot you would crave to get a Polish passport...or is there some other reason why you did not apply for it?
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

Bureaucracy doesn't grab me

Given your continuous whining about your great leader, I would have expected you to grab the chance to vote with both hands.

Of course it is! The purpose is for Gonkowiec to hang onto the trough and perpetuate her misrule at all costs.

Please explain why the cross-checking of the Pesel numbers and consequently the annulment of the non-Warsaw ones is not acceptable.
Could it be that the referendum's organizers suspect trouble from this quarter?
8 Aug 2013
Travel / Opinion on which cities in Poland to spend the most days in. [21]

The train from Warsaw to Poznan is (assuming you are going city centre to city centre) takes about as long as a flight but is far less hassle:

I would also consider PolskiBus. I went with them to £ódż this week, it took barely two hours to £ódż Kaliska, and I paid 12 PLN one-way.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

The purpose is for Gonkowiec to hang onto the trough and perpetuate her misrule at all costs.

The purpose is to disqualify everybody who does not have a Warsaw-linked PESEL. Simple, isn't it?

As a US citizen I am not entitled to

I wonder why you never took a Polish passport, given the fact you are posing here as the lighting example of Polishness.

How is that relevant? Many people who are US citizens are eligible to vote in Warsaw elections.

As far as I know, only EU citizens have the right to vote in Poland (local and European elections), as per EU legislation. These Americans would have double nationality in this case.
8 Aug 2013
News / The un-Civic Platform of Poland? [60]

Harry, as I understand it - you need to go and get the paper from the Urzad Miasta that says that you have a right to vote. That'll make sure that you are registered as having abstained and thus counting towards the total.

Hmmm...This I do not understand. I am on the voters' register here in Warsaw since a couple of years. So must I again register for the referendum (of course I will abstain, and it should be noted as such) ?

They are trying to figure out a way to disqualify the signatures collected by PiS for that purpsoe

That is perfectly logical. I am curious how many PIS signatures on these lists come from out of Warsaw.
5 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

There's a saiyng in ameirca -- abotu as much good manners as at a heavy metal concert.

Any link to this saying of yours? Or does it fall into the same category as Pając Kultury?
4 Aug 2013
Life / Przystanek Jezus to the rescue [47]

I suppose emotions got the better of him.

This falls in the same category as "Rydzak must have been confused"

people in Poland, when in groups, seem to do nothing but chant? It just seems to herd like and sheepish

I must be confused because I thought one you were talking about rydzak's fanclub gathering in Częstochowa
2 Aug 2013
USA, Canada / Moving to Poland from Toronto (accounting job, shipping) [2]

Jobwise you could register with some headhunters / recruiters who specialize in financial positions. Such as Michael Page, Hays, Grafton, Korn Ferry....Check on LinkedIn available positions in Poland.
2 Aug 2013
News / Poland's John Paul the Great canonisation this year [177]

There are only two kind of posters here those who do respect other people and those who do not respect other people.

A good example of this to classify non-believers as sub-humans.
31 Jul 2013
Life / Buying Samsung S4 in Poland? [8]

I can't pinprick a specific store...but if somebody could recommend a reliable one in Warsaw, I'd be grateful.
The ones I see everyday are in the underground passage at Metro Centrum, and one above ground on Plac Bankowy.

There is also an open counter in CH Arkadia, near Saturn, but their prices are steep so I guess they are selling new phones.
31 Jul 2013
Life / Buying Samsung S4 in Poland? [8]

A question loosely connected to this one...For so many years I am passing these shops where they sell simlock-free phones...I suppose they are all second-hand, right? Do they actually work properly? Some of the phones offered seem to be fairly new models....
31 Jul 2013
Travel / Taxi Fare - WAW to Międzylesie [18]

The difference is I speak Polish and I know Warsaw road network very well, so no-one will be taking me for a ride.

Fair enough. It always pays to know the local scene.
31 Jul 2013
Travel / Lake Narie near Kretowiny? [3]

I think it is impossible to tell now what the water temperature will be half August. Depends on the weather, doesn't it?
On this site you can find reliable information for the actual water temperature for the main Mazurian lakes and the seaside.

Site is owned and maintained by IMiGW, the Polish Meteorological Institute.
31 Jul 2013
Travel / Taxi Fare - WAW to Międzylesie [18]

Mind you, airport taxis are better than they were

I do not understand why you guys have / had an issue with the airport taxis in Okęcie. (I am not talking about the unlicensed gits in the arrival hall, that's just a bunch of criminals)

I am also quite often going to the airport, and never had an issue with the licensed ones.
With MPT I paid recently (if I remember correctly) from Bielany (the beginning) to the airport for 50 PLN (via Trasa AK, which is a bit longer, but makes up in travel time0