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Posts by Mr Grunwald  

Joined: 16 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 33 / Live: 19 / Archived: 14
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From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes (Tak)
Interests: history - politics - food - heraldry - pro publico bono

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Mr Grunwald   
12 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / My grievances with the American-Polonia [54]

Similar as to how I am percieved as a second wave immigrant by Norwegian authorities, despite having Norwegian citizenship and a Norwegian mother.

Doesn't feel welcoming at all, being categorized as that. Didn't know that it was worse in the U.S when it came to citizenship for the American Polonia
Mr Grunwald   
12 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / My grievances with the American-Polonia [54]

Poloniusz is metaphorically writing that you can't change somebody's nature/habit/identity as he sees identity as biological (very German point of view) perceiving what he identifies as slavic traits to be unchangeable no matter what kind of house he lives in.

Which is a contrast as to how I perceive Polish identity which is more bound by loyalty and emotions. Which are flowing and changing, yet remains felt
Mr Grunwald   
12 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / My grievances with the American-Polonia [54]

Cause the Polonia has the choice of behaving like a victim (wether it is a victim or not is irrelevant, it's about state of mind) or behaving as the guardians of the Republic. The Polonia cannot afford to be on the sidewalk ignoring everything. Poles have a purpose, no matter where on this planet they walk or live.
Mr Grunwald   
12 Oct 2020
News / Poland Sports News [1096]

That sounds ungrateful, remember a Pole is meant to either work in the field or fight for it after all :) either with words or glory Poland shall be blessed! :)
Mr Grunwald   
12 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / My grievances with the American-Polonia [54]

As Poland is the beating heart of Europe, her emotions and reality are like flowing Vistula river. Poland's rock is the church which helps with any flood.

Probably same reason why many Swedes prefer Norway to. Sweden is far more divided by class then Norway, in Norway anyone considers him to be of the "people" even those who are rich. The monarch's family are also popular as it's "people" friendly.

So any Pole or Swede who has had bad experiences cause of division, likes Norway for it's very subtle and silent approach to differences. One very much is seen for what he does, and not as much as what one says.

Norway has lived with poverty and harsh life until very recently, so talk isn't very respected while hard work is.
Mr Grunwald   
12 Oct 2020
USA, Canada / My grievances with the American-Polonia [54]

There has been a long standing conflict here on PF between Poles living in Poland and those living abroad or connected with Poland in one way or another.

Like a Pomeranian Gryf (take this symbolically, not literally about the Gryf) I struggled with having any form of contact with Poles in Norway (where I have lived most of my life) and any form of contact with Poles or Poland has been on this forum, with family and books&movies.

It was sad for me that, there were few connections between Poland and Norway throughout history, meaning most Norwegians are pretty clueless about Poles in any aspect of life. Are easily susceptible to propaganda about Poland and have few encounters.

Meanwhile American-Polish relations have traditions to build on. Few American-Polonia one can think of are: Tadeusz Kościuszko, Pulaski and Paderewski. It griefs me that representatives of American-Polonia on this forum seems to behave more like the caliber of chamstwa and not that of great Polish Americans.

It seems to me that many of them today are the result of American Politics. Living the American life without care and responsibility for ones self or others. Instead of trying to be mending the great divide between the republicans and democrats many seem to take it as a form of amusement and bullying.

The whole world is looking at America and are seeing a civil war brewing, just waiting for which side will start it and win it. U.S.A has a responsibility as the torch carrier of freedom, if U.S.A succumbs to the machinations of evil and political division, then the future looks further and further more dim.

I am actively trying to work on gathering the local Polonia together where I live locally and I am seriously planning and considering moving to Poland. I sincerely hope that American-Polonia got more to offer on this forum then beef, barbecue and tasteless insults
Mr Grunwald   
11 Oct 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

There have been voting over it three times, all times the result was a big:No

As long as top functions are not elected by the voters but by representatives themselves and a threat of losing control to drilling and fishing rights. It's impossible for Norway to join without politicians committing political suicide.
Mr Grunwald   
11 Oct 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

Norway isn't in the EU for two reasons: resources and wish to remain independent.

