The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 831
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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29 Mar 2021
Life / Another reason Polish people and Poland pisses me off [52]

Today I caught this dude at a restaurant charging me more one zloty for packaging and even saw on the receipt packaging twice and bag once so he charged me 3 zloty total just for take out price. Instead of asking for a tip or having a tip option on the credit card reader like some other places or common in other countries they play these games or one person charges you one price and another something else this cwaniakowanie or kłamanie basically cunningless or hustle. It was only one zloty so I didn't argue with him but should have not ran my card when it was a zlote higher than usual. I should have argued then. I just hate arguing with people and sitting uncomfortably later while they know I caught them and I wait for my food. I should have though said something like "oh really? Because I remember it always being charged this amount when I come here so I guess something got changed here? Or you guys upped the price?" But all I did was said "hey I think you made a mistake and charged twice for the packaging?" and he replied thats what their system does or it forces them to charge it twice or some bullshet I knew was bullshet but didn't say anything after. Its just so difficult dealing with these people especially growing up in a culture like western civilization or the USA where everyone is polite and no one wants to argue all the time.
28 Mar 2021
Off-Topic / Stalker 2 will crush anything any Polish game studio ever did [11]

well I was actually talking about the original game and call to pripayat and Im guessing this one will take it to the next level. but when i used to live in the USA i played and still have the origonal save game and i revisit it from time to time on my imac turned into windows 7 bootcamp partition (ive had it sent to Poland actually) it would remind me of Poland like the Polish countryside because even though it is set in Ukraine it looks similar like the way the brushes or scrube and greenery look and small townhouse buildings etc. and like i said i still havent seen any open world games with similar ai where you see groups of scavengers getting into firefights or some random thing happens giving a different experience playing each time.

I agree with this what about you?
28 Mar 2021
Off-Topic / Stalker 2 will crush anything any Polish game studio ever did [11]

It's the most realistic ai in any open world games or shooters with enemies who work in teams hide behind buildings attack one another etc. plus the scenery or landscape looks Eastern European.i can't think of any other games that captured this part of the world and architecture like buildings so well can you? It's not some future looking superhero or cartoony crap like blizzard games.
28 Mar 2021
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [417]

lol Im arguing with some Polish ***** Poland actually looks the same or worse thwn this PiS propaganda Russian dude trying to prop it up:

they have all these Russians or Ukrainians who i suspect are sponsored by PiS to say how Poland is better than that above. which it isnt.
27 Mar 2021
Language / Differences in Polish and English idioms [69]


English idioms or phrases translation to Polish

How do you say these sorts of statements or idioms as google translate seems to do a ****** job on them:

"I cannot get over it/ I cannot get over the fact" googke seems to say przeżyć to but przeżyć to me is survive something or live past something. Maybe "Ja nie mogę to trawić"?

Another one:

"He is on some high power ****"

I had some other one sin my head but just lost it right now so for now this will do.

Isnt there an idiom like "I dont wanna get hyped up" or somehting like "nie chcę się podbudzać" I know there is a word similar to podbudziać but forgot it.
27 Mar 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

the Teutonic Knights were sort of like the spartans or vikings of the middle ages era (vs bronze age for spartans and not sure about vikings heyday ir if they rought the great teutons). they were like berzerkers. and had soke badass helmets those krzyzacy did.
27 Mar 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

my message above rewritten:

Germany has always been the epicenter of Europe. Remember the holy roman empire? Also Germans were always war like and also looked to the east not just hitler. Remember the Livonians and the mini teutonic state similar to the order they established new Latvia? This is why I admire the Germans or their history they are just badasses warriors to the max in history at least. they fought and went against anyone. but and this is what i dont admire about their history is how they fled or chickened out form atilla the hun.
27 Mar 2021
Off-Topic / What do Poles think about academic fraud [7]

I think the polish public school system is no different than the way it was 27 or so yrs ago when I left Poland as a kid until I came back. it literally still apparently has teachers doing questionnaires or putting kids in front of a whiteboard to question them on their homework in front of an entire class, dilapated buildings in many cases, the same structure i hear or where kids dont switch classes but stay yrs at a time with the same kids in a class with only teachers switching, lots of memorization but few practical skills bring taught or rycie this syncing of information quickly overload and forgetting it all after an exam, etc.

