Genealogy /
Last name - Murzyn [33]
I will send you a message to your inbox regarding post #19
The problem here is that, I came with the predisposition that it didn't have racial origin, but rather religious/cultural and was being misused by racists or anyone having a negative attitude towards someone they judge very... "cover of the book only". If you consider somebody an enemy, that enemy can quickly conclude that you are automatically his enemy then, without even thinking of it at first, merely by judging ones behavior and ignoring the possibility of a misunderstood event or events in the past.
For instance, I remember far more easily picture/faces/places I have seen then names/letters as the former stir up emotions in me.
Most Poles opinion of people who have not been in contact with the Polish state throughout history, or at least not well known enough (like history of Haiti for instance) can easily misjudge basing it on news-coverage alone.
Even tho most Poles consider Nazism/Fascism and communism an enemy ideology to Poland, few Poles can point out what the ideology is based on. But more about what's it's followers have done.
Therefore as a Polish goal to fight what plagued Germany right before and during ww2. Which started a huge calamity for all humankind (one only needs to think about how it affected the continents in the world with the power shift)
One cannot, and should not use Darwinian terms or even line of thinking. Humans were made, came from monkeys. Are animals no more tho
Sorting ourselves in the manner of animals, did prove to be a disaster. Not to mention the continued tension which plagued for a long time in the United States of America