Fish&oil and sovereignty, in all practicality EU dictates laws which Norway has to take in, and can only choose away 40% of laws in the EU. So Norway is basically in the EU, but without a voicing vote
Mr Grunwald   
11 Oct 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

which is why Poland needs to build her up economically as much as possible.

First move should be to reduce taxes as low as possible or reduce tax pressure/control on small businesses and make it really easy to create a workplace of your own. Which then will create more profit making workplaces instead of tax dependent ones. It would also be a big incentive for great minds and productive ones to immigrate to Poland.

This plan was done right before the partitions of Poland and lead to the partitions itself, mainly pushed by Prussia as it was concerned that many Germans migrated to Poland for a better life (later they emigrated to the U.S)

Now that Poland is firmly within the EU and NATO
Poland has the chance to enact these reforms without fear of invasion. It has to be done tactfully of course, like "Economical response to the pandemic: "30% reduced income tax for developers of cellphone applications and digital devices to improve the workload in a safer environment" or something
Mr Grunwald   
11 Oct 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

There is just a simple Wish to be 100% independant and be the decision maker. That policy would push us only in to Russian arms and conflict, cause they aren't able to tolerate independant countries in the long run
Mr Grunwald   
11 Oct 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

I don't get it, one of the most glorious moments in history of Poland was her time as a Union partner with Lithuania and becoming a republic (as much as one could in the past)

Now Poland is in a Union with almost whole of Europe! While having strong ties with U.S.A

There is really nothing profitable for Poland to leave the EU
Mr Grunwald   
8 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Last name - Murzyn [33]

I will send you a message to your inbox regarding post #19

The problem here is that, I came with the predisposition that it didn't have racial origin, but rather religious/cultural and was being misused by racists or anyone having a negative attitude towards someone they judge very... "cover of the book only". If you consider somebody an enemy, that enemy can quickly conclude that you are automatically his enemy then, without even thinking of it at first, merely by judging ones behavior and ignoring the possibility of a misunderstood event or events in the past.

For instance, I remember far more easily picture/faces/places I have seen then names/letters as the former stir up emotions in me.

Most Poles opinion of people who have not been in contact with the Polish state throughout history, or at least not well known enough (like history of Haiti for instance) can easily misjudge basing it on news-coverage alone.

Even tho most Poles consider Nazism/Fascism and communism an enemy ideology to Poland, few Poles can point out what the ideology is based on. But more about what's it's followers have done.

Therefore as a Polish goal to fight what plagued Germany right before and during ww2. Which started a huge calamity for all humankind (one only needs to think about how it affected the continents in the world with the power shift)

One cannot, and should not use Darwinian terms or even line of thinking. Humans were made, came from monkeys. Are animals no more tho

Sorting ourselves in the manner of animals, did prove to be a disaster. Not to mention the continued tension which plagued for a long time in the United States of America
Mr Grunwald   
8 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

I do Wonder about the opinions of others, as it fascinates me. (This a forum for the exchange of opinions, is it not? Last thing we need is a commie Party event where everyone is clapping in unison)

Cause I live in Norway, (soon to change tho)
Mr Grunwald   
7 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Last name - Murzyn [33]

Are you telling us that every human being can claim land in Africa? Hmm
Mr Grunwald   
7 Oct 2020
Genealogy / Need help with the origins of the surname von Czapiewski [21]

Von = from
In German, it became mandatory for any noblemen to use in his documents. In Polish it would been just Czapiewski cause ending «ski» kinda used to say one is from there. So basically your saying that «von Czapiewski» equals «from Czapiew from»

Any Polish noblemen would be... Wary of using «von» in his surname as it would indicate submissiveness to German rules/regulations or outright disloyalty.

One difference is to have used it cause of living under partitions (enforced rule) but there truely is no reason to keep the von any longer. Unless one has attached himself to the surname to be like that of course.
Mr Grunwald   
6 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

True, we are blessed to have received it.