Isnt it crazy like in over 30 yrs it hasnt changed or evolved in any way? the good change i see is the introduction of private universities like swap in Warsaw that seem modeled on uss colleges or at least community colleges.
26 Mar 2021
Work / Digital Marketing Professional from India [29]

how are they saving on overheard or land costs capital if they are still on a lease from their agreements? Saving on hiring staff (labor) that makes sense but capital? Of course unless like you ewid they have less pressure to pay a certain amount but besides that are they saving actual overhead costs?
26 Mar 2021
Work / Digital Marketing Professional from India [29]

It kind of makes sense gradually for restaurants who do delivery work or who cater to deliveries like uber eats to do more marketing to attract people online i mean its possible its a legit offer. also many restaurants still get many customers this way.
26 Mar 2021
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

basically how soviets and nazis are blamed for everything just point your finger their way and everything will be fine mentality. You never even heard the Americans say "those damn commies or nazis" "always screwing everything in Europe up?"
26 Mar 2021
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

this reminds me or Belarus what it does to Poland against Jews saying they're communist ho Belarus said the enemies of soviets or Polish people fighting them after the war were hitlerites:

but they sort of are i mean dirk openly said and told me personally he hangs out with nazis for instance and i wouldn't be surprised iron does as well wnd most of these people in Poland who linked Jews with communists.
26 Mar 2021
Work / Digital Marketing Professional from India [29]

Poland is a backdoor to europe pretty much. Just ask all the indians and ukrainians here why theyre here.

Serbia is a backdoor to europe or the eu, poland is the eu and a backdoor to actual europe in real world terms.
25 Mar 2021
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

probably the ger,and or thats what current polish politicians claim motivated th guys at jedwabne germans with their propaganda. ph and the Jews were sen as communist or something even the women and children. ask ridk diggler he wrote about it on this forum also blaming them for communism and such. or making excuses for the crimes due to their role in communism or soviets lol just like iron. always blaming the Germans and Russians or soviets and nazis lol.
25 Mar 2021
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

how bout just Jedwabne?

" Most criminals do it as the last resort, not for fun."

youve never been to or lived in a hood or a prison have you? plenty do it just for fun. even in dabrowa gornicza that neighbourhood i wrote about i visited in the 90s and noughties thwt guy leroy would throw frogs in the air and torture animals just for fun as one example of the people who loved there.
25 Mar 2021
Work / Digital Marketing Professional from India [29]

content marketing is key. I think digital marketing and content marketing are the same thing right? I know these days content is key content is data for companies and data is the new gold ready to be mined by machines.
23 Mar 2021
Life / Polish-Canadian wanting to move to Poland - trying to start a new life, make friends, combat depression etc. [10]

good post brother brat. You would do well if you hang out with guys like me not original Polish at least at first. them knowing you are either from Canada or USA even if you were born in Poland or were Polish they try to to exploit you. unless you find good highly educated people like a good company good life etc.

" dobri brate, once when you are in Poland, you should in any case come to Serbia, for some time at least."

i agree and also go to Croatia to Dubrovnik to compare the two and see the difference in people or culture. you will see Dubrovnik is beautiful fancy very European or Las Vegas like but lacks the real or genuine people Serbia has.
23 Mar 2021
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

wrong on all accounts friend. I already told you geography is constsntly changing just like you finally now admit above. It isnt about geography but culture. nothing to fo with politics or the current right wing pis govt either bud.
21 Mar 2021
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

do any of the perpetrators now actually admit to it or witnesses who werent jews? it seems none of them still do tho.
21 Mar 2021
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]


proof there was discrimination against jews in prewar poland

this guy has posted old newspaper clips and pics of this:

how can anyone deny it or jedwabne and the many pogroms?
20 Mar 2021
History / Is Poland a Slavic country?! (politics included) [90]

the Nordics dont even see themselves as center of Europe or wannabe west. in fact they are some tough people and always were in history like the vikings. but they dont pretend to be something else. they are a role model for Europe and the European culture. strong tough brutes. look how they fared in skyrim.
20 Mar 2021
Life / Rich man, poor man - today`s Poland [80]


poland right now

lol the comment just now "kibice z wami" or the fans or fanatics are with you guys. the ultras guys the ultras.

probably a bunch of right winger polak pride types there alongside the ultras basically irons crowd guys no? what i dont get is why she was mad and threatened to sidk the ultras on that guy holding the banner what was he even ho,ding up for her or the camera lady to threaten and attack him verbally this way guys?