I have been wondering lately, (especially with the topic starter's subject he wished to write about) what is worse? Impregnating a women without marriage or impregnating a women who later "sacrificed" her child to money (avoid misery, poverty etc argument) by having an abortion.

It boils down to who/what do you value the most
Mr Grunwald   
6 Oct 2020
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

If you think I am advocating for the USE of the word "murzyn" then you are mistaken. I am only explaining why it might still be used by some and where it came from. I don't agree with using it at all.

Indeed, the Carthaginians did have a colony in southern Iberian peninsula. But the tradition of Roman conquest was by military means. Not diplomatic ones
Mr Grunwald   
5 Oct 2020
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

You can allways explain how these "moors" got themselves to Spain. As Poles didn't actively participate in crusades during the middle ages (at least not on a large scale) Polish accuracy and words from those times could certainly quite inaccurate. It still stands that originally the word "murzyn" was used for what I wrote earlier.
Mr Grunwald   
5 Oct 2020
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

I think I've written about it before, but I'll write it again: The word "Murzyn" derives from the word "Moorish" which was a word used for jihadists with a darker skin... So the word doesn't mean or imply: "A human being of a different race which most often holds darker skin (think albinos can happen)" but, more like: "A human being driven by zealous behavior by the false religion of Islam who happens to be dark skinned"

So as an African-American for instance would be more enraged about being called a terrorist then actually talking about race when it comes to that word
Mr Grunwald   
4 Oct 2020
Off-Topic / Are Polish Christians here? [142]

I was pondering over the vineyard part today, how the ones who refused to give up the harvest from the vineyard as in the Elders whom Jesus often spoke of. Who kept the knowledge and secret about the Old Testament and coming of Jesus for their own worldly gain.

Which makes one wonder about how one is supposed to be spreading Christianity
Mr Grunwald   
16 Sep 2020
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1199]

I just *shrug*
Most of it is just ignorance, thankfully foreign diplomats have a lot more to do then creating a pretext to invade Poland. One can never sleep about it tho
Mr Grunwald   
1 Sep 2020
History / The memory about the Invasion of Poland 1939 - today's events [26]

Very true
Polish cavalry at the time (the one on horseback) was mounted infantry. Most of military units at the time consisted of regular infantry (German forces included)

Real Polish cavalry was lead by Gen. Maczek with his tanks, didn't lose a single battle during ww2 if I recall. (They were able to retreat through Hungary and fought on western allies side later on)
Mr Grunwald   
1 Sep 2020
History / The memory about the Invasion of Poland 1939 - today's events [26]


Operation: Fall Weiss (Invasion of Poland 1939)

81 years ago humanity said: «No!» to National-Socialism. Poland being first on the frontline remembers it's finest heroes who layed down their lives for the cause of freedom.

I remember
Mr Grunwald   
31 Aug 2020
Genealogy / What it means to be Odrowąż? [14]

First and foremost, what kind of traditions do you have in your family? (Ask this of yourself no need to write it here as it can be private) What kind of ideals are you driven by? What are the ideals you would expect from being part of Polish nobility? There is a general codex of chivalry, while what does it mean to be a Polish noble?
Mr Grunwald   
31 Aug 2020
Life / What it means to be Polish or How to be Polish? [14]

First it's not clan but, ród (clans are a Scottish tradition) :)

If you are merely thinking about culture, I recommend to look up Polish cook books. Check out for films/series maybe they got english subtitles.

Perhaps some native Poles got any suggestions?
Mr Grunwald   
26 Aug 2020
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I think Poland should stay in EU as long as possible, Kingdom of Poland formed a proto-EU with Grand Duchy of Lithuania in her time. Why not have this same influence across all European states? Possibly form a Union with Russian Federation if circumstances will allow it. While Russia wouldn't lose any influence being in the Union as it has nuclear arsenal and firepower. It would also strongly counter balance French and German influences.

Vatican's political influence is next to zero in Poland, only the Catholic Clergy in Poland has anything to say politically. On religious matters is a different thing. Anyways, no matter how much pressure it is. Poland will withstand it, Poland might give the false impression of a lap-dog to many :)